Chapter 35
The hands were sore and swollen, Piaoluo raised her head to look at the leaves and the sun, why didn't she shift her position, her hands were numb.Looking at Xinghua again, he pouted, Master should be completely asleep, and he didn't know it after a while, so she should be lazy.

As soon as Piaoluo put down her hand, Xinghua's voice sounded, "Sun."

"My hands are sore."

Xinghua half-opened his eyes leisurely, and lazily looked at Piaoluo who was squatting in front of him, "Then I will lift it later." After speaking, he closed his eyes again, enjoying the comfortable afternoon.

Looking at Xinghua with her eyes closed and resting her mind, Piaoluo muttered in her heart that she was always unhappy. Although he is a master, she is a woman. It is said that men have feelings of pity and jade. Even if she is not jade, she is still a stone, right? Do stones need no pity?A beauty depends on a beauty, and only a beauty can rely on it. He is a man, but not a beauty.

Piaoluo was feeling refreshed, and was about to cover Xinghua from the sun again. He opened his eyes, and slowly and gracefully sat up from the side of the beauty, "Let's go to Chiwu, an illusion."


After walking a few steps, Xinghua stopped suddenly, turned to look at the beauty in the small garden, and said to Piaoluo, "This chair is for you."



Staring at Xinghua's back, Piaoluo scratched him a few times with both hands, if she couldn't beat him, she would have turned against him long ago.

Entering the red mist again, Piaoluo lost the nervousness she felt the first time, but when it came time to take off her clothes, she was still uncomfortable.Hearing the rustling of Xinghua's clothes behind him, he finally tore off his belt slowly, peeled off his clothes one by one, and was completely naked.When she was naked, she used her hands to part the long hair behind her head and move it in front of her body, blocking the most alluring scenery on her chest.

Piaoluo turned her back to Xinghua and asked him, "Master, are you alright?"


"Then let's turn around with our eyes closed."


Piaoluo turned around slowly, closed her beautiful eyes, and said softly, "I'll count to three, let's open our eyes together, we still can't look below the neck."



After a while, Piaoluo made a second sound, "Two..."

It was "three", and Piaoluo was so slow that she didn't intend to count.But, she is Piaoluo, the naughty and perverse Piaoluo, who secretly opened one eye to look at Xinghua.What!In an instant, both eyes opened at the same time, looking at Xinghua with shining eyes, he suddenly felt that he was cheated.

"Master, you are not trustworthy."

"how you said that?"

Piaoluo said with a little anger, "I agreed to open my eyes together on the count of three, and you opened them earlier." Moreover, I don't know if he was with me when I turned around just now, maybe he finished taking off his clothes. Clothes just turned to look at her, and she turned around to show him with her eyes closed.

"Which eye of yours saw Wei Shi open in advance?"

"Left eye."

Xinghua raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh, so that's the case. It was you who peeked at Teacher with your left eye and found out that Teacher was looking at you."

Piaoluo was speechless for a moment, and found that she and him were exactly the same.

Without further ado, Xinghua took off to the center of the red mist in the illusion, and Piaoluo asked as soon as he sat down, "Master, the red fog in the illusion is boundless, why did you find the center?"

Xinghua glanced at her, and directly ignored the problem of lowering his IQ to her level, and started to take her to double cultivation...

I don't know when it was cultivated, the sky outside the red mist in the illusion began to drift into dark clouds, layer by layer, the sky became darker and darker, and the original wind and sunshine gradually turned into dark clouds and violent winds.As for these, Xinghua and Piaoluo, who were dual cultivators in the red mist of the illusion, didn't know about it, and the thick fragrant mist in the red mist of the illusion also protected them, and it didn't affect Piaoluo, who was not well-versed at all.However, when the dark clouds turned into dark clouds, one after another thunderclaps suddenly sounded, and the red mist in the illusion could not block the thunder from the sky.

The first thunder rang out, Piao Luo had never heard such a loud thunder in the demon world, she was so frightened that she almost retracted her palm that was touching Xinghua, if he hadn't forcefully sucked her in, she might have died because of her spiritual energy. The flow counterattacked her entire meridians.

After the first thunder, Xinghua plotted the date, before the rain would moisten things, the thunder that appeared at this time must be caused by the gods. Is there any great immortal who needs the rain?

Thunder and rain are not like thunderstorms in the mortal world and the demon world. In the fairy world where the sun shines all year round, it is extremely difficult to have weather other than sunny, unless everything in the fairy world needs the nourishment of the sky rain, which is enough for a year in a fixed month every year. amount of rainwater.Usually, if there is a sound of thunder, it must be called by an immortal. Immortal Palace is no better than other worlds. Once thunder sounds, there must be rain. That kind of thing that only thunders but does not rain never happens in Immortal World, and the sound of thunder is very frightening. , the sound is like the feeling of shattering the heart, and it will start to rain after one hundred and eight thunders have been hit.

The first thunder made her panic like this, what should be done for the next 100 or so?
The worry in Xinghua's heart was soon fulfilled.

When the thunder sounded one after the other, Piaoluo's wholehearted cultivation began to be affected. Feeling her restlessness, Xinghua spoke to her with a fairy voice.

"Piaoluo, don't be afraid."

Hearing Master's voice, Piaoluo tried her best to concentrate, but after a while, she began to lose her breath again.

"Piaoluo, there is a teacher here."

Although Xinghua's voice temporarily helped Piaoluo calm down, what she told him made him worried.

"Master, I also know that I should concentrate, but I can't control it. The thunder is too scary. I... I can't pretend that I don't hear it."

Before Xinghua could figure out how to get rid of the fear in Piaoluo's heart, she had a problem. The continuous thunderstorm made her uneasy, but her body that had already turned into ice was rapidly absorbing the illusion of red mist. The aura, and his magic power is much stronger than hers, the aura passing from his hands is almost like two powerful currents that she can't refuse. And his strength could kill her almost instantly.

not good!

Xinghua thought secretly, and quickly swallowed a blue lotus flower in his mouth, covering the floating radish in front of her, and used the blue lotus to separate her from the illusionary red fog at the moment when she was in a state of confusion, but the spiritual energy passing through his hand was still seriously injured pineapple.


Piaoluo cried out in pain, and her body began to fall backwards.


Xinghua collected her celestial power, stepped into the blue lotus and hugged Piaoluo, but she couldn't escape the influence of Tianlei.

Piaoluo couldn't bear the spirit energy flowing everywhere in her body, her eyes turned black and then red, and the veins all over her body were in severe pain as if they were about to be broken.Seeing Piaoluo's appearance, Xinghua immediately hugged her tightly, put her head on his shoulder, and quickly put his other hand on her small palm, talking to her to stabilize her heart while holding her The immortal power in the body is introduced into his body.

"Piaoluo, don't panic, I'm here."

Piaoluo opened her eyes slightly, and despite the pain in her body, she still asked Xinghua in a low voice, "Will you be here forever?"

"Yes! I will always be by your side!"

"Have you..." Piaoluo took the opportunity to ask what she had been wanting to ask but didn't ask, "When I lost all my mana, did you ever think about sending me out of Xinghua Palace?"

Xinghua replied without hesitation, "No!"

Piaoluo tried her best to raise a smile, "Really?"

"Well, really!"

One foggy mirror, one heart.

Receiving Xinghua's affirmative answer, Piaoluo slowly hugged him with one free hand.She was naked and unable to speak anymore, but she knew that she was very at ease now.As long as he never thought of giving up on her, it’s okay if no one likes her. She never wanted to be a perfect person. She is not a fairy, and she doesn’t want to be a fairy. happy.For her, as long as important people regard her as equally important, she is not sure whether she is important to Xinghua, but as long as he does not abandon her, she thinks that one day she will become his important people.There is no need to please anyone, because not everyone is irreplaceably important to her.

Master, the sound outside is scary, do you know that?But Master, I am not afraid, I am really not afraid...

A soft fairy song flowed into Piaoluo's cochlea, with a hint of warm breath, the long song overwhelmed the thunder that passed into her ears, and made her heart slowly calm down .She didn't know until afterwards that Xinghua whistled a song of nature to her in her ear at that time. It was so beautiful, it was the most moving song she had ever heard, it calmed her mind and stabilized her heart. Heart, has since become her favorite piece of music, there is no one, no matter how many beautiful songs the fairy plays in the future, none of them can move her.

After transferring the spirit energy from Piaoluo's body to his own, Xinghua let go of her a little bit and looked down, only to find that the corner of her mouth was overflowing with blood.That blush pierced his heart.


Piaoluo slowly opened her eyes, and smiled at Xinghua, she didn't want him to worry, she forcibly sealed the blood that was about to spit out between her clenched teeth.

Xinghua picked up Piaoluo and stood up, ready to take her out of the illusion of Chiwu.

"Master, don't go back."

Although Piaoluo's breath was weak but not chaotic, "Just rest here for a while and I'll be fine. Let's continue our dual cultivation. I don't want to leave you in a few days."

Xinghua glanced at Piaoluo, cast a spell and put on the clothes of the two of them, and insisted on taking her out of the illusion of Chiwu, back to Xinghua Palace, put her on the bed, and checked her pulse.How could a body like hers withstand the spiritual power of the illusionary red mist entering her body?If you want to stay by his side, you have to die.

The sky thundered, and the rain fell like a promise.

Piaoluo, who was lying on the bed, kept holding the hand of Xinghua who was sitting by the bed with one hand, so that she would not be frightened by the thunder outside.She really... really wants to swear, but unfortunately there are not many swear words in her stomach.I have come to Tiangong for so long, every day is sunny, I hope for some other weather, but I can't realize it, but when I am doing double cultivation, the sky thunder strikes, is it so unlucky?Could it be that the bad luck brought to her by Duan Yan's broom star is still continuing, that's a bit too scary, when will it end?
"Master, how long will it rain?"

Seeing Piaoluo's expectant eyes, Xinghua asked, "Do you want to get in the rain?"

"I want to see what the rain looks like?"

"Oh... just some clear water."

Suddenly, Piaoluo let out a cry, "Ah! My wooden horse! Master, my wooden horse is still in the red mist of the illusion. Did you help me get out?"

Talking about her wooden horse, Xinghua, she was speechless. She actually rode the wooden horse to Chiwu, an illusion, and asked her to leave the wooden horse in the room. How could she be so stubborn?

"You'll be able to see it when you return to Chiwu, the illusion."

Piaoluo stood up and wanted to get her wooden horse, but she knew that Master must have forgotten her wooden horse because he was worried about her.

"Do you think you can find your broken horse if you don't open the illusory red mist as a teacher?"

"Master, you don't seem to like my wooden horse."

Xinghua corrected her, "It's not like." He really didn't like it.

uh... uh...

Piaoluo had no better way to get back the wooden horse given to her by her senior brother and sister, so she had to lie back down again, but she was obsessed with the little wooden horse, and after a while she yelled that she was ready and could go back to the red mist to practice in the illusion. Xinghua finally Being troubled by her helplessly, he persuaded her softly.

(End of this chapter)

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