Chapter 60 Alive!wait for me! (1)
The master is the master, and the Qinglong Bixin hairpin on her head can't show his unparalleled aura no matter what. There is a huge gap between her and him, and she can't cross it, and she can't catch up. .

Xinghua stood up, and the stone bench under him disappeared. Looking at Piaoluo with her long hair loose, he only said four words.

"Alive! Wait for me!"

Looking into Xinghua's eyes, Piaoluo nodded silently.

The cold wind blows the fluttering hair in front of her, looking at the fluttering black hair, she opens her hand to cut off a strand of shiny hair, forms a strand, and looks at it persistently. Xinghua, "Master, would you like to wear it?"

Xinghua's eyes are lowered, his hair is not rotten, no matter how long the years grow, its quality will never change, how could he not understand what white hair means to a woman.Hair!She can't touch this situation!

"Anyway, it's death, one or two doesn't make any difference to me." Piaoluo smiled, "Master didn't want it, so I threw it away."

Xinghua quickly grabbed Piaoluo's wrist, leaned over to her, and bent slightly so that she could easily put the hair rope on his neck.After tying it up, Piaoluo's fingertips slid across her hair in an immortal way, leaving no knots in her hair, and a flawless blue silk chain was worn around Xinghua's neck.

In the ordinary world, it is said that if you get married in one day, you will be in love for a lifetime.

She only said that the knot was deeply in love, and she would not complain about Li Shang.

Not wanting Xinghua to see the tears she could hardly hold back, the moment Xinghua straightened up, Piaoluo flew up, her clothes fluttering, and the blue silk in the wind flew towards her, leaving a sentence, "Master, take care!" He flew into the god-killing cauldron by himself.

I eat, drink, play and make noise all day long, and I am not helping you with my ignorance. Today, the only thing I can do for you is to take responsibility!Take up my own guilt, be worthy of your disciples, and not give an excuse for those who come later who don't know how to respect their teachers.

Seeing Piao Luo's figure completely fall into Mie Shen Cauldron, Xing Hua frowned, feeling the pain!

How could she not be afraid, since she was a double cultivator, she knew that she was afraid of thunder; as a non-immortal, she needs to eat every day, so no one in Mie Shen Cauldron will take care of her; even if the master and apprentice are separated, the longest time is only two days, but now they are farewell. Fearing that there will be no time to meet again, not to mention she is afraid, even he himself has suppressed that layer of fear.

Si Pan Xianjun was summoned by Xinghua, and cast a thunderbolt on the Mie Shen Ding, watching the sky flashes appearing on the tripod, Xinghua felt more and more pain in his heart, and stood alone under the tripod. for a long time...

Demon world.

Demon Heart returns to the Demon Realm, which has been away for 50 years. It is no longer the grand scene of the past. The streets are sparsely populated, and weeds grow in front of the black and red houses. Before he was sealed, there were many disciples in the Demon Realm. It's like a cow's hair, and the signs of depression today are all thanks to the failure of the war between immortals and demons.Demon Heart clenched his hands and looked at the long empty street.Xinghua, I will take back the shame you gave me bit by bit, and ask you to return it to me at ten times the price!
Step by step, the demon heart began to walk towards the demon palace of the demon heart with hatred in his heart.

He is back!He came back with endless hatred and determination to destroy the fairy world!
The Black Magic Palace is located on the ground like a huge cage, with no grass growing around it, the gate of the palace is wide open, and there are neither guards nor people coming and going.The scene of defeat made Mo Xin feel more and more hatred. He lived in the magic palace back then, everything was extreme, calling the wind and calling the rain, there was nothing he couldn't get in the six realms, he didn't need to think about the means, he just wanted to achieve the goal.If he hadn't wanted to unify the six worlds, he wouldn't have caused a war with the fairy world. He had never paid attention to those fairy families. If he wasn't distracted, how could they get the chance to seal him.

Mo Xin walked towards the main hall of the Demon Palace step by step, the red stairs were covered with dead leaves, the wind blew past, and the dust was blowing lightly.Looking at the main hall that has not been forgotten for 50 years, Mo Xin narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the domineering grand lord's chair at the top, and walked towards it with steady steps.The dusty pure gold supreme magic chair made a trace of cruelty appear in his eyes. When he sat on it, no one dared to challenge his authority, and no one even dared to look directly at him.The glory of the past must be regained today!

Suddenly, Mo Xin, who was standing in front of the chair of the Great Demon Venerable, turned around and stretched his arms upwards, "The demon spirit overwhelms the sky!"

The red light shrouded the devil's heart, and slowly, the aperture expanded rapidly, and everything it passed was restored, shining with the luster of 50 years ago.The red light shot out from the main hall of the Demon Palace, and the aperture became larger, and soon the magnificent Demon Palace was restored to its original appearance, and when it expanded, it became the entire Demon City.

There are not many demons in the magic city, watching the things in front of them recover in the blink of an eye, it is unbelievable.Slowly, everyone walked out of the house and saw that everything had changed, a burst of anger began to appear, and the feeling of the demon world was different.

After the aperture was expanded to the extreme, a red light shot out from the main hall of the Demon Palace, and a huge manjusawa flower slowly bloomed above the palace, reflecting the sky above the Demon Palace into a gorgeous red color, and the flower hearts flowed continuously. Unleash the source of demons in all directions.

The source of demon spirits is the invisible spiritual power that can enhance the magic power of people in the demon world. It is produced by the million-year-old manjusawa in the magic palace. The devil's mana is increasing day by day, and everyone's spirit and health will become very good.At the beginning when the demon heart was sealed, the flower of manjusawa withered and disappeared above the demon palace. The demons who could no longer absorb the source of demon spirits were getting worse every year. Sleeping and no longer breathing, some went to the mortal world to harm mortals.

The devils in the magic city were all shocked when they saw the manjushahua above the magic palace!
The million-year-old manjusawa will only appear when the Demon Lord is safe and sound, because he senses his existence. Now that the Tumi flower is blooming again in the Demon Realm, it means...

The Mozun has returned to the palace!
The demons began to gather towards the magic palace.

After restoring the demon world, Mo Xin walked towards the spirit pool behind the main hall, saw the beautiful and blooming manjusawa, and finally showed a real smile on his face after unblocking, it did not disappoint him.

Mo Xin's eyes were attracted by the man sleeping on the black stone beside the spirit pool. He seemed to have seen it somewhere before, but the red mark on his forehead clearly proved that he was from the devil world. Could it be that he was still around in the battle between immortals and demons 50 years ago? Of the warlords surviving?
The sleeping Duanyan moved his body. He wanted to sleep a little longer, but he felt a slight abnormality. He opened his eyes and saw a man in a red brocade robe standing in the corridor looking at him. There is a frightening and wanton momentum, and there is a cold and ruthless feeling between the brows.

"Who are you?" Mo Xin asked Duan Yan in a high-end manner.

Duan Yan stood up from the ground, and said that he was born with arrogance from the dragon clan, glanced at Mo Xin, and smiled coldly, "Why tell you?"

Mo Xin didn't have a second sentence, and shot at Duan Yan before he finished speaking, fortunately he dodged fast enough.

"The way is not low."

Duan Yan's anger rose, and when he was about to fight back, Mo Xin said again: "Would you like to be the left protector of this deity? One person is below ten thousand."

Only then did Duanyan seriously look at Moxin's forehead, the red manjushahua!I was shocked, he was a devil!Isn't he sealed in the lotus seat of Mount Posaufa?How come back to the magic palace?
"Are you really a demon?"

"Haha..." Mo Xin raised his head and smiled, "Why, don't you believe me?"

Duan Yan took a closer look at Mo Xin's forehead again, it was right, it was Manzhu Shahua, but... "Aren't you sealed in the Immortal Realm?"

"It's really unbelievable. I thought that I would have to spend eternity in that cold stone room. I didn't expect that the sky would not kill me! 50 years ago, Xinghua sealed me, and 50 years later, his apprentice My son actually fell into the lotus seat, and was fooled by me, and helped me break the seal. Haha... Whenever I think of this, this deity is really in a good mood."

Duanyan was startled, Xinghua's apprentice?Piaoluo is still in the fairyland, her spells have recovered?So, Xinghua gave her the Shahua Chi practice pearl he gave her?However, Sha Hua's Chi Lianzhu is a god in the demon world, and she would not be able to stay in the fairy world after eating it. How could she still be Xinghua's disciple?

"Is Xinghua's disciple an extremely beautiful woman? Her name is Piaoluo."

Mo Xin was surprised and raised his eyebrows, "You know her?"

"No." Duan Yan hastily concealed his identity, "Who in the Six Realms doesn't know Xianshou Xinghua, when he went to the human world earlier, he heard the goblins say that there is a female disciple under the Xinghua seat, she is extremely beautiful, enough You can close the month."

Moxin smiled slightly, thinking of Piaoluo's appearance, he has lived to this age, but he has to admit that Piaoluo is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, especially those eyes, which are unforgettable after one glance.

"What's your name?" Mo Xin asked Duan Yan.

Knowing that Moxin looked down on everything back then, no one looked down on him. In his mind, there were no more than ten people who could call out their names. Xinghua was one of them, and he looked down on everyone else in the fairy world.So, Duan Yan simply told him his real name.


"Okay. Duanyan, 50 years ago, during the battle between immortals and demons, almost all the generals under this deity were killed. From today onwards, you are the left guardian of this deity. Except for this deity's bedroom, you can come and go anywhere in the demon palace at will." .”

Duan Yan slowly walked in front of Mo Xin, "You just know me, and if you give me such an important position, aren't you afraid that I might have second thoughts about you?"

Mo Xin smiled proudly, "No one can escape from the palm of this deity! I would rather betray the world than allow the world to betray me."

Duanyan, who has become a demon, took a lot of effort to hide under an inconspicuous stone in the fairy world. People from the demon world can easily be detected by the fairy family when they come to the fairy world. This is also the time he met Piaoluo in the demon forest. Don't forget the reason why you don't come to her later, when you meet a demon, the law of the immortals can be killed by the immortal family, and he doesn't want to be besieged by the immortals because of her.

Duanyan, who originally wanted to seize the opportunity to sneak into the Xinghua Palace, waited under the stone, but the fairies didn't let him catch the gap. Seeing that he had to go back to the demon world after hiding for a day, he heard the fairy who came say.

"Is Piaoluo really locked in the Mie Shen Cauldron today?"

"That's right. Immortal Si Pan locked it with his own hands. I heard that Immortal Xinghua stood under the tripod all day alone, and his body was covered with snow."

"I never thought that Piaoluo would unseal the Demon Heart."

"She's too stupid. Now, just wait for seven or forty-nine days before being struck by thunder."

Duanyan under the stone heard the fairy's words, which was both within his expectations and beyond his expectations.Letting go of the devil's heart must be a heinous crime.Unexpectedly, even Xinghua failed to save her life and had to disperse her soul.Thinking about it, Xianshou Xinghua, how could he violate the precepts of Xiantiao, justice is his style, even if the guilty one is his beloved disciple.It seems that there is no need to go to Xinghua Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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