Chapter 61 Alive!wait for me! (2)
Returning to the Demon Palace, Duan Yan stood on the high platform outside the main hall and looked at the magnificent Demon City. This place is no longer a sign of decay. The return of the Demon Heart and the re-blooming of Manzhushahua brought the demon spirits from the Demon Realm to come. Although Sheng Jing didn't look like 50 years ago, but he believed that with the ambition of the demon heart, it wouldn't take long for him to turn the demon world from the weakest in the six worlds to a serious threat to the other five worlds. The prosperity here is no less than that of the imperial capital in the world, which really surprised him.And what about the fairy world?It seems that it has been like that for many years, and it seems that there are flowers everywhere, but there are so many precepts that people can't breathe, you can't do this, you can't do that.


Duan Yan sighed, he used to be a fairy family, and he lived in the fairy world without feeling anything, but now that he is a demon, he knows that life can be reckless, the stronger the spell, the higher the standing, the more you can live in the way you want, even if hurt your companions.But not in the fairy world, the higher the status, the more bound they are, and various laws bind the immortals, and the higher the status, the more tired they are.

"Guardian Zuo, so you are here." A little demon from the Demon Palace walked up to Duan Yan, "The Great Master sent someone to look for you."


After finishing speaking, Duan Yan walked towards Mo Xin's bedroom expressionlessly.

In the demon world, no one knows that his predecessor was the fire dragon of the fairy world. He doesn't like Xinghua, but it doesn't hinder his feelings for the fairy world.The fact of becoming a demon once made him unacceptable, and he was unwilling to drink and vent by the Manjushahua Pool in the magic palace every day!Twelve points unwilling!When he gradually gave up his mind and knew that he could not go back to the fairy world, the demon heart came back. In the demon world, there is indeed no demon spirit that can escape his palm. No matter how high the position he gives him, he is not willing to work for him. He is Duanyan, an immortal whose cultivation base is close to that of a god in the fairy world. His perennial kindness prevents him from doing evil things even if he becomes a demon. He is not the same person as them.He didn't think Xinghua had a happy life, his real smiles were rare and hard to see, but at least he had a clear conscience.He also doesn't think that Demon Heart is happy. Although he often laughs, he doesn't realize that it's from the heart. Apart from tyranny and rewards, how many demons are willing to bow down because of his charisma?

Outside Mo Xin's bedroom, Duan Yan stopped, and the guard immediately reported Mo Xin to him.

"Left protector, please."


The only place in this magic palace that he can't pass at will is also the place he doesn't like the most. Every time he comes here, he arranges some things that make it difficult for him to do so.

Moxin's bedroom is a six-entry style, based on the theory of a round sky and a round earth. Except for the black exterior, the interior of the palace is resplendent and resplendent, and every place is extremely luxurious.When Moxin meets people in the bedroom, he is used to entering the second room. Except for himself, no one knows what the third room from the fourth to the sixth room looks like. Not even in the 50 years he was sealed People can go in.If you want to enter the fourth room, you have to go through the gate made of Tianmo stone, and no one can open that door except Moxin.

"Master. Are you looking for me?"

Mo Xin, who was talking to someone, turned his head and saw Duan Yan, and smiled without emotion, "Left Protector, just in time, let me introduce you to someone. Mo Yuan, my new Right Protector, is very decisive in his work. Man, you won't need to be so tired in the future."

Duanyan scoffed coldly, people who act decisively in the devil world have no other characteristics, they are ruthless, as long as they kill people without blinking an eye, when can they not do it quickly?

"Guardian Zuo." Mo Yuan respected Duanyan for the first time.

Duan Yan glanced at it as a response.

Mo Yuan felt Duanyan's disdain, although he was dissatisfied, he didn't show it, and smiled.

"Mo Yuan, don't mind him." Mo Xin said for Duan Yan, "His temperament is like this, and sometimes the deity talks to him like this."

Duanyan still didn't say a word.Moxin thought that he had been guarding the Manjushahua Pool in the Demon Palace during the time he was sealed, and appreciated his loyalty, but all the demon spirits who followed him 50 years ago were almost dead. No one in the devil world has seen him, and no one doubts whether he has been guarding the devil's palace all year round. The devil's heart can tolerate him as a cold and proud loyal minister.

Mo Yuan immediately expressed his opinion, "My lord, Mo Yuan won't mind. The Zuo protector must be superior to others to get your appreciation. He is a role model for Mo Yuan, and Mo Yuan will definitely learn from Zuo protector in future. .”

"Free." Duan Yan spat out a word.

"Ha ha……"

Mo Xin laughed and looked at Yan Duanyan. If it wasn't for his good ability, he really couldn't understand his cold and arrogant temperament, but how could he be worthy of his identity as Zuo Guardian if he didn't have such a posture.

After having Mo Yuan, the right protector, Duan Yan's affairs were much less, and most of the affairs of dispatching out of the palace were handed over to Mo Yuan.News soon spread in the Demon Realm that the protector of the right, Mo Yuan, acted ruthlessly, comparable to a cold-blooded Rakshasa.

On this day, Duanyan was sitting alone by the pool in Manzhushahua, drinking some wine.

Mo Yuan has been in the Demon Palace for half a month, and...Piao Luo has also been locked in the Mie Shen Cauldron for half a month, and in 24 days she will be out of her wits.

"Guard Zuo is really in a good mood."

An abrupt voice interrupted Duan Yan's thoughts, and he looked back, wearing a red robe, no one else in the Demon Realm dared to wear such a dazzling color except Mo Xin.

Duan Yan threw a bottle of unopened wine to Mo Xin who was walking down the corridor, and continued to drink his own.

Mo Xin grasped the thrown wine jar with two fingers, flew to the top of Manzhushahua, sat on one stamen, stepped on the other stamen with one foot, and drank the wine in the altar with one leg hanging.

"One more altar."

Duan Yan threw a jar of wine upwards, "My lord, I'm so excited."

Mo Xin took the wine jar and didn't drink it immediately, but asked, "Duan Yan, do you know why I use Mo Yuan so much now?"

"My lord's thoughts, how can I guess."

"really do not know?"

Duan Yan sneered, "If you have anything to say, you may as well speak directly."

"I am very satisfied with Mo Yuan's work. And you, you have shown mercy many times!"

Although Duan Yan didn't say anything on his face, he found that Mo Xin was secretly watching him, otherwise how would he know that he didn't drive out those who wanted to oppose him.

When Mo Xin returned to the Demon Palace, some self-proclaimed demon leaders in the Demon Realm refused to accept it. Mo Xin asked Duan Yan to go over and wipe them out, but several demon leaders Duan Yan just took their territory and let them go.

"My lord. I don't deny it. But I have my own personality. Mo Yuan is quick at handling things. You can use him again. I'm not jealous. But I think that the demon world has just started to improve, and there are not many demon spirits. Killing all, how to gather people's hearts? If the demon world fights with other worlds, those demon bosses will definitely protect you. What do you think?"

"Haha... This deity tolerates you knowingly that you are disobedient, do you know why?" Mo Xin raised his head and took a sip of wine, "Because one sings a bad face and the other sings a good face can be better used by me. Find 'black face' in the devil world 'It's not difficult, but it's not easy to find a 'bad face' with a brain. You are the white face of the deity."

Duan Yan shook his hand, "I don't want to do it, little boy."

Demon Heart laughed, "Haha..."

"By the way, you've been doing nothing lately, but have you seen anything interesting? Let's hear it."

Duan Yan shrugged his shoulders, and after a while, he said: "Anyway, the underworld is full of dead people, nothing new; in the demon forest, the fighting between goblins is more intense than before; but in the human world, there are many things, and gunpowder is everywhere at the border."

The surrounding air was silent for a moment.

Mo Xin suddenly asked, "Where is the fairy world?" There was hatred in his voice, as if he didn't want to mention it, but it was unavoidable.

"Immortal world? What big things can happen in the fairy world."

After finishing speaking, Duan Yan felt that his tone was wrong, and hurriedly smoothed things over, "In my opinion, those immortal families in the Six Realms are the most boring. However, maybe it's because I can't go to the fairy world and don't understand their lives."

Mo Xin smiled, noncommittal.

"However, I heard some news about going out of bounds before, and I don't know if it's true or not."


Duan Yan drank the wine in the altar, because he drank too fast, a lot of wine spilled out from the corner of his mouth, threw the wine jar away, and said: "Xinghua's disciple was locked in Mie Shen because he broke your seal. Ding, after being struck by lightning for seven to seven days, the soul will be dispersed."

Mo Xin froze for a moment, Piaoluo?

The Immortal World, the Extinguishing God Cauldron.

Piao Luo, whose hands and feet were trapped by the fairy lock, lowered her head, and after careful observation, she found that her chest was still slightly rising and falling. At first glance, it almost seemed that the sky thunder had struck a dead person.Before entering the Divine Extinguishing Cauldron, she returned Xinghua's Qinglong Bixin hairpin to him. Without the protective artifact, she needed her body to resist every thunderstorm, and now there was blood on the corner of her mouth.

Mo Xin appeared in Ding Xin, looking at Piao Luo.Yesterday I heard Duan Yan say that she was locked in Mie Shen Cauldron, after thinking about it all night, he couldn't explain why, he came to see her unexpectedly.The explanation to himself is that Piaoluo is also his benefactor, how can he not make good use of this great kindness?He wanted to see if Xinghua would destroy her if she was taken to the demon world and became a demon.

A cold smile appeared on Mo Xin's mouth, worrying about nothing to announce to the fairy world that he was reborn as Mo Xin, it just so happened that the protagonist is still a disciple under the Xinghua Seat of Xianshou, that's really great up.

Moxin uses spells to catch the thunder that strikes Piao Luo, in exchange for her temporary safety, and then casts spells to wake her up.

Piaoluo, who was faintly awake, slowly raised her head and saw the person standing in front of her clearly.

The moment she saw Demon Heart, Piaoluo thought she was hallucinating, how could she see him as a big devil in Mie Shen Cauldron?If she hadn't been tricked into letting him out, how could she have suffered such a difficult situation, forcing her to separate from her master.

"You seem very unhappy to see this deity?" Moxin was quite displeased with Piaoluo's disgusted expression towards him.

Piao Luo said weakly, "Is there any need to ask such an obvious matter?"

Mo Xin's expression changed slightly, he looked around Mie Shen Ding, and smiled coldly.

"I am so condescending to come here to visit you, yet you still don't know what is good or bad. Hehe, don't you want to see the master who personally sentenced you to Mishending Cauldron?" Taking a glance at Piaoluo's reaction, Mo Xin continued, "My deity remembers your kindness in unblocking me, and I am here to rescue you today. Compared to your ruthless master, I am a hundred times better."

Piaoluo refused without thinking, "I don't want you to save me!"

Mo Xin was greatly surprised and asked her, "Aren't you afraid of being hacked to death?"

Piaoluo with a calm expression did not speak, she is not afraid, how could she not be afraid of death, when she dies, she will be completely separated from her master.However, she firmly remembered in her heart what Master said to her when she entered the Divine Cauldron, he said, 'Live, wait for me! '.

If he told her to wait, she would wait!
But the process is so miserable, as long as he makes her wait, she will wait for as long as she wants.She believed that he would definitely come!
"What if the deity must save you?"

Piaoluo uttered two words unceremoniously, "I'm sick!"

Moxin was so angry that he grabbed Piaoluo's neck, and looked at her fiercely, "How dare you scold me!"

"Isn't it?" Piaoluo said in a hoarse and low voice, "I am a disciple of Xianshou Xinghua, I am from the fairy world, why do you save me as a demon king? I don't care for you to help me, my life and death are with you It doesn't matter at all."

Don't take her for a fool, because once he is stupid is enough for her to suffer!Immortals and demons are at odds with each other. Although she feels that the immortal world is ruthless, the immortals do not harm living beings for no reason.And what about the Demon Realm?Do all the bad things.Even if she is a demon, she is better than a demon. Even if she does not worship under the throne of the immortal, she will not be friends with a demon.If she was rescued by him from the Demon Realm, she would definitely become a deadly enemy with her master, and living like that would be more painful than being struck to death by lightning.She wanted to stay by Master's side every step of the way, but it was too late, so how could she get farther and farther away from him.She wouldn't believe a word of Mo Xin's words.

"Don't you care about me?"

Mo Xin seemed to have heard a very funny joke, and laughed alone for a long time, then put her face close to Piao Luo's nose, "You are the first person in the Six Realms who dares to despise me so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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