Chapter 82
"Do you have to let this manjusawa flower bloom in the sky?" Piaoluo asked, she panicked when she saw it.

"As long as the deity is free, it will open there and send out an endless source of demon spirits to the demon world, helping my demon world to grow day by day."

Piaoluo frowned, it really was a multi-magic flower.

"It's open there, and you can't see the true color of the sky."

"Who stipulated that the sky must be blue?" Demon Heart was conceited to the point of arrogance, "The sky in the Demon Realm is red. When I unify the six realms one day, I will make everyone's sky red."

Piaoluo finally said euphemistically: "It's ugly!"


"Can your mentality of challenging the public's aesthetics be twisted back to normal?" Piaoluo criticized, "It's fine if your hall is made of tacky gold, but I can bear wearing red clothes, and you even made the sky red. Do you want us to ignore you when you want to fly in the sky?"

Mo Xin was very angry, "You!"

"And look, there are so many idlers in your magic palace."

In the Xinghua Palace, there are only her and the master, and there will be no disturbance from others. No one will make noise when practicing or sleeping. There are many demon spirits serving Moxin here. If there is a guardian demon spirit, will the demon heart still be afraid of death?
Moxin suddenly gave Piaoluo a meaningful look, and raised the corner of his mouth in a wicked way, "Do you want to be alone with this deity?"

Carrots are great for winter!She wants to be alone with him?She has no choice but to stay in the Demon Palace, no matter if she lives in a group or alone, she doesn't want to be with him. She has no other choice but to find a way to escape after being so patient.

"Go down!"

Moxin retreated everyone, leaving herself and Piaoluo walking in the palace, leading her from the main hall to her bedroom. At this time, it was already dusk, and there was only one red twig in the dark sky. The flowers bloom brightly.



"The bedroom of the deity."

Piaoluo's heart tightened slightly, walking to his bedroom at night?
Misty Peak, Antarctica.

Xinghua sat alone in the wooden house by the holy lake, the room without Piaoluo always felt too clean, even if she didn't practice with him, she would run up to him and rub against him after a while, Stick to him and talk for a while, some things, big and small things, are more regular than eating.


Looking at the pages of the book in his hand, Xinghua laughed lowly.When he first took her to the Asgard, her habit of rushing up to him to make trouble from time to time really worried him. When he was meditating, she would knock on this and that, always making a little noise, or she would simply squat down. He swallowed with his face in front of his face, and when he wanted to ask him something, he would keep circling around him... Various small movements continued.The most annoying thing is that she often rushes at him regardless of her disheveled clothes. Thinking of her shameless expression makes her feel inexplicably good.

Putting down the book, Xinghua walked out of the wooden house, stood under the eaves and looked at the path outside the courtyard gate.It's almost noon, why haven't you come back yet?Could it be that Yurong's situation is very bad?

Xinghua walked into the courtyard at random, and it was impossible to think about it. Her skills are only so small, even if the enchantment is opened, the damage to the essence of the mortal body will not be too deep. Yurong is a Zen practitioner , the energy should be much behind the average mortal, it is impossible for Piaoluo to hurt her too deeply, and it will be fine to rest for a few days.

Thinking of this, Xinghua let go of his heart a lot, and stood silently in the courtyard.

time until noon.

Xinghua opened his eyes from the bamboo chair, looked out the window, the sky was bright, he had already passed his lunch break, and there was still no smell of floating flowers in the wooden house.

Half-lying on the bamboo chair, Xinghua, who looked leisurely and half-closed his eyes, counted.Eyes opened instantly.

Piaoluo is no longer in Misty Peak, Antarctica!

Xinghua suddenly stood up from the bamboo chair, counting Yu Rong, she was fine, but the woman he cared about couldn't calculate her exact location, and he couldn't even sense her approximate location.

Disappearing, Xinghua arrived at the door of Yurong's house and knocked lightly on the door.

The weak Yurong heard the knock on the door and opened her eyes very slowly, thinking it was Piaoluo who came back, she tried her best to speak louder towards the door, "Piaoluo, come in."

Xinghua pushed open the door and heard Yurong talking inside.

"Piaoluo, is it you who came back?" Yurong looked at the sky, "Or did you not find a place?"

"Where did she go?" Xinghua suddenly appeared at the door, looking at Yu Rong lying on the bed and asked.

Yu Rong was startled, looking at Xinghua at the door, he...why did he come here?

Yurong on the bed tried her best to prop up her body and sat up, her cheeks flushed, and she smiled slightly at Xinghua, "Master, I didn't know it was you who came, so I couldn't welcome you from a distance, please forgive me."

Xinghua stood at the door and did not step into the room, but asked, "Where did you say Piaoluo went?"

"She saw that I was unwell, and sent me the medicinal materials to the mortal world."


"The small town at the west end of Misty Peak in Antarctica."

Xinghua said: "You should take good care of yourself." After saying that, he turned around and left, when Yurong managed to get up and walked outside, Xinghua was nowhere to be seen.

Outside the small town at the west end of Misty Peak in Antarctica, Xinghua calculates Piaoluo's location, but finds that he still doesn't know where she is, in the mortal world, and he doesn't know who is around her now. There must be scruples.

Worried about floating flowers, Xinghua tapped the lotus seal on his forehead with two fingertips, fixed the position of the phantom of the green dragon, and felt that the blue dragon and the jade hairpin were not far away from him almost instantly. A golden-green light suddenly shot out from the small pond at Zhangyuan, and a long hairpin flew out of the water and fell straight into Xinghua's hand.

Xinghua took the green dragon hairpin and looked around, the hairpin was there, but the person was gone.

Xinghua by the pond guessed what happened to Piaoluo.

He had repeatedly told her to carry the Qinglong Bixin hairpin with her. She would not take the hairpin off on her own initiative, but threw it into this pond. Something must have happened to her.Could it be a demon?It stands to reason not.If she fights with the demon spirit, if the opponent's skills are not as good as her, she will not be in danger; if the demon spirit attacking her is stronger than her, the phantom blue dragon will definitely be summoned, and he will definitely be able to sense it, but today he did not Did not notice.But if it's a demon, then you don't have that much guts. People in the demon world don't know that she is his disciple, and to hurt her is to provoke him. Is there such a bold goblin?


Xinghua frowned, no matter how good his martial arts skills are, it is impossible for ordinary people to hurt Piaoluo, who has 30 years of mana.


Not too possible!No one in the fairy world doesn't know how much he loves her. He has made a decision on unsealing the devil's heart. The fairy family will not do anything to her behind his back. People will be willing to use their own cultivation to do things that hurt the sky and reason.

But looking at it this way, who took Piaoluo away?

Xinghua couldn't stop worrying about Piaoluo, what happened to her, why Shenzan left her, this was a very bad omen, he always felt that something was going to happen, but he couldn't figure out where she was , this is the first time this situation has been encountered.

After putting away the Qinglong hairpin, Xinghua figured out where Piaoluo was, but he still didn't know where she was. Worried, he teleported back to Misty Peak in Antarctica, and used spells to put away the wooden house by the holy lake. The lakeside returned to the way it was before he came, and then went to Yurong's house on the mountainside, and stood in her room incognito, looking at her sleeping on the bed.It seems that we can only find a few clues from her.

Xinghua restored Yu Rong's body with the magic method, watched her wake up slowly, and then looked at him in surprise.

"Master?" Yu Rong got up from the bed, "Have you been here to take care of me?"

"how do you feel?"

"It's much better." Yu Rong smiled, "Thank you Master."

Xinghua's face was pale and unmarked, "You don't need to thank me, I didn't do anything. You said that Piaoluo sent things out for you, do you know where it was delivered and whose hands it was in?"

"I meet my benefactor every year outside the small town at the western end of Misty Peak in Antarctica. There is a small pond outside the town, and I meet there every time. The medicinal materials are given to my benefactor, Mr. Yan."

Xinghua asked, "Master Yan?"

"Yes. A very kind-hearted son. Because I entered the Antarctic Misty Peak, and it is inconvenient to go out for a long time, I will give the medicinal materials produced to him and entrust him to distribute them to people in need."

"Where does he live?" Xinghua asked again, "Do you have his portrait?"

Yurong was curious, "Master, why are you so interested in Young Master Yan? Is it because you are worried about Piaoluo's safety? In fact, there is no need, Young Master Yan is a good person, and he will definitely be grateful to Piaoluo."

Xinghua really didn't want to tell Yurong Piaoluo the news that something happened. It's hard to paint a tiger's skin, and it's hard to know people's face and heart. Mr. Yan is a kind and good person in front of her, so he may not be able to calm down when facing his Piaoluo Zi Ruo, he has seen too many men in the fairy world marvel at Piaoluo's appearance, let alone a mortal son, but if he is a mortal, he will definitely not be able to hurt Piaoluo.

"Piaoluo is like my relatives. When she goes out, I should know who and where she is going to meet. Are you right? Miss Yurong." Xinghua expressed the relationship between himself and Piaoluo very implicitly. He was telling Yurong that Piaoluo was very important to him.

Yu Rong nodded, "I don't know where Mr. Yan lives. We meet each other in the small pond every time. If it's his appearance, I can draw it."


In front of the table, Yurong lowered her eyes to paint, Xinghua stared at the face of the man she drew, and when she saw it clearly, she was vaguely disappointed. He had never seen this person before. I really don't know where to find it.

While Yurong was concentrating on painting, Xinghua cleverly moved a few steps behind her, chanted the movements, and a bluish celestial light penetrated into the back of Yurong's head. Slowly, her painting hand stopped. When she was writing on the table, Xinghua's figure disappeared into her room, and the memory of Piaoluo and him in her mind was completely cleared from Yurong's mind, and her life seemed to have never appeared Let the two of them continue their simple days of cultivating kindness in Misty Peak, Antarctica.

Xinghua standing on the roof looked at Yurong in the room with a dazed face. If it wasn't for safety reasons, how could he use the immortal method to erase the memory of a mortal for the first time in his life and use the law to seek personal gain for himself? willing.However, he will not try his luck with Piaoluo and his longevity.

With the breeze blowing on his face and his clothes fluttering, Xinghua, who had fully recovered his vitality, rushed to the fairyland through the clouds and fog.


The fairy mist is lingering, and there are faint sounds of heaven and fairy music when fairies are dancing and flying. The stars in the clouds are flying towards Xinghua Palace without stopping. At this moment, his mind is all looking for Piaoluo. Losing her trace is more difficult than her Being struck by lightning in Mie Shen Ding made him even more worried, and he was suffering from pain he could not see in a place he didn't know where. Maybe at this moment she was looking forward to rushing to save her.

Thinking of this, Xinghua returned to the Xinghua Palace in an instant, stepped into the Xinghua Palace with one foot, and a surprise call came from the sky behind him.


Xinghua turned around upon hearing the sound, Caifeng and Bai Yin flew down together.

"Xinghua, you are finally back." Caifeng asked him with concern, "Have you recovered from your injuries?"


(End of this chapter)

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