Chapter 83
Bai Yin also seemed very happy that Xinghua could return to the fairyland, otherwise he would feel uneasy, "Yesterday we were talking about when you would return to the palace, but it so happened that you came back today, much earlier than we expected."

"During the time I left, how was the fairy world?"

Bai Yin and Caifeng glanced at each other, but there was no serious look on their faces, which made Xinghua feel a little relieved, if something happened in the fairy world, it would really make it difficult for him to separate himself.

"No big deal. However, about [-] days after you left, Moxin came to Xinghua Palace." Bai Yin smiled, "Blocked by your barrier, I and a few immortals forced him back , He hasn’t been to the fairyland since then.”

Caifeng said with a slightly worried face: "Our fairy family exists in the fairy world, and we dare not easily offend the devil's heart, but the mortal world and the demon world are quite different."

Xinghua frowned, looked at Caifeng, and asked, "What happened to the mortal world and the demon world?"

"There are murders of demon spirits that disturb people's peace everywhere. The demon heart is reborn, and the demon flower Manjusawa in the demon world blooms again. Those wandering demons in the past are all attributed to the rule of the demon heart, and the manjusawa is released. The source of the demon spirits gradually increases the magic power of the demon spirits, and with the backing, they will come out to harm the common people with confidence." Caifeng's brows became more and more frowned. Although they are not difficult to deal with the demon spirits that cause trouble, if they are like bamboo shoots after the rain, I am afraid that we will be at our wits end. Moreover, it is a trivial matter now, and these little minions may not come out to cause trouble in the future."

Bai Yin admired Caifeng's point of view, "Right now, there are some restless demons playing tricks. I heard that there are left and right guardians under Moxin. Mo Yuan is extremely ruthless in dealing with things, and those who refuse to accept will die in his hands. Now there are rumors that Demon Heart is looking for demon spirits with high magic spells to build a camp for slaughtering immortals. It seems that he wants to wash the fairy world again with blood."

"The devil world has been desolate for 50 years, and it is impossible for the devil to repair it overnight." Xinghua looked at Bai Yin, "The world is in danger, and I will thank all the immortals."

"But if Moxin is allowed to go on like this, there will be more and more troubles." Caifeng said worriedly.

Bai Yin also expressed his worries, "Caifeng is right. Right now, we should discuss how to capture the devil's heart back to Posuo Mountain as soon as possible and seal it again. The devil world is growing stronger and stronger. If they recover their vitality, the other five The calamity of the world must be more serious."

"Are the other three Shangxians present?"

"Let's live with Xuanwu in the mortal world."

Xinghua nodded, "Let's discuss it after they come back."

Seeing Xinghua who turned back to the palace, Caifeng called out to him, seeing that he didn't look back, she suddenly felt something strange and asked Bai Yin beside her.

"Shangxian Bai Yin, do you feel that Xinghua is different this time?"


Bai Yin smiled lightly, there is nothing different, Xinghua always has that indifferent expression, nothing can cause waves in his eyes, if there is a little difference, it is because he has not seen Piao Luo, thinking of Piaoluo, Caifeng also remembered it at the same time.

"Why don't you see Piaoluo?" Caifeng looked at Bai Yin, "Did Xinghua just come back?"


"No. We rushed over after seeing him come back. Didn't he bring Piaoluo back?"

Bai Yin turned around and said, "Maybe."

Caifeng couldn't figure it out, and when she finally reached her own Tianfeng Palace, she asked Bai Yin, "Why didn't Xinghua bring Piaoluo back to the palace?"

"Who can guess Xinghua's thoughts? Perhaps, he thinks she is too troublesome in the fairy world, so he puts it outside to reflect on himself. Or, he thinks that there will be a battle between the immortals and demons sooner or later, and he doesn't want Piaoluo to participate and get hurt. It's okay to leave her in Misty Peak, Antarctica, to hide from the world alone." Bai Yin expressed his conjecture, "Piaoluo's Taoism is the shallowest in the fairy world, if the devil's heart leads someone to break in, he needs to be distracted to take care of her." She, on the contrary, is not good."

Hearing Bai Yin's analysis, Caifeng nodded.It would be a good thing if Piaoluo was left in Misty Peak of Antarctica, it would be a good thing. She has been making troubles in the fairy world, and being alone in Misty Peak of Antarctica will neither be dangerous nor disturb the immortals in the fairy world, and Xinghua doesn't have to worry about her , and everyone doesn't have to worry about when she will provoke the devil's heart again.Thinking about it, she couldn't understand why Mo Xin wanted to blatantly protect her life, and every time she thought of Mo Xin's words, she felt uneasy.
Xinghua, who returned to Xinghua Palace, quickly walked through the palaces and walked into the back garden. Standing by the illusion lake, he raised his sleeves and cast spells without stopping. He couldn't figure out where Piaoluo was. He could only rely on the illusion Hu came to look for her, if it wasn't the only way, why would he rush back to Xinghua Palace, now I hope that Xuanwu and Xuanwu can be busy for a few more days, and give him time to find Piaoluo, if the trifles of the fairy world conflict with finding her, he's afraid... …

Because of Xinghua's magic, the water in the fantasy lake began to wave one after another. When the water waves gradually flattened, a blurry image began to appear in the water. The quieter the water, the clearer the image in the water. For a moment, Xinghua also saw the appearance of the people around her.

Demon heart!

Wearing a red robe, Mo Xin accompanied Piao Luo with a smile on his face. He was talking about something, but she just listened quietly. The two of them walked side by side... in a luxuriously furnished place.

Xinghua frowned slightly, where?

Suddenly, Xinghua saw a ray of red light shining down from the sky, and immediately understood, the magic palace!

The heart of the demon world of manjushahua is blooming in the sky on the top of the palace, the demon palace!

How could she be captured by the devil's heart and taken to the devil's palace?Xinghua couldn't understand it. With his green dragon and green hairpin, if the devil's heart attacked her, the green dragon would definitely be summoned. It was impossible for her to be taken into the devil's palace so easily.Did she go willingly?
Do not!
Xinghua quickly denied Piaoluo's idea of ​​going to the magic palace by herself. His Piaoluo would never leave him when his body was uncertain about recovery. She kindly sent the medicinal materials to the mortal world. How could the Qinglong Bixin Hairpin leave her body and be taken to the Demon Palace?

Looking at the floating radish in the lake, Xinghua was anxious, Moxin would not kill her for the time being, not to mention what Moxin had in mind for her, just because she was his disciple, Moxin would not Let her die easily, and keep her as a hostage to threaten him.It's just that Piaoluo's temperament can't get along with people like Moxin peacefully, and he can be so angry that he can jump to his feet just by drinking a sip of tea. Now that Moxin treats her well, I'm afraid it will make her suffer in the blink of an eye.

After confirming where Piaoluo was, Xinghua turned around and walked out of Xinghua Palace without saying a word, and hurried to the Demon Realm.

In front of the devil's bedchamber.

Piaoluo stopped and refused to move forward, Mo Xin who had walked a few steps turned back to look at her.

"I've already looked at other places, why don't you go in and have a look?"

"I'm tired and want to go back."

Piao Luo said bluntly, "I came here without saying hello to Master. It's dark now, so he must be very anxious. As a disciple, this is disrespectful."

"Ha ha……"

Moxin laughed, "I am very happy to make Xinghua worry. You don't have to worry about it. If you are worried that your master doesn't know where you are, I can send someone to inform him, just say that I invite you to come to the devil." As a guest in the palace, he doesn't need to worry about how long he will stay. Maybe! Forever!"

"Aren't you afraid that my master will know where I am and come to save me?"

"Haha..." Moxin was in a good mood, "If Xinghua doesn't come to save you, I will be more sad. You are his only disciple, and you are a very important disciple. If he doesn't come to save you You, I will doubt if he really loves you. He comes, it’s good if he comes. You saw it just now. There are fun things everywhere in my magic palace. When he comes, I will play with him. By the way, let you Let's see who is more powerful when your master and I play together in the magic palace."

Piaoluo now understands that Moxin will be ready for her master to come and save her. He uses him far more than others. In other words, if she is not Xianshou's disciple, he will not be so concerned about himself. , let Duanyan catch him, I am afraid it is to satisfy his own psychology of revenge.

"You act despicably!"

"The deity is despicable?"

Mo Xin put away his smile, "Why don't you say that your master is despicable? He waited for me in Xinghua Palace with an enchantment, lurking in secret with many heavenly soldiers and generals to surround me. Such an immortal act is aboveboard? If he has the ability, he Fight alone with the deity."

Only then did Piaoluo realize that Xinghua had set up an enchantment in Xinghua Palace, but she couldn't agree with Moxin's irrationality at all.

"Xinghua Palace is the home of my master and me. If you break into our palace without permission, can't my master guard against 'thiefs' like you?"

He deserves to be ambushed!

"If you say that, it's only natural for your master to come to the Demon Palace to receive the 'hospitality' from the deity."

"You big man is unreasonable! You go to Xinghua Palace, who knows what shady purpose is. And my master came here because you arrested me." Piaoluo raised her small chin, quite disdainful He said, "If it wasn't because you trapped me, if you invited my master, he wouldn't even come to the devil world, let alone your bloody devil palace."

Moxin was stimulated by Piaoluo's words so that he laughed instead of anger, and the laughter became louder and louder. Piaoluo gradually developed a sense of fear from his wild posture. This man's emotions are really too unpredictable, good and bad. When the key is good, I don't know if it's really good, and if I'm not careful, I can piss him off.


Moxin approached Piaoluo step by step, frightened her back step by step, and finally was forced by him to retreat to the base of the wall, with her back tightly pressed against the wall, looking at the man who approached her cheek.

"This deity tells you that this place full of blood in your mouth will be the place where you will stay forever. From now on, your home will not be the fairyland Xinghua Palace where birds and flowers are fragrant, but here I am."

Frightened by the hostility in Mo Xin's eyes, Piaoluo remained silent, her slender hands in her sleeves clenched into fists.She must escape!This volatile man is too terrifying!


Suddenly, Piaoluo's chin was firmly pinched by Moxin, and he pressed harder, causing Piaoluo to cry out in pain, and was forced to open her red lips.Mo Xin quickly raised his other hand, stuffed a small bead into her mouth, sealed her mouth with his palm, and forced her to swallow it.

"Cough! Cough."

Piaoluo, who was let go, tried hard to cough out what she had eaten, but failed several times, and Moxin said calmly at the side: "Don't think about it, how could Manzhushahua's ten thousand-year seeds be killed?" You cough it up so easily."

The seeds of Wannian Manzhushahua?
Moxin asked with a smile, "Want to know what the manjusawa seeds you eat have any effect? ​​Hehe, from now on, if you leave the magic palace, your body will be in severe pain. If the seeds do not feel the manjusawa radiating The source of the demon spirits that come out will suck the mana in your body, sucking you up little by little, and turning you back to your original shape. In the end, even your real body will not be spared, it will germinate in your body, break out of your bones, and grow Become a bright red manjusawa, and your real body will become its fertilizer, and will disappear without a trace in the Six Realms since then."

"You are shameless!"

"Haha, I've never said that I'm a good person." Moxin smiled heartily, "Compared to Xinghua, of course I'm a devil, I'm the demon king of the devil world, do you think it's my style to do good things? If I'm a good person, so I won't be a god."

(End of this chapter)

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