Chapter 99
At the door of Piaoluo's room, Xinghua cast another barrier, then rushed to his room, withdrew the magic spell, opened the door and walked in.Seeing Piaoluo lying on the quilt well, Xinghua secretly let out a sigh of relief.I used to think that nothing could harm her in Xinghua Palace, but now I feel that it is not safe to put her anywhere. I am afraid that the devil heart will come to catch her. Her mana and magic heart are completely irresistible, and if she is caught again Once, how could she bear it.

"Master, you have been away for a long time."

Seeing Piaoluo looking at him with open eyes, Xinghua asked softly, "Haven't fallen asleep yet?"

"You're not here, I can't sleep."

"Don't run around in the future. If you want to help others, tell me first. If it is convenient, I will go with you, and then don't go to unfamiliar places alone, huh?"

Piaoluo nodded.She wouldn't dare to ask her to give anything alone anymore, she really had enough of suffering this time, she almost died and returned to the palace.Thinking of Xinghua pulling out the dragon scales to save herself, Piaoluo felt distressed and sweet in her heart. She pulled Xinghua's injured arm and rolled up his white sleeves. Seeing that there were not many wounds, she felt an unspeakable burst of pain in her heart. Pamper.

It must have hurt, right? "

"No pain."

Piaoluo's nose is sour, liar!
Early the next morning.

Piaoluo was still sleeping in Xinghua's neck, unaware that she was carried back to her boudoir by him using the magic technique.


Xinghua called Piaoluo softly, "Piaoluo wake up."

Piaoluo rubbed Xinghua's head twice, and there was an unhappy grunt in her throat.Someone disturbed her sleep early in the morning, and she really wanted to throw the person who made the noise far and wide.

"Piaoluo, you will leave if you don't open your eyes and become a teacher."

Piaoluo opened her eyes quickly, and looked at Xinghua who was close enough to count his eyelashes, "Where are you going?" He always threatened her with leaving, knowing that she was unwilling to be left behind by him, This really made her dislike it.

Xinghua pecked Piaoluo on the forehead, "It's dawn, get up and meditate, and I will make you breakfast. Siyin will come to check your health in a while, and when she is about to leave, you are not allowed to stay in bed .”

"Then can't we sleep a little longer?"

"You can." He has something to do.

Piaoluo did not give up, "Can't you accompany me?"

Xinghua patted Piaoluo, "Go to sleep for a while."

Piaoluo hugged Xinghua tightly, not wanting him to get up immediately.Seeing her tightly closed eyes, Xinghua slowly closed them.For a while, just stay with her for a while.

After Piaoluo fell asleep, Xinghua took her arm away very lightly, got up secretly, and the corners of her mouth curled up unconsciously.After teleporting back to his room and getting dressed, Xinghua walked to the door and opened it.The door, just stepped out of the door, suddenly stopped, looked down at a small red dot on the ground that you would not have noticed if you didn't look carefully, your eyes extended along the base of the wall, there was a red dot every few meters away. point.

Xinghua turned his head and looked at the other side. Similarly, there were inconspicuous spots on the ground. If he hadn't been skilled enough to feel the smell of blood, it would be difficult to notice these dark spots.Putting two fingers together and leveling the eyes, a light blue fairy light flashed across, and the long and narrow eyes were like a pair of golden eyes, which made hidden monsters have nowhere to hide.Xinghua saw that the red dots on the ground were all connected in series by a very thin silver thread, enclosing his bedroom in a circle, and on each red dot was a bloody skull floating in the underworld.

Blood down!

Xinghua frowned impressively, someone actually used such a decisive method of blood drop on him.

Blood drop head, feed the bloodthirsty skulls dug from the underworld with their own blood. Those skulls are the heads of mortals who suffered the most unscrupulous and miserable deaths in the world. With endless resentment, they became blood-loving After feeding the blood for a full number of days, the blood-feeding person can manipulate them to attack people. There is no life or death in the blood-feeding head, unless the blood-feeding person is out of soul, the blood-feeding head will disappear, otherwise the blood-feeding head will follow them forever Those who need to be besieged, regardless of the ends of the earth, will not stop until that person's blood is sucked dry.However, it is impossible for the blood-feeders to continuously supply blood to the blood-feeders. If the blood-feeders run out of blood before the blood-drop-head kill fails, they will fight back against the blood-feeders if they are too hungry.Therefore, if you don't hate someone too much, ordinary avengers will never dig blood and surrender their heads, that is tantamount to pushing themselves to the brink of death.

Xinghua looked at the Xuejiangtou that surrounded the palace. There were so many skulls, that man really wanted to put him to death.

Putting away the fairy art, Xinghua left his bedroom as if nothing had happened, went outside Piaoluo's room and checked carefully, no!

Fortunately not!

Xinghua thought, the person who gave blood and lowered his head was obviously targeting him, the other party didn't want to hurt Piaoluo, there were not too many people who had a problem with him, and even fewer wanted his life, counting and counting There were only a few people, if he guessed right, it should be!he!He didn't notice any blood descending his head outside his room yesterday, but it appeared this morning, and that person only planted it last night.

last night!

Xinghua's heart suddenly frowned, he was with Piaoluo last night, the only chance he could lower his head without realizing it was at that time, what he did with Piaoluo at that time!

Never let anyone know!
Just as Xinghua was about to push the door, she pulled the door of Piaoluo's room open from the inside. Seeing Xinghua's raised hand outside the door, Piaoluo, who was dressed neatly, smiled brightly, threw herself into Xinghua's arms and hugged him, tiptoeing Tiptoe kissed him on the cheek, let go quickly, and stood up respectfully.

"The disciples meet the master."


"Hehe... Anyway, no one saw it."

Xinghua turned around and walked towards the meditation room, "You got up so early today?"

"Didn't you say that Uncle Siyin is leaving today? I have to behave well in front of her, so she can't make her think that I'm a lazy apprentice." Piaoluo followed Xinghua, "Poor selection of apprentices will damage the master. Your brave image."

Piao Xiaoluo, the teacher's statue has been almost destroyed by you.

Piaoluo followed Xinghua after finishing her morning class in a regular manner, and when she was quietly eating the breakfast made by Xinghua at the table, Siyin came to find Xinghua.

"Disciple Piaoluo has met Master Siyin."

Siyin said softly, "Yes."

"Master Siyin, would you like to eat something together?" Piaoluo asked.

"No need. You can eat."

Xinghua poured a cup of tea and asked Siyin to sip it slowly. He didn't like trouble, and he didn't want to have many people in his palace. One more person would be more dangerous for him and Piaoluo, and he didn't want to say anything about keeping people. , not good at speaking.

"Siyin, thank you."

"Junior Brother Xinghua, you have said it several times. This is a trivial matter, so don't take it too seriously." Siyin looked at the tea leaves in the cup and said softly, "Now that Piaoluo has been rescued, if there is nothing wrong with the fairy world, Junior Brother Xinghua can take her to Lingxiao Shenshan for a walk, the other juniors and sisters miss you very much."

Xinghua paused for a moment with the hand that was about to hold the cup beside the porcelain cup, and gave Siyin a meaningful look, without saying anything, brought the teacup to his mouth, and took a sip very slowly.Other juniors?
How could he fail to understand her words.

"The devil's heart has been unsealed, and everything will be discussed after the matter in the devil world is resolved."

Siyin glanced at Xinghua, then turned to Piaoluo who was eating.How could it be so easy for Mo Xin to be caught a second time? She participated in the fairy-devil war back then, and if she were to be free again, Mo Xin would definitely fight to the death. Time waits for no one. I'm afraid my son's feelings will grow stronger day by day.However, the matter of the demon heart is indeed the most important thing at hand.

"If you need my help in the future, just let Piaoluo come to Lingxiao Shenshan to find me."


Afterwards, Piaoluo followed Xinghua to send Siyin out of Xinghua Palace.

After Siyin left, Xinghua went to the Nantian Hall to discuss matters with the immortals because of Tuxian's guard battalion attacking the east and west gates of the fairy world, leaving Piaoluo alone in Xinghua Palace. He wanted to take her with him. Due to her body, he didn't want her to stand there for too long, and he couldn't pamper her under the eyes of everyone, so he could only let her stay in the palace.

Before going out, Xinghua told Piaoluo not to leave Xinghua Palace, no one told her to go out.

"Got it, got it." Piao Luo waved her little paw, "Master, you are really getting more and more talkative. I promise not to go out of the palace, not even a single step."

Xinghua left feeling worried.

Last night, when Caifeng went to Xitianmen to check the situation, as expected, she saw demon spirits and heavenly soldiers and generals wrestling and fighting together. The intensity was not inferior to that of Dongtianmen, and many fairy families in the fairy world were killed by demons last night. The spirits attacked, this time the magic power of the demons attacking them was not low, and some little fairies could not resist their magic and were killed by the demons.

For a moment, the demon spirit made all the immortals angry, and everyone felt the demon's heart of revenge.

Nantian discusses matters, and one discussion lasts for a whole day.

Xinghua Palace.

After Xinghua left, Piaoluo remembered that there was Duanyan in the palace, so she ran to the west building to play with him.

Seeing Duanyan sitting on a chair basking in the sun, Piaoluo approached quietly, trying to scare him, but before she could make a sound, Duanyan who suddenly turned around and yelled at her was startled.


Duanyan laughed loudly, "Hahaha...look at your stupidity."

Piaoluo stomped her feet angrily, "You are so stupid!"

"Siyin is gone?"


"Where's your master?"

Piaoluo sat on the chair next to Duanyan, "He, he went to Nantian Hall to discuss matters with the immortals."

"Why didn't I take you there? Why, I'm afraid I'll steal something from his Xinghua Palace."

Piaoluo kicked Duanyan's chair, "You are the watchdog. You don't show off when you swear, do you want to imply that you have knowledge?"

"Oh, you're not stupid, you can still hear it."

The whole morning, Piaoluo stayed with Duanyan, chatting and catching bugs, having a great time.Xinghua didn't come back at noon, Piaoluo was so hungry that her stomach growled. After looking at the gate of the palace several times, Duanyan couldn't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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