Chapter 100 Do You Miss Xinghua That Much? (1)
"You miss Xinghua that much?"

"I'm hungry. Master would make lunch at this time before."

Duan Yan patted his chest, "Isn't it just cooking? What's the problem? Go, go to the kitchen and see how I cook for you, sir. I'll keep you safe and don't want to eat your master's cooking after you eat."

Piaoluo ignored Duanyan and walked towards the door.She doesn't care if other people's cooking is good or not, she just wants her master to come back to cook.

"Hey hey."

Duanyan grabbed Piaoluo's wrist, "The discussions in the Nantian Hall usually don't end early, if you don't want to continue to starve, come with me."

In the kitchen, Duanyan was not used to cooking utensils at all, and almost burned the kitchen of Xinghua Palace.In the end, Duanyan made a plate of food with no visible ingredients and brought it in front of Piaoluo. His sunny and handsome face was covered with black handprints, and Piaoluo smiled so much that she lay down on the table.

"Haha, Duanyan, you...your face, haha..."

Duan Yan sat on the chair, wiped his face with his hand, "Aren't you hungry, eat quickly."

Piaoluo looked at Duanyan's face which was becoming more and more disfigured, and laughed even harder, "Go and wash your face quickly, you've become a big tabby cat."

"Try it, for the first time, it must be delicious."

Piaoluo looked at the dark thing on the plate, this thing is called eating, do you want to eat what Master made?Compared with her master, it's not even a star.

Duan Yan came back from washing his face without taking a bite of Piao Luo, looking at the food on the plate, Duan Yan asked, "Why, don't you want to eat?"

"Why don't you learn how to cook with my master."

Duan Yan said disdainfully: "Why learn cooking from him. Don't forget that he and I are enemies. Now I'm staying here temporarily because I need to heal my wounds. When I'm done, I will definitely leave as soon as possible This. Learn from him, you might as well cherish the days with him. "

"I cherish it very much."

Duanyan didn't finish the food, so Piaoluo sat on the big tree in the front yard of Xinghua Palace and looked in the direction of Nantian Hall, waiting for Xinghua to come back.Duan Yan began to sit under the tree, and after looking up at the top of his head, he seemed to have something he wanted to talk about buried in his heart. After thinking about it, he flew to the crown of the tree and sat side by side with Piaoluo.

"What is Xinghua's identity to you?"

Piao Luo, who was sitting quietly, was concerned when she heard Duan Yan ask her this.

"He is the master, my disciple. Don't you know that?"

"Just this?"

Piaoluo asked back, "Otherwise, what else should there be?"

"That's up to you to ask yourself."

Piaoluo was puzzled, did Duanyan know anything?Impossible, she and Xinghua hid it well in front of outsiders, she didn't think they showed any signs of cheating, but there seemed to be something in Duanyan's words.

"What do you mean?" Piaoluo looked at Duanyan beside her vigilantly.

Duan Yan laughed, "Why are you nervous. I didn't say anything."

"I'm not nervous, I just think you're a bit inexplicable."

Piaoluo thought, she would also pretend to be innocent, but it is not so easy to deceive her with such a trick, the master has told her everything that should be reminded, so she still has some precautions.

"Hey, let me ask you. If one day your master is injured, will you save her desperately?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense!"

Piaoluo said affirmatively: "My master will save me if he gets to the magic palace alone. I can also save him without risking my life."

Duan Yan looked at the distance and thought about something, and didn't speak for a while.

"what are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, should I also accept an apprentice."

"like me?"

Duan Yan smiled, "Well, it's good to be like you."

On the top of the tree, the two began to think about the topic of Duanyan accepting an apprentice. The more they chatted, the more funny it became, and Piaoluo also forgot that she was hungry.

When Xinghua came back in the evening, he saw Piaoluo and Duanyan sitting on the top of the tree, and she fell asleep leaning on his shoulder.

Duanyan sat on the tree and looked at Xinghua, his posture was like a master, as if he was the fairy master of Xinghua Palace, and Xinghua was just a passer-by who lodged with him, looking at him coldly, without He wanted to say hello, but he had no intention of waking Piaoluo up.

Xinghua flew up to the top of the tree, bent down and hugged Piaoluo, glanced at Duanyan, turned around and flew down, and when it landed, Piaoluo woke up.

"Master, you are back."

"Go back to the house and sleep when you are tired. Sleeping on a tree is not afraid of falling?"

Piaoluo smiled lightly, looked up the tree, "It's all right, it's Duanyan."


Enditis again.

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo, and suddenly let go of the hands that were holding her knees, causing her feet to fall to the ground with a slap, numb the soles of her feet.


Piaoluo looked at Xinghua dissatisfied, "Master, why did you let me down?"

"Wake up and go by yourself."

After Xinghua finished speaking, he flicked his wide sleeves, walked into the palace expressionlessly, left Piaoluo and stood in the courtyard tilting his head to watch his back disappear.What are you doing? It wasn't like this before.

goo goo...

Piaoluo chased after Xinghua, "Master, I'm hungry."

A conversation between a man and a woman came from the depths of the palace.

"Your virtuous and incomparable general attack, I'm hungry."


"Handsome Lord General Attack, I'm hungry."


"Master, so handsome that you can't close your legs, I'm hungry."


"Master, don't you just say 'hmm' every time."


Piaoluo: "Speechless..."

The girl who was so angry almost ran away in front of Xinghua.

Sitting alone in the canopy of the tree, Duanyan wondered if Xinghua really didn't make dinner for Piaoluo in the end, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that it was impossible. He told her...hehe, they really kept it a secret.

at night.

Piaoluo refused to sleep alone, Xinghua really didn't want to sleep with her in his room.Although those bloody heads can't be seen without using spells, and they won't be harmful before the expiration date, but he is not at ease, but he really can't hold back Piao Luo who has become stubborn, and her body is still recovering, he Don't worry about her sleeping alone.

"Master." Piaoluo pulled Xinghua's sleeve and shook it gently.

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo indifferently, and told the truth for fear that she would be worried; if she didn't tell, she wouldn't understand her own thoughts.


Piaoluo really doesn't understand why she was allowed to rub the bed yesterday, but today her master's attitude is like this, isn't she sleeping together every day in Antarctic Misty Peak, why is it not allowed in Xinghua Palace?Uncle Siyin has gone back, and now they are the only ones in the palace, uh... Duanyan.But Duanyan never came to the master's bedroom, so there was no need to worry about being discovered by him.

Xinghua sighed softly in his heart, raised his hand to hold Piaoluo's hand, and led her back to his room without saying a word.Forget it, take it with you.


Piaoluo smiled, "Master is the best."

Hiding blood in his heart, Xinghua would not allow himself to make a mistake of being intimate with Piaoluo and let others take advantage of it. He put his arms around the woman who was sleeping next to him and thought about how to solve the problem of blood drop. .

For seven consecutive days.

During the day, Xinghua discussed with the immortals outside the palace how to deal with the repeated intrusions of the demon world, and did not return to the palace until the sunset filled the western sky.

During the day, Duanyan plays and plays with Piaoluo in the palace.

With the experience that Xinghua made her hungry on the first day, Piaoluo saw the snacks Xinghua prepared for her for lunch the next morning, and felt that he was more and more good in her heart, and the perfect him was considerate to her in every possible way.Piaoluo and Duanyan, who are not hungry, live happily in the palace, without the loneliness of guarding the palace alone, they don't feel that Xinghua's absence is very sad.Although I was looking forward to coming earlier in the evening, I didn't tell Xinghua what I was thinking. I felt that I should understand him. After all, he is the head of the fairy. The heart is sealed again.

Day by day, the relationship between Piaoluo and Duanyan is getting better and better.

On the eighth day, when Xinghua came back, he saw Piaoluo chasing Duanyan all over the yard. His happy appearance made him feel that he was not important to her at all, and she could have fun without him.

"No more chasing, no more chasing." Piaoluo gasped, "I'm so tired. Hehe."

Xinghua walked through the front yard towards the palace with a cold face, when Piaoluo saw her, she ran over happily and threw Duanyan under the tree in the courtyard aside.


Watching Piaoluo chasing Xinghua away, Duanyan leaned on the trunk of the cang tree in the courtyard and sighed softly.In her heart, no one can compare to Xinghua, no matter how happy she is, as long as Xinghua appears, he can easily grab all her attention.
"Master, wait for me."

On the contrary, Xinghua went faster, and disappeared before Piaoluo's eyes within a few steps.

Piaoluo stopped, what's the matter, returning to the palace has such an attitude towards her, fortunately she still hoped that he would come back soon all day long.

Enraged by Xinghua's attitude, Piaoluo locked herself in the room, lying on the bedside of the beauty that Xinghua sent her to sleep, thinking about his strangeness in her heart, and unconsciously fell asleep.

It took only a while for Xinghua to sulk, how could he really ignore Piaoluo, seeing that she didn't catch up with him, he went to the kitchen to make dinner for her.Looking at the prepared dishes for her, Xinghua thought, on days with many things, it has become a luxury to cook for her on time, and she hasn't been allowed to eat on time and with good quality in the past ten days, it will not work in the long run.

Xinghua ran into Duanyan on the corridor when Xun Piaoluo was eating, and the moment the two passed by, Duanyan's playful laughter reached Xinghua's ears.

"Hehe, Immortal Head? What a Immortal Head."

Xinghua didn't respond at all, her clothes fluttered past, neither angry nor impatient.

In front of Piaoluo's room door, Xinghua called her softly: "Piaoluo, it's time to eat."

No one answered.


After waiting for a while, there was still no reply from Piaoluo. Xinghua pushed open the door and walked in. Seeing that she was asleep on the bed, she didn't disturb her. Piaoluo murmured, "Master."

Xinghua asked Piaoluo softly, "Eat something when you wake up."

"Master, you haven't eaten with me for a long time."

"Eat with you today."

Piaoluo's drowsiness all ran away.

Neither of the two people who enjoyed the rare meal together at the dining table thought about what happened the next day. Xinghua never thought that the first conflict between him and Piaoluo was due to another man, but Piaoluo never thought that Xinghua would have a problem. Hua has such a ruthless side, so determined that she suspects that she doesn't understand Xinghua.

The next day, not long after Xinghua left the palace and Piaoluo was still having breakfast, Duanyan appeared at the door, leaning against the door frame and looking at Piaoluo with a satisfied face.

"You eat happily. It's really hard for your master to come and go in the wind and rain outside. He suffers, but you enjoy the blessing."

Piaoluo put down her chopsticks, "What did you say?"

"You really don't know or are you fake?"

With Xinghua in her heart, Piaoluo walked up to Duanyan, "Please explain clearly."

"You still don't know?" Duanyan hesitated to tell Piaoluo, "Then let's not talk about it, lest Xinghua blame me for being nosy."

"You say, I won't tell him that you said it."

Duan Yan said: "Guarantee?"


(End of this chapter)

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