Heavenly Court Reader

Chapter 205 Preparations before going to heaven [ask for tickets, please subscribe]

Chapter 205 Preparations before going to heaven [ask for tickets, please subscribe]

But scum to scum, it's better to have something than nothing, who told me that I can only afford this now, no matter how scumbag it is, it's better than a mortal body!So, in the end, Han Feng gritted his teeth and bought the Indestructible King Kong Body.

And when Han Feng purchased the indestructible body of King Kong, a golden light shot out from his mobile phone in the next second, enveloping him in it, constantly transforming his tendons.

"Baoji Sutra" No. 12 has a saying: "The Dharma body and the Vajra are both solid, permanent and supreme. With the armor of great compassion, you can cultivate yourself and be dignified, and obtain the indestructible Dharma body like a vajra." "Body" refers to the "Buddha body" of the Arhat after he has achieved the right result, the body of a diamond, and the body that is indestructible.

Generally speaking, like those eminent monks who have attained the Tao, if they want to cultivate this indestructible body of vajra, they don't have a hundred or eighty years of cultivation. , in addition to the need for advanced cultivation, it also needs a lot of merits and virtues to protect the body, and it can be done through two-pronged approach.

But Han Feng, just spent 48 points of merit coins on the reader, and easily got this indestructible body of King Kong. If those monks who practice Buddhism know this, I don’t know if it will It will directly drag Han Feng into the temple to enshrine.

Of course, Han Feng has no time to think about these messy things. At this moment, he has just been transformed by the reader system, and his skin has turned into gold and copper, just like the golden arhat enshrined in a temple. Same.

"Fuck me, this nima has high-end skin transplantation technology, I wonder if it's insulated?" Han Feng saw that his whole body had turned into a golden-bronze color. He punched the wall.

Just listen to "Boom"!He punched a big hole in the wall directly.

This shit is a tofu dregs project, right?I haven't worked hard yet, why did it become like this?Han Feng retracted his fist, looked at the wall where he had punched a big hole, and complained involuntarily: "Damn it, it looks like this wall will have to be repaired tomorrow!"

However, Han Feng is quite satisfied with the effect of this indestructible body of King Kong. This Nima is a humanoid machine, let's not talk about invulnerability, just the efficiency of smashing walls can be gone Compete with professional wall demolition households for jobs!

After testing the effect of the Vajra Indestructible Body, Han Feng nodded in satisfaction, then with a thought, he put away the Vajra Indestructible Body, and then turned around and went downstairs for dinner.

During dinner, Zhuang Laodao kept looking at Han Feng with strange eyes, which made Han Feng not in the mood to eat at all.

"I said old man, don't you just keep staring at me like this? I don't have any flowers on my face." Han Feng put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, looked at Zhuang Laodao who had been staring at him all the time, and said speechlessly .

"Uh...hehe, I said master, can you show me the magic weapon you tested before?" Seeing his cheap little master finally opened his mouth, Zhuang Laodao said with a smile.

To be honest, Zhuang Laodao was still very curious about the big commotion that Han Feng made before, what kind of magic weapon is this nima to make such a big commotion?If he didn't figure out what this magic weapon was, Zhuang Laodao would definitely suffer from insomnia tonight.

"Eat your food well, and when it's time to show you any magic weapon, I will show it to you naturally."

Han Feng looked at the curious Zhuang Laodao, and blocked his question with one sentence. Then, he ignored the old man's eyes, and went upstairs directly after dinner.

In fact, Han Feng expressed his understanding of the veteran's curiosity, but this magic weapon!He still has to wait until he returns safely from the fairy world, and if he can really bring back a few magic weapons from the fairy world, he doesn't mind giving one or two to the old Taoist.

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Han Feng had already walked into his bedroom, and after closing the door, he took out his mobile phone and logged into the page of Tianting Reader.

As soon as he entered the page of Tianting Reader, he previewed casually, and found that there were no new books out, so Han Feng closed his mobile phone, took a shower, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The next day, Han Feng got up early in the morning. After a simple wash, he hurriedly put on his own clothes and went outside.

To be honest, last night Han Feng was so excited that he didn't sleep all night, all he was thinking about was going to the Immortal World today.

Damn, that's the fairyland, not to mention Han Feng, even the president, he can't calm down when he is about to log into the fairyland.

But the excitement is the excitement, some preparatory work still needs to be done, such as: go to the supermarket to buy some food and drink, as well as some high-tech things, maybe they can be used in the fairyland by then!
Another example: to buy some books or novels, maybe it will be useful at the fan festival in Tianting!
These were all things that Han Feng had thought about last night, so as soon as he got out of the villa, he drove straight to the supermarket.

Afterwards, throughout the morning, Han Feng spent a lot of money, constantly asking the salesperson in the supermarket to send the goods he bought back to his small villa.

Among them are food, drink, and useful things to play. Anyway, as long as Han Feng thinks it may be useful, he bought all of them. He almost emptied the entire supermarket. Even the big boss of the supermarket was killed. Startled!
In the end, after calculating this consumption, Han Feng spent nearly 600 million RMB, which made the big boss of the supermarket laugh from ear to ear. In the end, he sent Han Feng out of the store in person. A top diamond membership card, the kind that can directly enjoy a 7.5% discount.

But for Han Feng, this is simply dispensable. In the current words, it means "rich and self-willed". He doesn't care if he can get a discount at all, unless the discount card is given by the reader system.

After leaving the gate of the supermarket, Han Feng looked up at the sun above his head. The sun was approaching noon and shone on his body, but he didn't feel the heat at all. Khan, he wondered if there was something wrong with the sunlight.

"Damn, from now on, the cold and heat in the world have been so far away from me, I can no longer feel the difference between summer and winter." Thinking that he has become cold and hot now, Han Feng couldn't help feeling in his heart.

Later, after leaving the supermarket, he went to a nearby library to buy nearly a thousand books, and then drove his BMW X2 back to his small villa.

Because he had called Zhuang Laodao long ago, all the delivered goods were now piled up in the underground garage of the villa.

And Han Feng, after returning to his small villa, got out of the car, turned around and walked towards the underground garage, intending to put all the purchased things into the Dragon and Phoenix Ring first.

After collecting all the things piled up in the underground garage into his dragon and phoenix ring, Han Feng walked back to his bedroom.

However, before returning to the bedroom, he explained a few more words to the old man, telling him not to disturb him if he had nothing to do, saying that he was going to retreat for a few days. As for other people who came to him, he asked the old man to reply directly that he not there.

As for the old Taoist, he simply didn't believe what his cheap master said that he was going to retreat, but there was nothing he could do if he didn't believe it!Who told him to recognize someone as a master? He can only say what he says.

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(End of this chapter)

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