Heavenly Court Reader

Chapter 206 An Awesome Life Begins From Heaven

Chapter 206 An Awesome Life Begins From Heaven

As soon as he returned to his room, Han Feng changed into the colorful purple and gold robe given by the Weaver Girl, and then took out the Heavenly Court Tour Ticket from the Dragon and Phoenix Ring, and said to himself, "Let's go." For a long time, there was no response from the Tianting Travel Coupon.

Could it be that the way you opened it yourself is wrong?Han Feng tilted his head, looking at the Tianting Tourist Coupon in his hand, he was stunned. After a long time, he didn't seem to know how to activate this tourist coupon!
Do you want to throw it on the ground like the hell tourist ticket last time?Han Feng recalled how he was teleported to the underworld last time, and then threw the Heavenly Court Tourist Coupon in his hand on the ground.

I saw that the light Tianting Tourist Coupon fell from Han Feng's hand, and as soon as it touched the floor of the second floor, a pale golden light shot out immediately, with a whoosh!It enveloped him in it.

"Damn it, this way of opening it is too foolish!" Han Feng stared, watching the light golden light that shot out turn into a sphere, covering himself in it, and said speechlessly.

Then, like last time, the golden ball of light suddenly flashed pieces of runes, followed by a burst of flickering, and then Han Feng lost consciousness and disappeared from the room in an instant.

Heaven, in the eyes of mortals, is always filled with all kinds of supernatural beings and legends. This ancient and mysterious existence, left to mortals, seems to have endless imagination and yearning.

The majestic palace, the tall gate of heaven, the mighty generals, the formidable array of heavenly soldiers, the heavenly palace is interspersed with graceful fairies, the palace garden is planted with countless exotic flowers and plants, and the Jade Emperor sits high in the Lingxiao Palace, in charge The three realms circulate, and the heavenly officials from all walks of life line up on both sides, assisting the emperor to deal with everything in the three realms. It seems that the heavens have been like this in the past, they are like this now, and they will be like this in the future.

However, these old-fashioned legends seem to be about to be broken by a sudden visitor.


As soon as he was teleported to the Heavenly Court, Han Feng felt like he was weightless, and his body was falling all the time. When he opened his eyes, he realized that he was actually in midair, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

After half a sound, there was a snap!Han Feng fell into a pool of water, caught off guard and drank several mouthfuls of water, almost choking him to death!
"cough cough"

Han Feng shook his head, and tried his best to free himself from the dizzy state. Damn it, the feeling of suddenly falling into the water from a high altitude is not good, even if he cast the Vajra the moment he fell into the water. Indestructible, but still dizzy from the huge impact.

Legend has it that somewhere in the Heavenly Court, there is a lake. The lake is not big, only [-] meters in diameter. There is a green grass field beside the lake, and the Nantianmen is farther away, and this lake is the famous lake in the fairy world. Xixian Pond.

There is also a legend that the water in Xixian Pond has never flowed, and only when a person who has attained the Tao ascends into the pool, will there be purple lightning jumping out of the pool water, and everyone Those who practice Taoism in the mortal world must go through the baptism of this fairy pool after ascending to the heaven, so that they can "transform the mortal world and change their immortal body."

However, now the Three Realms have been isolated by the Dao of Heaven, and the Immortal Realm has not welcomed new ascenders for a long time, so this Immortal Washing Pool has long since lost the immortal guards responsible for receiving and guiding, except for the one standing by the pool. On a stone tablet, one can still vaguely see the three large characters Xixianchi neatly written in regular script, but there is nothing else here.

And the pond that Han Feng fell into was exactly this Immortal Washing Pond. However, at this time, he was still swimming in the pool, wanting to swim to the shore, so he had no time to pay attention to the A stone tablet, so naturally he doesn't know what kind of pool he fell into!
Seeing that he was about to touch the shore, Han Feng smiled inwardly, swung his arms clatteringly, and immediately accelerated his swimming speed.

At this moment, a purple bolt of lightning suddenly sprang out of the pool, and there was a bang!It fell on Han Feng's body, and he didn't even have a quick reaction, and his whole body was instantly knocked unconscious by the lightning.

At the same time, in the sky above the heavenly court, a large piece of cloud suddenly appeared out of nothing, gathering more and more in the sky, covering the sky and the sun in less than a blink of an eye.

God is like a prison!

At this moment, all the immortals in the fairy world subconsciously stopped their movements and looked at the sky stupidly. This sudden change of heaven directly confused them all!
You know, the fairyland is not the mortal world, and Nima said that if the sky changes, it will change. This frankly must be approved by the Dao of Heaven.

"Could it be the way of heaven?" Taishang Laojun, who was sitting far away in Tushita Palace, opened his eyes and pinched his fingers to calculate for a long time, but Mao couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't help wondering in his heart.

The way of heaven reappeared, this shit is not a trivial matter, almost all the powers in the fairy world began to panic!

The Jade Emperor sat high on the Lingxiao Palace, his buttocks were like nails, and there was a shua!He stood up, looked at the sky stupidly, and asked all the immortals sitting down: "Everyone, did something big happen today?"

"Your Majesty, this humble minister doesn't know either!" Li Jing also looked at the sky above the heavenly court in a daze, and replied speechlessly.

Taibai Jinxing's forehead went dark, and he stood below and kept praying in his heart that the Jade Emperor should never ask himself, because he couldn't answer it either!
No one could answer the Jade Emperor's question, because everyone was stunned, even the Bodhisattvas in Lingshan stopped chanting.

Tathagata closed his eyes, pinched his fingers and counted for a long time, and finally spit out a mouthful of old blood. Damn, the heavens have convulsions, who knows what's going on now!
Just when all the immortals in the fairyland were confused about the situation, the clouds over the fairyland changed again. A thick golden light penetrated the sky and the earth, surrounded by boundless fairy sounds, and golden flowers floating down from the sky seemed to be unreal. With a flash of golden light, it firmly covered Han Feng who was dizzy in the Xianxian Pond.

Numerous golden lights, carrying traces of fairy spirit from the fairy world, continuously penetrated into Han Feng's body, and ripples gradually appeared on the water surface of Xixian Pond, first in a circle, and then in a circle again after a while, Gradually, the ripples became more and more frequent, and the purple lightning bolts became more and more frequent.

The purple electric light mixed with the golden light covering Han Feng. In an instant, it was as if a hungry wolf saw meat, and Diao Si saw a beautiful woman, and immediately enveloped Han Feng in the middle.

After a while, some black smoke began to appear under Han Feng's body, spreading towards the lake surface in circles, and finally merged into the lake water and disappeared.

Three hours later, the fluctuations on the lake surface began to weaken. Finally, the clouds and mist cleared, and the electric light dispersed, and the lake surface returned to its previous appearance, but the purple electric light seemed to have weakened a little, as if it had consumed a lot of energy.

At this time, Han Feng had also woken up from the dizziness, touched his face curiously, touched his hands and feet, a little confused about the situation, and he also found that after waking up, his You can breathe freely in the pool water.

"Damn, what the hell is this?" Han Feng, who didn't know the situation, couldn't help cursing secretly.

Then, he looked down at the floating reflection on the pool, and saw that his skin and face had all turned white!

Han Feng couldn't help touching his face again, and checked his body again. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with it, but he grew a little taller and his skin turned whiter. awesome!It's just that he couldn't figure out what happened just now.

And the immortals in the distance also didn't understand what happened. The Tiandao's all of a sudden just now was too sudden, they didn't react at all, and only a few powerful figures figured it out a little bit.

Just now, Tiandao shot down a purple sky thunder!However, they don't know the specific location where the shot was shot, this nima is not a saint and can't guess God's will!

PS: I recommend an awesome novel written by a great master, "Niu Bi" you deserve it.

(End of this chapter)

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