Heavenly Court Reader

Chapter 207 Heaven-given dao name Qiankun, registered as a fairy

Chapter 207 Heaven-given dao name Qiankun, registered as a fairy

But there is one thing that these great powers all know, that is, there are two kinds of Zixiao Shenlei descended from the sky, one represents heaven's punishment, and the other represents heaven's grace.

Although there was a lot of purple light flashing in the sky just now, and the thunder roared, it was a bit frightening to look at, but the electric light inside was golden instead of purple black, and even accompanied by fairy sounds, golden flowers Four shots, one can tell at a glance that there is no killing intent, and it is obviously the Zixiao Shenlei that represents the grace of God.

There is a saying: God's power is like prison, and heaven's grace is like the sea!Since there are punishments, there will naturally be rewards. This is an eternal truth.

I just don't know which fairy family received the blessing of heaven this time, which makes those powerful people in the fairy world jealous. Who is this damn?Not only was he not hacked, but he was also rewarded. Who is this guy?
All the powerful people in the fairy world want to know who is the lucky one, but unfortunately, no one can figure it out, at least they can't figure it out now.

You know, ever since the Heavenly Dao isolated the Three Realms, it has been a long time since there has been any kindness from God in the Immortal Realm. This is a gift that many immortals can't even ask for.

Of course, no matter what these immortal masters think, Han Feng at this time also has no way of knowing. At this moment, he has just climbed ashore from the Xixian Pond, and he is looking around in a daze.

"Where is this damn place? Shouldn't I be sent to the Heavenly Court?" Han Feng looked at everything in front of him speechlessly, and there was nothing around him, except for a stone tablet in the distance.

"Well, what is that?"

At this time, Han Feng noticed the stone tablet not far away, so he threw his arms away and walked towards the stone tablet, wanting to see if he could get any information from the stone tablet.

"Nimma, don't let me pass it to the corners of the heaven, I don't know the way!" Han Feng prayed to the reader system as he approached the stone tablet.

Although he knew that the positioning of the Tianting tourist coupon was very unreliable, but now that they have come here, what else can they do?You can't just go back now!
"Damn it, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't try to be cheap, just buy a Huaguoshan tourist ticket!" Han Feng walked around the stone tablet a few times, muttering to himself.

Then, he carefully looked at the stele in front of him. He saw that the stele in front of him was about three meters high and 1.5 meters wide. There were no patterns or other carvings on the stone surface. The three big characters of Xixian Pond are neatly written in regular script.

Han Feng has seen many similar stone tablets in the mortal world, but the stone tablet in front of him is very special, as if it has a kind of magical power, which makes him want to hold the stone tablet and touch it involuntarily.

Damn, this is definitely a baby!He had to find a way to take it away. Looking at the stele in front of him, Han Feng's inner instinct told him that the stele in front of him was definitely not simple, which made him want to take it away on the spot.

But how to take it away?This seems a bit difficult!Han Feng frowned and looked at the stele in front of him, and began to worry again. Although the stele in front of him looked like an unowned object, how to get it out of the ground became the current problem.

"Why don't you try your vajra body?" Seeing that he couldn't think of a good way for a long time, finally, after Han Feng muttered to himself, he used his vajra body.

As soon as the Vajra Indestructible Body was displayed, Han Feng immediately felt a little different. This is definitely not the Vajra Indestructible Body he had before, because Nima is really too...too tall ! !

Han Feng blinked his eyes, seeing that after he used the Vajra Indestructible Body, he turned into a vajra giant with a height of more than ten meters, and he couldn't calm down.

"Damn, what the hell is this? A golden body? Or is it like this when you use the indestructible body in the fairy world?" Han Feng scratched his head involuntarily, with a look of surprise on his face , looking at his huge soles, palms, and underpants.
Fortunately, the pants are still there!Han Feng looked at the colorful purple-gold robe he was wearing, which also grew bigger with his body, patted his chest, and said speechlessly with lingering fear: "Fortunately, Nima is wearing a colorful purple-gold robe. Otherwise, this shit will definitely be gone!"

Afterwards, Han Feng calmed down his mind, and then stretched out his huge arms, ready to pull out the stone tablet in front of him.

The current Han Feng has become a giant with a golden stature of two feet, and the stone tablet in front of him is still the same size as before, so he is no longer worried that he will not be able to get out the stone tablet in front of him.

Unfortunately, what he never expected was that the moment his arm touched the stele, a burst of blinding golden light quickly spread up along his fingertips, shooting into his chest all at once. Head, and then, a thunderclap sounded in his mind.

"Fortunately, the Heavenly Dao said, Han Feng, a mortal man, was born on the day of Bingshu and Yihai in the year of Jiachou. He is now conferred the Taoist name "Qiankun" and entered the registry of the celestial beings.

At the same time, a red-gold talisman appeared on top of Han Feng's head, and then slowly merged into Han Feng's mind.

After a long while, Han Feng couldn't help taking a deep breath, and his hands left the stone tablet, and the red-golden talisman was suspended in his mind at this time, continuously emitting traces of golden light, the talisman The moiré above appears and disappears from time to time.

At the moment when he just touched the stele, a lot of information came into Han Feng's mind, and he realized that he was turned into a fairy by Tiandao after the lightning strike, and he was actually turned into a fairy by Tiandao himself Canonized a Taoist name "Qiankun Taoist".

Damn, how bloody is this?As far as Han Feng was concerned, he never thought that one day he would be personally blessed by Heaven. This is a treatment only the protagonist can have!

"Could it be that I have also become the protagonist recognized by the Dao of Heaven?" Han Feng scratched his head involuntarily, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the whole person entered a state of obscenity.

This is a direct upgrade to a fairy!Can you not be obscene?You know, the next step is to be a golden immortal. How many immortals have spent endless years and continuous cultivation, but they have never taken this step.

Especially in this age, let alone a celestial being, even an earthly or mortal, go find one in the mortal world and try it out!Of course, the Niulang who has been imprisoned in the Altair Star does not count, who the hell knows what level he is now, anyway, Han Feng has never seen him.

There is a saying in the Taoist classics: "Heavenly immortals have achieved great achievements in the three vehicles, and their traces are beyond the three vehicles. They are not bound by the law or the mud of the Tao. As an immortal official, heavenly officials are respected, earth officials are second, and water officials are second. As immortal officials, they have been promoted endlessly. They have successively served in 36 cave heavens and returned to 81 sun heavens. .”

In short, the so-called celestial beings are not far from the heavenly ones, and the reason for this work is that the celestial beings are tired of living in the three islands, preaching to the world, making meritorious deeds, doing things in the world, participating with the creation, being immortal through the ages, and once they are done. Satisfied, receive the book from heaven to return to the cave, that is, the heavenly immortals are the best vehicle among the immortals.

At this time, no matter what Han Feng thought in his heart, anyway, he was directly turned into a fairy by Tian Dao, and he didn't even know it, what the hell is Tian Dao going to do like that!

He has neither great merit nor great cultivation, so the Heavenly Dao suddenly made him a fairy, which made Han Feng really flattered!
"Could it be the ghost of the device spirit of the reader?" In the end, Han Feng thought about it, and it seems that there is only one possibility, otherwise, there is no way to explain the reason for this heaven!

PS: The mature man doesn't know what to say. In short, the mature man is very happy to see so many book lovers still like my book!However, if the results are not satisfactory in the future, the mature man will still consider opening a new book, but this one will definitely be finished, so please rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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