Heavenly Court Reader

Chapter 208 Arriving at Nantianmen for the First Time

Chapter 208 Arriving at Nantianmen for the First Time

Guessing that it might be the ghost of the reader device spirit, Han Feng then put away his indestructible body, and took out the mobile phone from the dragon and phoenix ring, intending to see if it was the ghost of the system.

As for the Dao name bestowed by the Dao of Heaven just now, it has completely made Han Feng feel at ease, and he dare not imagine it now.

You must know that the word Qiankun was first drawn in the eight trigrams of innate heaven, Qian is the sky, and Kun is the earth. Qiankun represents heaven and earth, and also represents yin and yang. The rhythm of Daitian Xunhun!

Otherwise, who would dare to call himself the Daoist of Qiankun?Of course, this is not the point, the point is that Han Feng's Qiankun Dao name was bestowed by the Dao of Heaven, not self-styled. Blessed by heaven.

However, these things are too esoteric. As a new celestial being, Han Feng said that he didn't understand at all, and he didn't even dare to think about it. Damn it, he's just a mortal!
At this time, Han Feng, who was busy looking for the reason on the court reader, had no time to think about these things at all, because he was completely confused at the moment.

"Fuck you sister!"

As soon as he logged into Tianting Reader, Han Feng saw that the merit coins on his account had turned into a negative number for no reason, and it was still Nima's negative 820 million points. Couldn't help but yelled.

Originally, he planned to buy a gossip locator that can locate in the fairy world on the reader's mall, but now it's good, let alone buy a gossip locator, and there are no merit coins for Nima's reward in the future up.

Damn it, this is definitely the fault of the system again, even if Han Feng is killed, the merit coins on the account will become negative for no reason, besides, this is not the first time this has happened At the time when the bad luck originated, the system had done such cheating things.

"Is this the rhythm of forcing me to upload a new book immediately?" Han Feng looked at the bare negative number on the account speechlessly, closed his phone helplessly, and sighed.

Now, the system is unreliable. In the absence of merit coins, the reader is like a mobile phone that has been shut down due to arrears.

Fortunately, today's Han Feng is already a fairy-level fairy. Even if he doesn't have Juan Tengyun, he still knows the simple technique of driving clouds, so he doesn't have to worry about any transportation issues.

But Nima himself didn't know which direction to fly. Han Feng used the technique of riding a cloud to fly into the mid-air, and looked around. There was nothing but endless green grass, and clouds and mist were farther away. Can't see anything.

"Where should this be flying?"

Han Feng scratched his head and was a little speechless. He remembered that it was said in Journey to the West that Monkey’s Huaguo Mountain is located in Dongsheng Shenzhou. Logically speaking, even if Monkey moved Huaguo Mountain to Tianting Come, it should be in the east, but, where is this f*cking east?

Standing in mid-air, Han Feng has completely lost his way, and there is no sign to point the way in this fucking heaven. As a newcomer, Han Feng doesn't know how to tell the direction at all.

Well, since you can't tell the direction, it's always right to fly in one direction, maybe you can meet a certain fairy family later!Thinking of this, Han Feng used the skill of driving the clouds, and flew straight to the direction he thought was east.

I don't know how long it took to fly along the way. Han Feng himself felt a little tired. Before he knew it, a huge floating island appeared in front of him. Around the large floating island, there were countless small islands surrounding it. , Walking in and taking a look, those small islands are also very huge, and they revolve around the big island like a crowd holding the moon.

And on that huge floating island stands a giant carved arch more than 30 meters high, with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants and fairy beasts carved on it. big characters.

"Damn, why did I come to the Nantian Gate?" Han Feng stood under the Nantian Gate, looking at the scene in front of him, he was a little confused about the situation. He obviously looked like Dong Fei, so why did he get here now? The south is coming?Also, why is there no heavenly soldier guarding Nantianmen?
In fact, what Han Feng didn't know was that since the Three Realms were separated by the Dao of Heaven, the guards at the Nantianmen became more relaxed. Before, there were people guarding the Nantianmen every day, but now, all the heavenly soldiers guarding the Nantianmen have learned to be lazy. Usually, there are only two or three hours in a day when there are people guarding them.

Anyway, the monks in the mortal world can't come up now, and Lingshan seldom communicates with the heavenly court now, so these heavenly soldiers guarding the Nantianmen don't care. I haven't seen even Marshal Guan and they are lazy every day. Either go to this fairy's house to drink, or fight with that fairy's house. This frightening job of guarding the Nantianmen has completely become a idle job!
However, it is not Marshal Guan and the others who are on duty today to lead the heavenly soldiers to guard the Nantianmen, but the four heavenly kings!
At this moment, the Four Great Heavenly Kings were performing an ambush on all sides by the brothers in an open space not far from the Nantian Gate, while the Heavenly Soldiers were sitting around and applauding continuously.

"Ho Ho, the king of heaven is mighty"

"Ho Ho, Heavenly King Domineering"

As soon as Han Feng stepped into the gate of Nantianmen, he heard a burst of impassioned sound of pipa from a distance, which was faintly mixed with some noisy shouts.

What's the situation?Does Tianting also like to hold concerts?With a puzzled expression on his face, Han Feng walked towards the source of the voice, and when he walked in, he was dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

I saw that on the square in front of me, there were dozens of immortal soldiers sitting around, all of them blushing from the suffocation, and kept shouting "the mighty king of heaven".

Surrounded by these dozens of immortal soldiers are four burly men, one wearing a blue armored stomach and holding a fairy sword in the middle of the square, waving constantly, the other wearing a white armored stomach, holding a sword in his hand. He was holding a pipa, playing it constantly, and another one was wearing a green armor stomach, holding a treasure umbrella, and kept dancing a strange dance, which made Han Feng dazzled. Thought he had a convulsion!

As for the last one, he was wearing a red armor stomach, with a two-meter-long red python wrapped around his arm, and he kept singing:

"The courtyard is quiet in the spring and the door is closed in the deep day, and the bamboo is idle to watch the guests compete for chess,"

"Collect gods and ghosts to gather in the chest, and gather mountains and rivers into the range."

"Dragons and snakes fight together, and robbing and swan geese break and fly,"

This Nima is the Four Heavenly Kings, right?When Han Feng saw the outfits of these four big men, he guessed who the four in front of him were, but what were they doing?How is the performance convulsive?Also, what the hell is this Nima singing?It's so ugly!

"Huh? It seems that someone is coming!"

As soon as Han Feng approached the square, the Four Heavenly Kings sensed it. Afterwards, the Four Heavenly Kings stopped their movements and looked at Han Feng with their heads together. The Heavenly Soldiers sitting around stood up one by one.

"May I ask where this fairy friend came from? Why do you feel so tense?" The boss, Mo Liqing, rushed to Han Feng before he stepped forward, and cupped his hands and asked.

The other three heavenly kings followed closely behind, and they all stood in front of Han Feng at once, sizing him up constantly.

PS; I recommend a loli novel "Invincible Power Bank", which is called Xiaolongjun, friends who like it can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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