Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 101 Fighting

Chapter 101 Fighting (2 more)
Feng Qinqin zipped the zipper up, handed the schoolbag to Niu Feng, turned around and glanced over with cold eyes.

There were already a lot of students coming and going around, and the conflict between Feng Qinqin and Lin Zhiyou had been going on for so long, all the students passing by all looked this way.

Feng Qinqin was already beautiful, with a pair of watery eyes that were usually lively, no one thought that the cold glance just now was so amazing.

All the students present thought of the term Gao Leng Goddess.

Lin Zhiyou was intimidated by her at that moment, but she quickly stabilized her mind and looked at Niu Feng with disdain.

"Sure enough, it's a bumpkin from the countryside who can come up with such an unpopular thing."

Just now when Feng Qinqin was picking up the beef, Lin Zhiyou saw the garlic in her backpack, and she laughed coldly.

"Garlic? Heh, how can we in Tongcheng produce such earthy things? Just like people, they are bumpkins themselves. Even if they are admitted to university, they will be the fate of inferior people after all!"

Lin Zhiyou's words were obviously ridiculing that Niu Feng was from the countryside and looked down on him.

When Feng Qinqin heard this, she became furious.

Lin Zhiyou had trouble with her, so it was fine to scold her, but what happened to Niu Feng? !
Isn't it because Niu Feng is her friend that Lin Zhiyou scolded her by scolding Niu Feng?

Damn, why don't you just scold me? !

"Lin Zhiyou, I'll give you a minute to apologize to my friend!"

If Lin Zhiyou didn't apologize today, Feng Qinqin really didn't know what outrageous things she would do.

Niu Feng is her best friend, and now she is being scolded because of her, can she be balanced in her heart?
Seeing that Feng Qinqin's mood was not right, Niu Feng put on his schoolbag and stepped forward to hold her arm.

"Okay, it's just a small thing. Aren't you hungry? Let's go eat."

Niu Feng didn't expect that just taking a souvenir would trigger a war between Lin Zhiyou and the little lunatic. If he had known about it, he would have sent her to his dormitory after school to get it, so there was no such thing.

The conflict between Lin Zhiyou and Feng Qinqin was already serious, and it was not a big deal when they started to quarrel, he only hoped that both of them could calm things down this time.

It's a pity that the war between Lin Zhiyou and Feng Qinqin couldn't stop at all.

Seeing Niu Feng persuading Feng Qinqin like a little daughter-in-law, Lin Zhiyou looked down on Niu Feng even more. I really don't know how Feng Qinqin made friends with such a person, they are just as despicable.

"I don't look like a man at all. Let me apologize to such a man. I'm worried about lowering my style!"

The disdain in Lin Zhiyou's eyes was so obvious, it stabbed Feng Qinqin in the eye, Niu Feng felt that he was pulled away by her, and when he realized it, Feng Qinqin and Lin Zhiyou had already started fighting.

Lin Zhiyou didn't expect Feng Qinqin to make a move so soon. Like a gust of wind, Feng Qinqin first slapped her across the face, and then knocked Lin Zhiyou down to the ground with a confused face. The two girls fought into a ball .

Ye Yanzhi, who came with Lin Zhiyou, saw that they were fighting, and stopped where he was, not daring to move.

Last time at the police station, she betrayed Lin Zhiyou out of fear, which already made Lin Zhiyou very angry. Later, she spent a lot of effort to win Lin Zhiyou's trust. Now that Lin Zhiyou and Feng Qinqin are fighting, if she doesn't go Helper, from now on Lin Zhiyou will talk about what use she is for.

Seeing that Feng Qinqin's advantage is getting bigger and bigger, and the others have no intention of fighting, Ye Yanzhi can only bite the bullet and go up. At this moment, Feng Qinqin is riding on Lin Zhiyou's body, and Ye Yan's superior hand is about to pull Feng Qinqin. Qin Qin down.

Feng Qinqin didn't notice that there was someone behind him, and before he knew it, Ye Yanzhi had already pulled him down. As soon as Lin Zhiyou gained power, he rushed up to her, and slapped her with his hands, a five-finger red mark instantly appeared on Feng Qinqin's face. Qin's face.

Feng Qinqin only felt a burning pain on his face, and wanted to fight back, but Ye Yanzhi controlled the back of his hand, Lin Zhiyou raised his hand and slapped her again.

When Niu Feng rushed over, Feng Qinqin had already received two slaps.

Niu Feng came over and pulled Feng Qinqin over, made her stand behind him, and roared.

"Stop fighting, is it interesting for three girls to fight!"

Ye Yanzhi is Lin Zhiyou's friend. She is a girl and can help Lin Zhiyou, but he is a boy, so he can't fight with two girls, so how can he mess around in school in the future.

Feng Qinqin was standing behind him, and she was very upset when she was slapped twice. Damn, two of them hit her one, and the friends who bullied her were boys who couldn't do it, right?
Feng Qinqin pushed Niu Feng away and was about to go forward to have sex with them, but Niu Feng pulled her back in time.

"Qinqin, stop making trouble."

He couldn't do anything, Feng Qinqin would definitely suffer a loss if he fought with them.

"what happened?!"

An old and thick voice sounded around, and everyone was silent.

Zhang Yihui, the counselor of the School of Chemical Engineering, manages the life from the first year to the third year, and has always been known to the students as strict.

No one expected that the counselor would come over today.

 The little lunatic said that fighting at every turn is not in line with her goddess temperament!

  Well, Qianqian is late, but the second watch and the third watch are together. After reading this chapter, please click on the next chapter.

  Addiction to Spoiling: Charm Fox President's Favorite / Ye Luo Wuxin
  When he woke up, a snow-white fox appeared beside him. Mo Ziyi touched it all over, but he didn't know that it was actually a man!
  Since then, she has been crowned with the honorable title of "Sex Girl", and at the same time, she has also begun to fall into his design.

  She is Mo Ziyi, cunning and cheerful, her greatest hobby is making money, she is a genuine little money fan.

  He is Chu Junmo, a nine-tailed demon fox, the most noble king of the demon clan.

  He once fell into a demon for her, destroyed the world, and became bloodthirsty and crazy.

  For her again, he gave up the throne, abandoned the demon body, washed the marrow and deboned, and ascended to become a fairy. 
  Faced with his constant pursuit, she finally couldn't help shouting, "Let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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