Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 102 Please Parents

Chapter 102 Please Parents (3 more)
Zhang Yihui said that he didn't want to come here either. He was eating well in the cafeteria when the school's forum exploded, saying that two girls from the School of Chemical Engineering were fighting at the door of the classroom.

It doesn't matter if he is not at school usually, but now he has no reason not to come at school.

When he saw Lin Zhiyou and Feng Qinqin, Zhang Yihui's face turned ugly, and when he saw the slap marks on their faces, his face turned ashen.

The little girl nowadays is really not worrying at all!
He didn't know how long the two girls were going to quarrel. Years ago, the two had a quarrel at the police station. Later, he learned that it was because Feng Qinqin had poured Lin Zhiyou sulfuric acid. He was shocked when he heard the news.

Fortunately, they were not in the school at the time. If it spread in the school, they would be famous at the School of Chemical Engineering of Tongcheng University.

"Come here, you two!"

It seems that they must be taught a lesson, otherwise they will not know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and they may do even more outrageous things in the future.

Several people lowered their heads and did not speak any more, and some students who just took pictures and posted them on the forum also started to leave.

Academic Affairs Office.

Zhang Yihui was sitting in the swivel chair, playing with his beloved pen, looking at Lin Zhiyou and Feng Qinqin from time to time.

Niu Feng and Ye Yanzhi didn't know what to say behind them.

"Say, what's going on?"

What is the reason for this fight.

The two girls bit their lips and said nothing as if they didn't hear it.

Although this matter was caused by Niu Feng, the biggest reason was the two of them. Feng Qinqin didn't want Niu Feng to be involved again.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Zhang Yihui was filled with anger. Originally, they didn't remember the sulfuric acid incident between the two of them last time, but it seems that this time is indispensable.

"Since you don't say anything, then forget it. I don't care whether you can graduate next year."

Hearing what the counselor said, Lin Zhiyou couldn't hold her breath anymore.

Demerits are a big deal, and no student has demerited them for several years, so why give them demerits.

"Teacher, this matter is not my fault! It was Feng Qinqin who did it first. Everyone saw it at the time, and many people can testify."

Lin Zhiyou deeply believed that Feng Qinqin would not drag Niu Feng into this, so she was the one who made the move first, and her fault was also hers!
Zhang Yihui snorted coldly, didn't he not say it, why did he say it so quickly.

For Lin Zhiyou, he didn't have any affection at all. If it wasn't because she was Lin Xiu's daughter, he wouldn't even want to talk to her.

However, he was surprised that she said that Feng Qinqin did it first.

Feng Qinqin stood there without saying a word, Lin Zhiyou was right, she did it first, and Lin Zhiyou was too cheap.

But today's matter, maybe she really wants to take it over.

Seeing that Feng Qinqin didn't refute, Niu Feng knew that he was worried that he would get involved.

He took a step forward, and just as he was about to say something, Feng Qinqin glared at him.

Niu Feng didn't look at her anymore, but walked up to the counselor.

"Mr. Zhang, it's like this. It's because of me."

Just as Niu Feng said so much, Feng Qinqin dragged him behind him, gave him a hard look, and signaled him not to say any more. This matter had nothing to do with him in the first place. Even without him, Lin Zhiyou would still find him. her business!
In the end, Feng Qinqin still didn't stop her, Niu Feng said everything, and then said.

"Mr. Zhang, many people know what I said. They are all present. I believe they can all testify to me."

After hearing Niu Feng's narration, Zhang Yihui still believed his words.

"Mr. Zhang, since the matter is out of the way, I admit that I did it first. You can mark it off for me, but I also ask Lin Zhiyou to apologize to Niu Feng!"

Feng Qinqin was very persistent about this matter, if Lin Zhiyou didn't apologize to Niu Feng, then this matter would not be over!
Zhang Yihui has a headache now, if he had known earlier, he would have ignored their business.

Lin Zhiyou was determined not to apologize to Niu Feng, and Feng Qinqin was also determined not to let her go, the atmosphere reached a stalemate for a while.

"Parents, please come here."

Zhang Yihui couldn't control it anymore, and the parents of such students could only come here. Although it is a bit of a fuss to invite parents in the university, who made the situation of these two people so special.

Although people in the school didn't know that Feng Qinqin was the daughter of the Feng family, Feng Xiao had already greeted him in private, hoping to take good care of Feng Qinqin, and it was only then that he knew that Feng Qinqin was Feng Wen Army's daughter.

From this point of view, he also knew the reason why Feng Qinqin and Lin Zhiyou had been having an awkward relationship. The two families couldn't get along, let alone their children.

When Lin Zhiyou and Feng Qinqin heard that they were going to invite parents, they were immediately scared.

Feng Wenjun has already divorced his mother, if he had to invite parents, wouldn't he have to let his mother come, and if Lin Xiu came later, wouldn't it be even more chaotic?
No, she couldn't let her mother come over.

Lin Zhiyou was even more afraid. Her father had a prejudice against her. If he knew that she and Feng Qinqin had another dispute at school, he would definitely scold him.

(End of this chapter)

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