Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 103 Come to support the field

Chapter 103 Come to support the field (1 more)
She wanted to call her mother, but her elder brother said that she didn't want her to see her mother. Even if she was just pretending, she couldn't contact her mother so quickly.

Just when she was struggling, Feng Qinqin's voice sounded in the office.

"Teacher, just write it down for me."

Feng Qinqin said that she really didn't know who to send.

Mom just got divorced and she can't let her worry about herself anymore.

Hearing what she said, Lin Zhiyou also felt that it would be better to remember it for herself. If she can't graduate next year, then just ask her brother to give her a relationship.

"Teacher, I agree, please mark it for me."

Zhang Yihui looked at the two people, he insisted this time, after letting them go this time, there might be something wrong in the future.

"Call the parents!"

The two people who were forced to be helpless were kicked out by the counselor to call their respective parents. The two of them had no time to pinch, and they were both worried about who to call.

Lin Zhiyou finally called Lin Xiu, saying that something happened at school and the teacher asked him to come over.

Feng Qinqin heard her call, and now Feng Qinqin didn't dare to let her mother come.

"Let your father come over."

Niu Feng frowned and said.

He didn't understand what the little lunatic was struggling with. Lin Zhiyou even called Lin Xiu here, so what if Feng Qinqin's father didn't come, he would suffer.

Niu Feng didn't know about her parents' divorce, and now that Lin Zhiyou was here, she couldn't tell either.

Just when Feng Qinqin was wondering who to call, the phone suddenly rang.

When he saw that it was Bo Zhongye calling, Feng Qinqin felt an unprecedented sense of grievance welling up in his heart.

After connecting the phone, put the phone to your ear, and the man's nice voice came over.

"have you eaten?"

Feng Qinqin pursed his mouth and replied in a low voice.

"not yet."

How can I care about eating? Before the fight, I was very hungry, but now I am so angry that I am not hungry at all.

"Why haven't you eaten yet? It's already 12:30."

Bo Zhongye thought that she was busy at the beginning of school, but the girl said something.

"I, I got into a fight with Lin Zhiyou, and the counselor told me to invite the parents."

Bo Zhongye over there obviously paused when he heard this sentence.

got into a fight?
Parents please?
So is she hurt?
It is impossible to fight with Lin Zhiyou without getting injured.

"You don't need to call auntie, I'll go there now."

Feng Qinqin also thought so, and hummed lightly.

After hanging up the phone, Bo Zhongye picked up the jacket on the chair and gave instructions to Leyuan.

"All the itinerary for this afternoon is cancelled, and it will be changed to tomorrow morning. I won't be here today. If you have anything to do, please contact the vice president."

Looking at the back of the president leaving in a hurry, Le Yuan blinked, it seems that the president is really in love.

In the past, illness did not delay the social engagements, but this time the CEO left in a hurry just because of a phone call from the girl, which shows that girls hold a very important position in the CEO's mind.

Shaking his head, he called the client in the afternoon and changed the time.

Half an hour later, the Academic Affairs Office of Tongcheng University.

Lin Xiu rushed over after receiving Lin Zhiyou's call, worried that the person fighting with her was Qin Qin, and when he arrived, he saw two slap marks on Qin Qin's cheeks, and his heart ached instantly.

He didn't look at Lin Zhiyou, but walked towards Feng Qinqin immediately, his eyes full of regret.

"Qinqin, are you alright?"

Both sides of the face were already swollen, and it was clear at a glance that Lin Zhiyou's actions were serious.

Feng Qinqin turned away from looking at him, and took several steps back.

Everyone else in the office looked at Lin Xiu with puzzled expressions.

Isn't this person Lin Zhiyou's father? Lin Zhiyou and Feng Qinqin had a fight, so why did Lin Xiu care about Feng Qinqin first, let alone stand up for Lin Zhiyou.

Zhang Yihui also couldn't understand, but Lin Xiu had a noble status, so he still held back the doubts in his heart and stepped forward to greet him.

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

Only then did Lin Xiu's eyes move away from Feng Qinqin's body, looking at Zhang Yihui, an impatient look flashed across his eyes, and then looked at the hand he handed over.

Lin Xiu stretched out his hand and touched it lightly, then moved away and asked.

"What's going on? Didn't anyone stop the fights between the students in your school before?"

Zhang Yihui was taken aback by Lin Xiu's words, how to stop this, who knows where and which two students will fight.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just..."

"It's not a big deal?" Lin Xiu asked back, as if hearing a huge joke, his eyes fell on Feng Qinqin's face again, and he glanced coldly at the counselor, "Qinqin's face is punched like that Now, are you telling me it's not a big deal?"

Zhang Yihui: "..."

No, didn't you see that your daughter was beaten more severely? Not only was she slapped several times on the face, she even had a lot of scratches on her neck. If you didn't know this, you would think Feng Qinqin was his daughter Woolen cloth.

Niu Feng looked at Lin Xiu's unexpected behavior and thought about what happened years ago. He couldn't help but suspect the relationship between the little lunatic and Lin Xiu.

Feng Qinqin stood on the side and didn't speak. She expressed that she was immune to Lin Xiu's behavior. She didn't know why that idiot Lin Zhiyou asked him to come here, and Lin Xiu didn't take her side every time.

(End of this chapter)

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