Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 104 I'm Her Fiance

Chapter 104 I'm Her Fiance (2 more)
Lin Zhiyou knew it would be like this, but she really couldn't figure out who to let.

Just when everyone was doubting Lin Xiu's attitude, the office door opened suddenly, and a tall and tall man walked in in the cold wind without even knocking on the door.

Seeing the man walk in, Feng Qinqin's eyes lit up, and she walked towards him.

When Bo Zhongye came in, he saw Feng Qinqin standing in the corner. He ignored the weird atmosphere in the office and walked towards Feng Qinqin directly.

When he saw the slap print on her face, Bo Zhongye's complexion immediately darkened, and even the temperature in the office dropped several degrees, making the office that was not too high in the first place even colder in an instant.

"Does it hurt?"

Bo Zhongye raised his hand, and gently stroked the skin under his fingertips with his slender fingertips. Those five finger marks were like a pair of invisible hands holding his heart, making him so distressed that he couldn't breathe.

His woman, he has never had the heart to say a word of cruelty, but in the end he was beaten like this, he doesn't care if this person is a man or a woman, his heart will tear that person's heart.

Feng Qinqin held his hand, smiled at him, and said.

"It's okay, Lin Zhiyou was hurt more than me."

If Ye Yanzhi hadn't come to grab her later, she wouldn't have received these two slaps.

Looking at the smile on the girl's face, Bo Zhongye felt very helpless.

He hoped that she didn't slap Lin Zhiyou, and he didn't want her to be slapped.

The two completely ignored that there were other people in the office. Lin Zhiyou's jealous eyes turned red when she saw the way Bo Zhongye looked at Feng Qinqin.

This man is so outstanding, but he is so gentle towards Feng Qinqin. Lin Zhiyou was so angry that she pinched her fingernails into her palms to control her emotions.

Zhang Yihui was stunned to see this scene and didn't react for a long time.

He even wondered if there was something wrong with his eyes, isn't this Bo Zhongye, Young Master Bo?

It wasn't until Lin Xiu called Bo Zhongye that he was sure that this person was really Bo Zhongye, and what was the relationship between Feng Qinqin and him.

When Lin Xiu called him, Bo Zhongye just nodded and did not speak. He pulled Feng Qinqin and sat down on the sofa beside him. A cold voice sounded in the office.

"Niu Feng, go to the infirmary to get ice cubes now."

Niu Feng was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Feng Qinqin's face, he realized what he was doing with the ice cubes, and then turned around and left to get the ice cubes.

There was a room full of people, everyone was standing, only the two of them were sitting here, Feng Qinqin felt scalp numb.

"Are you the counselor?"

Bo Zhongye glanced at Zhang Yihui lightly.

Pay attention to his eyes, Zhang Yihui's body trembled suddenly, although Bo Zhongye was sitting and talking, but the powerful aura made him a little out of breath.

He walked over trembling.

"Hi, I'm Feng Qinqin's counselor."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand.

Bo Zhongye leaned back, obviously not intending to hold it.

"How are you going to handle this?"

Zhang Yihui withdrew his hand embarrassingly. Sure enough, the hand of the richest man in Tongcheng was not easy for anyone to hold.

"Excuse me, are you from Feng Qinqin?"

He always wanted to know the relationship between Feng Qinqin and Bo Zhongye.


The three words exploded in the office like a thunder.

Niu Feng, who hurriedly brought ice cubes from the infirmary, just walked to the door when he heard Bo Zhongye's words.

It seems that the little lunatic's situation is holding up.

It's just that the relationship between the two has developed too quickly.

Zhang Yihui also heard Bo Zhongye's words. What kind of trouble was he saying "I am his fiancé, that is, her husband"?
However, he didn't dare to neglect the current relationship.

"The main thing is the conflict between the two girls, Feng Qinqin is not at fault."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Zhiyou was furious. The counselor didn't say that just now!

After a while, Bo Zhongye understood the truth.

Therefore, Lin Zhiyou wanted to make Qinqin sad by bullying Niu Feng, but what he said was too hurtful.

"Since this is the case, please ask Miss Lin to apologize."

Bo Zhongye spoke coldly, and what he said could not be refused.

After Lin Xiu heard the ins and outs of the matter, he was a little disappointed with Lin Zhiyou, she still looked down on others, how would she feel if she knew that she was not his daughter?

Feng Qinqin also thought about it, she was also at fault for this incident, as long as Lin Zhiyou apologized to Niu Feng, she could pretend that this incident never happened.

Lin Zhiyou clenched her hands tightly, her body trembling uncontrollably, apologizing to that bumpkin Niu Feng, it was more uncomfortable than killing her.

"I'll give you 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, it's not as simple as apologizing."

His Qinqin hasn't eaten yet, and he doesn't want to waste time on unnecessary people.

Lin Zhiyou looked at Bo Zhongye, the coldness in the man's eyes was so clear, he didn't know why he could exude such tenderness when he treated Feng Qinqin.

I really look forward to the day when he dislikes Feng Qinqin.

 There are 3 more, probably around [-]:[-] pm.

(End of this chapter)

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