Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 109 Next time I will shoot in a fair and aboveboard way

Chapter 109 Next time I will shoot in a fair and aboveboard way (1 more)
Feeling Bo Zhongye's approach, Feng Qinqin's heart beat even harder.

Knowing that she secretly photographed him, he must be even more proud.

Seeing that the girl's head was almost hooked to the ground, Bo Zhongye smiled lowly, sat down beside her, clasped her waist with both hands, and hugged her on his lap.

Feng Qinqin hugged his waist in shame, buried her head in his chest, and didn't dare to look at him at all.

Bo Zhongye didn't force her either, he hugged her tightly with one hand to prevent her from falling, and took the mobile phone in her hand with the other.

He took it without any effort, and the phone screen was still on. He opened the photo he just took, and a profile picture appeared in his sight.

He seldom takes pictures. Except for some magazines, there are also family photos. He basically never takes pictures.

I have to say that she took a good photo, and the angle was also good. She pointed her long finger on the screen of her mobile phone, and after a while, this photo became her mobile phone screen.

Stuffing the phone into her pocket, she pulled the shy girl out of her arms.

Feng Qinqin's face was blushing, and she was also very sad. In less than an hour, her face blushed countless times. It took a lot of energy.

"Let me know if you want to shoot next time, we will do it openly."

Feng Qinqin took a deep breath and told herself that it was nothing, just taking a picture of her boyfriend.

Who made him so handsome, who made her unable to change her nympho nature!

"Go to work, I really won't bother you this time."

After a while, she must read her novel carefully and never read him again, really, she promises!

Feng Qinqin pushed him away, slipped off his lap, and lowered her head not to look at him.

"Go to work and don't come here again."

Bo Zhongye sighed, squeezed her little hand, then got up and walked towards the desk.

It took a while for the temperature on Feng Qinqin's face to drop.

Until five o'clock, Bo Zhongye finished all the work, and neither of them spoke again.

After finishing the work, Bo Zhongye didn't mind seeing the time, and he could take her to a movie after dinner.

Seeing that he was wearing a coat, Feng Qinqin tidied up his things, stood up, and puffed out his cheeks.

"Busy working?"

"Well, we're done, pack up and we can go."

After putting on his coat, Bo Zhongye picked up the down jacket on the chair and hung it on his arm.

Ever since he was with her, he had the habit of bringing a down jacket, which he could wrap around her when it was cold.

Today's temperature is okay, but he still took it and prepared it.

When the two left, there was another round of onlookers. The people in the company seemed to be waiting for them to come down after an agreement. There were people standing in the corner, beside the pillar, next to the toilet, and in any corner. When they saw that they were going to leave, their eyes accidentally Look towards them.

Feng Qinqin felt that Bo Zhongye must be too strict at ordinary times, which made his employees afraid of him.

The two went out for dinner, and took her to the movies after dinner, and it was already ten o'clock when they came out of the movie theater.

"You take me home."

Under the light, Bo Zhongye looked at the girl in front of him, and really wanted to pack her up and take her home.

There is still a year to get married, and I feel heartbroken just thinking about it.

Feng Qinqin grabbed his sleeve and shook it.

She couldn't see that he didn't want her to go.

Bo Zhongye glanced at her and sighed, "When will you grow up?"

 Three more together today.

(End of this chapter)

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