Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 110 When Will You Grow Up

Chapter 110 When Will You Grow Up (2 More)
Bo Zhongye glanced at her and sighed.

"When will you grow up?"

The helplessness in the man's tone made her feel distressed, she hugged his waist uncontrollably, and said softly.

"I promise you, after my aunt leaves next month, let's go to Taoyuan Garden for one night, okay?"

After finishing speaking, Feng Qinqin's face blushed completely.

She is still a girl after all, saying such a thing is like an invitation, she is really very shy.

Compared with Feng Qinqin's shyness, Bo Zhongye was taken aback after hearing her words, and after confirming what he meant, he suddenly pulled Feng Qinqin out of his arms.

Two big dry and warm hands cupped her face with an unbelievable tone.

"You mean what I think?"

If it's just to sleep together, it's better not to go, he will die.

Feng Qinqin felt embarrassed when he asked her, she couldn't say it was because she wanted to do something with him, right?

She is also a girl and needs to be reserved.

The skin under his palm became hotter and hotter, and Bo Zhongye knew that she must mean that, but he just wanted her to say it himself.

"Qinqin, talk."

As soon as the man's words came out, Feng Qinqin knew that the man did it on purpose, raised her hand to hit his arm, and complained with her mouth puckered.

"I won't tell you, you deliberately bullied me!"

Bo Zhongye smiled, reached out and hugged her into his arms, holding her tightly, a warm voice rang in her ears.

"Fool, if I don't bully who you bully, I won't be happy if I don't bully you in the future."

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin felt like her face was about to burst into flames.

The bullying she's talking about is not the bullying he's talking about. Well, it's always off topic.

"Okay, can we go now?"

Everything has been done, she has promised, now let her go.

"it is good!"

Bo Zhongye answered simply.

Of course it is possible, and the promise has been obtained. Although the days have been a little longer, it is better than the indefinite future.

Bo Zhongye's good mood lasted until he sent Feng Qinqin home, and when he left, the smile on his mouth was presumptuous.

Liu Ping asked after he left.

"What did you guys do? Why is Xiao Ye so happy?"


"It's nothing, it's just that we went to the movies and he thought it was very good."

Feng Qinqin took Liu Ping's arm and dragged her to sleep.

Isn't she pretty? I only know how to toss her, I don't know how beautiful she is.

Liu Ping was surprised. How could a big man like watching movies be so happy?

It has been a week since Valentine's Day. On this day, Bo Zhongye had just returned home when he was held back by his sister.

Bo gently pulled her to the bar, and the two sat on the high chair. Bo Zhongye looked at her and asked.

"what happened?"

It was so mysterious, and I even found a place where no one was there to talk to him.

Bo frowned slightly, thinking about how to talk to his elder brother.

She hasn't seen Brother Zuo for a long time, but it's actually nothing. She also knows that his company is busy. Since Miss Wen Jing left, Brother Zuo seldom has contact with other people except them.

However, just yesterday, Aunt Yi called her suddenly, saying that Brother Zuo hadn't come home for a week, and he rarely went to the company, so he didn't know where he went.

Bo Weiwei knew that Aunt Yi was worried about where he would go to drink to relieve his worries.

Thinking of the big brother bringing his little sister-in-law to a party on Valentine's Day, brother Zuo's mood is already a little off. Maybe he misses sister Wen Jing?

Seeing that my brothers already have sweethearts, you must feel very disappointed while blessing them?
So, where are you hiding now and can't come out?

"What's the matter, tell your brother if you have anything to do."

Seeing that his sister kept silent, Bo Zhongye thought it was something difficult.

No matter how difficult things are, as long as she speaks out, he will help her do it.

"Brother, has brother Zuo contacted you recently? Have you had dinner together?"

"No, what's wrong?"

He is either busy with work or with Qinqin recently, and has almost no time to spend with others, but speaking of which, Yi Zuo really hasn't called him for a week.

"Why did you ask him all of a sudden?"

Girls are really clingy, maybe they will miss him after only seeing him for a week.

Bo gently told her about Aunt Yi calling her, and then said.

"So I'm worried if he's drinking away his worries somewhere?"

To drink away your worries?

"What worries him?"

What worries him as a big man.

You don't have to coax your girlfriend.

Bo Qingwei really admired the elder brother's EQ, and really didn't know how he managed to catch up with his sister-in-law.

If you really ask him, Bo Zhongye will definitely say that he didn't catch up, but got it.

"Brother, think about it. On Valentine's Day, you showed off your love. If Brother Zuo doesn't have a girlfriend, he must be sad!"

Bo Zhongye helped his forehead.

He felt sad and lost when he wrote this. Damn, he didn't feel anything when he and Wen Jing were glued together in front of him.

Bo Qingwei couldn't explain to him clearly.

"Then do you know where he usually goes when he drinks or is in a bad mood?"

(End of this chapter)

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