Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 111 Bring me another bottle and 1 pot heads

Chapter 111 Bring me another bottle of Erguotou (3 more)
She is going to have a look, as long as there is a goal, she can look for it one by one, and she will definitely find it.

"You can call him and ask him where he is."

What a convenient way.

Bo looked at his elder brother lightly, and really wanted to complain about him.

"Aunt Yi didn't get through, and I did too, but they didn't get through."

The most important thing is that Aunt Yi has been calling for several days, but there is no news at all. I went to the company to find him, but there was no one in the company.

Bo Zhongye didn't understand now, why couldn't he get through the phone?
He took out his mobile phone, found Yi Zuo's number, and dialed it.

"Hi, the phone you are calling is off..."

Bo Zhongye realized that something was wrong now, why did this guy turn off the phone.

Looking at the expression on the elder brother's face, Bo Qingyou knew that there was no connection.

"Brother, where do you think he will go?"

Bo Weiwei felt that she was quite a failure. She had loved the man for several years, but she knew nothing about his life. Brother Zuo didn't give him a chance to enter his life at all.

Now, wanting to know where he is, but also asking her elder brother, she really doesn't know how long her feelings for him can last.

Bo Zhongye thought about a few places they often went to, and suddenly Yizuo's sadness and pain after Wen Jing left flashed through his mind. At that time, he found him at a barbecue restaurant.

When he found him, Yi Zuo was muttering something about Wen Jing.

It's been several years, I don't know if that store is still there?

"Let's go, I'll take you to have a look, I don't know if you're here or not."

Whether it's for his sister's peace of mind or for his buddy, he has no reason to sit idly by.

Bo Songyuan was very upset when he saw that his son had to leave soon after he came back.

"Can you stay at home peacefully for one night!"

"Dad, brother will take me out for a while, and we'll be back in a while."

Hearing what his daughter said, Bo Songyuan couldn't say anything. His daughter was not in good health, and it was too late for him to be distressed. He must not be willing to reprimand her, but he still gave his son a look.

"Come back early, and don't take your sister to an indecent place."

Bo Zhongye pursed his lips, and finally swallowed the words he wanted to refute.

He already has a girlfriend, would he still go to unscrupulous places? He didn't go to many places when he didn't have Qinqin!

"Dad, I won't tell you anymore. We'll be back soon."

Bo Weiwei was worried that he was going late, so brother Zuo left, and she couldn't find him again.

Seeing that his daughter really had something to do, Bo Songyuan waved his hand and let them go.

On the way, Bo Weiwei was very nervous.

She didn't know if she could find brother Zuo, and she didn't know how she felt when she found him and saw him getting drunk for sister Wen Jing.

It's been many years, and she should get used to it, but when it comes to the real face, she's still timid.

The car finally stopped and observed the surrounding environment. Bo Qingwei remembered that this place seemed to be the back street of Baili Road.

Bo Zhongye opened the car door and got out of the car first, but Bo Qingyuan got out of the car after knowing it.

Baili Road sounds nice, but it is actually the poorest place in Tongcheng.

Why is Brother Zuo in such a place?

Following the eldest brother, the road was rough and there was water in many places, and she almost fell down several times.

Bo Zhongye held her hand to prevent her from falling, there was still a way to the barbecue restaurant.

After seeing the barbecue restaurant not far away, Bo Zhongye heaved a sigh of relief.


Bo Zhongye walked to the entrance of the barbecue shop, the aunt was still grilling meat for customers by the side of the road, the shop was full of people, and there were also many customers outside, the smell of meat was indescribable, and Bo Zhongye felt his nose was uncomfortable.

"Sir, what do you eat?"

Bo Zhongye couldn't hide his dislike, so Bo Qingwei said hastily.

"Auntie, we're not here to eat, we're here to find someone."

The barbecue aunt gave them a regretful look, as if she had missed a big customer.

Bo Zhongye didn't stay any longer, and went directly into the shop.

Bo Weiwei looked at the barbecue aunt apologetically, and then followed.

There were more people in the store, and the tables filled the room, and the two of them didn't know where to go when they entered.

Feeling the environment here, it is really hard for Bo Qingwei to think that brother Zuo will come to such a place.

Until a familiar drunken voice came, both brothers and sisters looked towards the source of the voice.

"Aunt Zhang! Bring me another bottle of Erguotou!"

Bo Zhongye walked around the table, walked to the side of Yi Zuo, who was already drunk and out of shape, and picked him up without saying a word.

"Brother, slow down."

Bo Zhongye was really rude, he picked up Yi Zuo by his back collar like a chicken.

"Here it is, the Erguotou you want."

Hearing Aunt Zhang's voice, Yi Zuo regained his energy all of a sudden, only then realized that he was still being carried, and immediately scolded him.

"Damn it, who is holding me? Do you know who I am? Can you touch my clothes!"

Looking at Bo Weiwei, he was already drunk and looked like him, his body was sloppy, and his handsome face was also dirty, not to mention the peach blossom eyes that usually seemed to be shining.

 Today's update is over, hehe
(End of this chapter)

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