Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 113 Do you know the feeling of a feather passing by?

Chapter 113 Do you know the feeling of a feather passing by?

The Bo Family Courtyard.

It was almost twelve o'clock when the two came back, Bo Qingwei was very sorry, the eldest brother had to work tomorrow, and she dragged him to find brother Zuo.

Seeing his sister's absent-minded look, Bo Zhongye thought she was worrying about Yizuo.

"Gently, perhaps Ah Zuo is not suitable for you."

Yi Zuo is a person who values ​​friendship. Wen Jing has been away for so many years, and he has no scandals at all. Although he is close to Qingqing, it has nothing to do with love. If Qingqing waits like this, there may not be results.

Moreover, once Wen Jing comes back, her sister will definitely be wronged.

"Brother, I know."

However, liking him has already formed a habit, and it is not so easy to get rid of it.

She lives in this circle, the three eldest brothers are all excellent, and then there is Brother Zuo, she worshiped him when she was very young, and felt that no man in the world could compare to him, so she felt that if she wanted to marry, she must marry such a man.

However, she was so young that he always regarded her as his younger sister.

Bo Zhongye felt distressed seeing his sister like this.

"That's good. When the Rose Mountain project is officially launched, you must go there. Then you can see who you like, and tell the elder brother, and the elder brother will help you."

The younger sister always wants to have a relationship, she wants to see the outside world, she can't always be around Yizuo alone, no matter if it succeeds or not, anyway, with their three brothers around, no man in Tongcheng dares to bully her.

Hearing what the eldest brother said, Bo smiled lightly.

"Brother, I haven't graduated yet, let's talk about it later."

She is almost 20 years old now, and she has to wait for another five years. During these five years, if Sister Wen Jing comes back, then she will not wait. If she does not come back, she will confess to Brother Zuo, whether it is successful or not. , five years later, she will not wait any longer.

Bo Zhongye respected his sister's wishes, as long as she felt good.

"Go, it's already twelve o'clock, take a good rest, you have class tomorrow morning?"

Bo nodded lightly, said goodnight to him, and went back to his room.

the next day.On Friday, students from other departments can have two days off after Friday, but those from the School of Chemical Engineering still have to do experiments, and they do it all day long.

In the morning, there was an inorganic chemistry course, and there was also a quantum mechanics course. When Bo came to the classroom with two books in his arms, Niu Feng took a seat for her.

Bo walked over gently, complaining very irritably.

"What to do, we still need to do experiments tomorrow!"

Organic experiments can be really annoying.

Niu Feng glanced at her and raised his brows slightly.

"Is there something more annoying that you don't know?"

Feng Qinqin sat up straight, staring at him with big bright eyes.

"What's the big deal?"

Niu Feng: "Tomorrow we will do organic experiments, and the day after tomorrow we will do drug experiments."

As soon as Niu Feng finished speaking, Feng Qinqin slumped on the table, saying that he didn't want to live anymore.

Niu Feng looked helplessly at her expression of "I don't want to do the experiment, I don't want to do the experiment", and then ruthlessly exposed her.

"Whenever you do an experiment, you are not playing, I am doing it, and I haven't complained yet, you are here to die."

Feng Qinqin, who was lying on the table, blinked when she heard his words, and said with a guilty conscience.

"Then who asked you to team up with me? I just don't want to work, and you will have to work hard if you team up with me."

Niu Feng nodded towards her head, Feng Qinqin immediately protected her forehead, sat up straight and gave him a look, couldn't help showing affection.

"It's really rude. No wonder I can't find a girlfriend. My boyfriend is very gentle when he touches me." As he said, Feng Qinqin squinted his eyes and asked him, "Do you know the feeling of a feather passing by? Study hard!"

Niu Feng really wanted to vomit three liters of blood, but he still vomited on the face of this extremely shameless person.

She also showed her affection to him, bullying him for not having a girlfriend, right?
"That's because I don't want to look for it. You see, as long as I open my mouth, many girls will jump on me."

Although his family is a bit poor, but he is capable, the scholarship in the school did not have him at that time, even if he did not study, he could still get good grades in the exam.

However, it is this not-so-honest face that does not give a good impression.

Feng Qinqin glanced at him.

The two stopped fighting until the teacher came over.

As everyone knows, all the actions between the two were seen by the boy who came in with the teacher.

After Teacher Wu came over, Dean Liu also followed. When Feng Qinqin saw the boy behind Dean Liu, his eyes narrowed.

How did he come back?
It didn't take long for Dean Liu to come over and talk to the teacher. Then he said something to the boy behind him. It was obvious that his tone was not very good.

The boy's eyes turned to one side, feeling a little out of sorts.

Later, Dean Liu left, and Teacher Wuji introduced it to everyone.

"Students, your classmate Liu Yanmo is back, welcome!"

As soon as Teacher Wu's words came out, all the students in the classroom, except Feng Qinqin, Niu Feng and Lin Zhiyou, started to applaud.

Feng Qinqin stared at the books on the table, the line of sight on the podium was too obvious, she didn't need to raise her head, she knew that the man was looking at her.

Yes, Liu Yanmo was indeed looking at her without blinking.

She seemed to have become more beautiful again, and her relationship with Niu Feng was still so good.

I don't know since when, she stopped looking at him.

 Did you smell gunpowder?
(End of this chapter)

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