Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 114 Let go!

Chapter 114 Let go!

Feng Qinqin wanted to take the book and leave, but the noise in his ear never stopped, until Liu Yanmo sat down, Feng Qinqin's sight was blocked in front of him.

The hand that lifted the page paused, bit the corner of his lip, and continued to open the book.

When Niu Feng saw Liu Yanmo sitting in front of them, his expression turned a little sour. He really wanted to walk up to him, grab him by the collar, and ask him what he wanted to do?
Wasn't it enough to kill the little lunatic a year ago?

Now that he came back and wanted to pester her, he would never allow it!
In class, Feng Qinqin listened very seriously. She didn't have anything to do, so she didn't need to worry about people who were not related.

After class, Niu Feng elbowed her and wrote her a note.

"Do you want to go?"

Feng Qinqin looked at the note and smiled indifferently.

"You have something to do. If you have nothing to do, finish this class before leaving."

Niu Feng: "..."

What can he do, but worry about her!
Feng Qinqin knew what he meant, but if she left, Liu Yanmo would definitely think that she was hiding from him, only those with a guilty conscience would hide, so why should she hide.

Even if she leaves, Liu Yanmo will definitely catch up, and it will be unclear when the time comes.

Lin Zhiyou, who was sitting in the back, couldn't sit still. Ever since she saw Liu Yanmo and then saw him sitting in front of Feng Qinqin, she was no longer calm.

As soon as the teacher left, she picked up the book and walked towards his place.

There was no one sitting next to Liu Yanmo, so Lin Zhiyou sat down.

After seeing Lin Zhiyou, Liu Yanmo's face froze instantly.

His complexion also began to look ugly, and then a gloomy voice came over, his tone full of disgust.

"Please leave!"

Hearing his words, Lin Zhiyou not only did not leave, but hugged his arm, and pressed her entire chest towards him.

"Yan Mo, why didn't you tell me when you came back?"

Jiao Didi's voice made Feng Qinqin behind her get goosebumps all over her body, and she picked up the book and left without intending to change positions.

Damn, it's so disgusting.

Seeing her go, Niu Feng picked up his book and followed her.

Liu Yanmo became anxious all of a sudden, he just got closer to her, and now she was gone again, thinking about getting up, but Lin Zhiyou's arms were tightly hugging him, Liu Yanmo slashed at her with knife-like eyes, Lin Zhiyou was frightened by his eyes With a jump, his body stiffened immediately.

Liu Yanmo threw her away forcefully, picked up the book and changed his seat, this time there were people around him, Lin Zhiyou had no place to sit.

The students in the classroom watched this scene without blinking their eyes.

Sure enough, they had another big show to watch.

But they didn't expect Liu Yanmo to be so ruthless towards Lin Zhiyou, and he just threw him away.

It seems that the victory has been decided.

Isn't it just that the outcome has already been decided, Feng Qinqin doesn't need a little effort, Liu Yanmo approaches her, Lin Zhiyou licks her face even if she looks disgusted.

Lin Zhiyou sat where she was so angry that she didn't want to leave, or if she didn't leave.

Now she must be the joke of the whole class, right?

Liu Yanmo, you are cruel, I think you will like Feng Qinqin after she already has a boyfriend and has been raped?

Didn't he say that Feng Qinqin is the cleanest girl in the world? I want to see your expression when you find out.

Feng Qinqin, who was sitting in the back, also had nowhere to vent her anger. What the hell does Liu Yanmo mean, sitting in front of her without sitting anywhere, and Lin Zhiyou, why is she so cheap, sticking to men's breasts at every turn, damn it Her breasts are big, if she dares to stick to Bao Zhongye's breasts, she will dare to cut her with a knife!

Damn, I can't move when I see a man!

Seeing that she was so angry that she was about to tear up the book, Niu Feng reminded her.

"Sister, you have a boyfriend, it's easy for people to misunderstand that you like Liu Yanmo."

It's okay to be angry only if you care.

Feng Qinqin glared at him sharply.

"Will I fall in love with the kind of person who only has good looks and nothing else? Besides, is he as handsome as my boyfriend!"

Feng Qinqin lowered her voice and questioned him.

Niu Feng surrendered, but he couldn't beat her.

The morning class was finally over. After the teacher left, many students did not leave. They were waiting to see Liu Yanmo's attitude towards Lin Zhiyou and Feng Qinqin.

But who knew, Feng Qinqin and Niu Feng pulled away from the back of the classroom and left.

Without the heroine, everyone will be scattered.

After knowing that Feng Qinqin had walked out from the back door of the classroom, Liu Yanmo picked up the book and chased outside. Not long after he walked out of the classroom, someone grabbed his arm.

"Yan Mo!"

Lin Zhiyou grabbed his arm and refused to let go.

Liu Yanmo turned to look at her, this face disgusted him, really.

"Let go."

He didn't want to do anything to a girl, and he didn't want to embarrass her in public.

Lin Zhiyou would not let go even if she died.

"Yan Mo, I don't blame you if you didn't tell me when you came back, but don't you do this to me?"

She loved him, and he was the only man she ever loved. She couldn't just let him go.

"I won't let it go, can you have a good talk with me?"

She lowered her posture as much as possible, but Liu Yanmo still didn't want to talk to her at all.

(End of this chapter)

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