Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 115 I'm Just a Passerby

Chapter 115
"Lin Zhiyou, let go, I don't want to make you look bad."

Lin Zhiyou?
He even called her by her first and last name. He used to call her Youyou, and he used to call her by her nickname affectionately when he was in love.

Now, the tone is so cold.

"Yan Mo."

Lin Zhiyou's eyes slowly turned red, and thousands of words seemed to be contained in these two words. She hoped that he could look at her more, talk to her more, and smile at her.

However, since he came, he hasn't looked at her in the morning.

"I don't want to talk to a liar."

Hearing this, Lin Zhiyou felt as if she was in an ice cellar, her whole body was bone-chillingly cold.

Liu Yanmo grabbed her hand, pulled it away, and strode away.

Lin Zhiyou stood where she was, like a fool, not knowing what to do?

He said she was a liar?

She was indeed a liar, she was the one who told Liu Yanmo that Feng Qinqin was an illegitimate daughter, and she was the one who told him that Feng Qinqin and Niu Feng were lovers.

But, all of this is because she loves him, she can't let him be with Feng Qinqin.

Deep down, Liu Yanmo and Bo Zhongye are different.

She doesn't love Bo Zhongye, she can seduce Bo Zhongye in order to get revenge on Feng Qinqin, but for Liu Yanmo, she really loves him.

However, she only got "I don't talk to liars" in exchange.

She smiled, but the tears in the corners of her eyes could not be stopped.


Feng Qinqin didn't want to run into Liu Yanmo again in the cafeteria, so he left with Niu Feng after eating.

There is no class in the afternoon, so she can prepare for tomorrow's experiment.

Niu Feng looked at Feng Qinqin and asked.

"Don't you report to your boyfriend that your ex-boyfriend is back?"


Feng Qinqin glanced at him and corrected her.

"Pay attention to your wording, he is Lin Zhiyou's ex-boyfriend, and he has nothing to do with me."

It's not that she is angry, she seems to be very affectionate towards Liu Yanmo, but in fact she is an outsider, okay, she has nothing to do with her from the beginning to the end.

If the two of them get her involved again this time, let's see if she looks good to them!

"Stop talking, I'm leaving."


Feng Qinqin took the bus back. He just walked to Yunhai Road and got off the bus. The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became.

A year ago, she didn't do anything, but she was cast as a mistress who snatched someone else's boyfriend, and the leading actor was their good friend Liu Yanmo.

Liu Yanmo is just a bored gourd, he likes her, tell others but not her.

OK, he didn't confess that she got a peace, but he didn't know what he was thinking about telling Lin Zhiyou.

Well, finally they got on.

It's nothing to do with her, Liu Yanmo later found her and wanted to confess to her, and then she was labeled as a mistress.

Please everyone testify to her, she didn't do anything, she just appeared on stage for the last time, and was scolded.

Isn't she wronged?

She doesn't know anything!

Later, Liu Yanmo left, and everyone forgot about it after a long time. Now that he came back, it was inevitable that she would be involved again.

It's annoying!
In the evening, Feng Qinqin and Bo Zhongye talked on the phone, and told him that she was going to do experiments on the weekend, so she couldn't accompany him.

Finally, he was free and she was not.

"Then I'll bring you lunch at noon tomorrow."

I haven't seen her for a day, and I miss her.

If there is no experiment, I can take her around tomorrow with me.

"did you miss me?"

Across the phone, the man's voice was very nice, Feng Qinqin thought nothing of it.

I really miss him, especially after Liu Yanmo came back today, feeling very wronged, if she wasn't afraid of disturbing his work, she would have gone to him in the afternoon.

Bo Zhongye over there was stunned for a moment.

He thought she would be reserved, but he didn't expect her to say it without even thinking about it.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

It wasn't like this before.

"It's okay, come over tomorrow and deliver my meal, remember three servings, and bring one to Niu Feng."

It's fine if he comes. In this case, she can rest in the car for a while after finishing the experiment at noon, otherwise she will be in a daze again when doing the experiment in the afternoon.

"it is good."

Feng Qinqin looked at the time and said to him.

"Don't talk about it, I have to get up early tomorrow, so I can't sleep too late."

"Well, go to sleep."

The next morning, in the laboratory.

In the past, the number of people in the class was even, and it happened to be a group of two. Now there is an extra Liu Yanmo. The teacher in the laboratory said that it would be fine to join the group with whom he wanted to be with.

Liu Yanmo pointed to the group of Feng Qinqin and Niu Feng, and said.

"I'm on a team with them."

Before Lin Zhiyou had time to ask him to join her and Ye Yanzhi, she heard him say that she wanted to be with Feng Qinqin, and swallowed what she wanted to say.

As soon as she heard that Liu Yanmo was going to join them, Feng Qinqin spoke up before the teacher said anything.

"I'm sorry, teacher, Niu Feng and Liu Yanmo have a feud. For the sake of everyone's own safety, I don't agree with him coming to our group."

Niu Feng wanted to pick her up and beat her up now!
He was always used as a shield at critical moments, and he couldn't refute yet.

 Our little lunatic is really all the way, only to blame someone for being a showman.

  Recommend a friend text:
  "Psycho: Master Jing, don't mess around" Ye Ziyou
  Yancheng Mu Wan.

  A good-for-nothing illegitimate child who was abandoned by the Mu family since childhood.

  At the age of 18, he was suddenly called back to Mu's house and died on the way!

  The national teacher borrowed his body and returned from rebirth.

  She is the good-for-nothing illegitimate child of the Feng Shui family.

  She is the great master of the Zhou Dynasty who overwhelmed the sky with one hand.

  Soul transformation.

  How can the golden scales be in the pool!
  Awakening for the first time, stirring up the whole city!
  Yin-yang gossip, Fengshui metaphysics, as a psychic national teacher of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it's not easy to come by!

  On the way to rise.

  Tease a male god, but provoke a big Buddha.

  The seductive one ran away, but the one being teased changed his mind!

(End of this chapter)

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