Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 116 Did I Have My Permission to Eat With Her?

Chapter 116 Did I Have My Permission to Eat With Her?

Liu Yanmo looked at Feng Qinqin, who didn't give him a look at all. All the classmates saw the pain in his expression, and his tone was as low as dust.

"I can make peace with him."

She said that he had a problem with her partner, and he could take a step back and play this scene with her.

Feng Qinqin bit the corner of her lips, not polite at all.

"Sorry, I don't like it."

Seeing that something was wrong with the two of them, the teacher said quickly.

"Yan Mo, you and Lin Zhiyou should be in a group. Both of them are girls, and you can help them with some work."

Hearing that the teacher asked Yan Mo to be with them, Lin Zhiyou was overjoyed and said quickly.

"Okay, it just so happens that we can't move anything."

Lin Zhiyou looked at him expectantly, hoping that he would agree, but Liu Yanmo walked towards the group closest to Feng Qinqin.

The students in the laboratory all cast sympathetic looks at Lin Zhiyou, but more people still laughed.

Lin Zhiyou, who is so invincible, sometimes gets cold faces.

I don't know if it was because of Liu Yanmo's rejection, but Lin Zhiyou was irritable all morning, and her dislike of Ye Yanzhi could be heard in every laboratory.

All the classmates thought she was stupid, even Feng Qinqin thought she was hopelessly stupid.

Liu Yanmo already hated her very much, but he didn't pay attention to his image at all when he was around.

Which man would like an uneducated woman?

I really don't have a long brain.

After finishing the experiment in the morning, Niu Feng asked her where she was going to eat.

Feng Qinqin took off the gloves and said.

"You don't need to go out, he will come to deliver food to me in a while, and I asked him to bring you one too."

Someone bring a meal?

"Master Bo?"

There seemed to be no one but him.

Feng Qinqin nodded.

"It should be outside."

After leaving the door of the laboratory, Feng Qinqin lay on the railing and looked down, and she was really already below.

"Let's go."

Niu Feng just wanted to say, can he not eat?

It's purely for dog food.

The other students in the lab also came down to eat, Feng Qinqin deliberately slowed down her pace and waited for everyone to finish walking before she went down, so as to save them another disturbance when they saw Bo Zhongye.

Liu Yanmo also followed them to the back, Lin Zhiyou naturally followed Liu Yanmo, she saw that it was Bo Zhongye's car just now, hum, after a while Yan Mo knew that Feng Qinqin already had a boyfriend.

When she reached the second floor, her classmates had almost left, and Feng Qinqin also quickened her pace. She didn't feel that someone was following her.


Liu Yanmo strode up to her, Feng Qinqin stopped.

"What's up?"

Liu Yanmo was a little excited, this was the first time she had talked to him properly, he didn't ask to be with her in the future, he only hoped that he could still be friends in the future.

"Can I go to dinner with you?" Worried that she would disagree, Liu Yanmo hurriedly added, "I just came back, and many people are not close. It's quite lonely to eat alone."

Just when Feng Qinqin was about to reject him again, Bo Zhongye's low and displeased voice came from behind.

"Why, did you have my permission to eat with my girlfriend?"

Bo Zhongye came over, held Feng Qinqin's little hand, and glanced at the boy who had just spoken.

He saw many people coming out from downstairs just now. Before she came down, he got out of the car to take a look, and then saw this man stop his woman from talking.

He closed the door and came up.

As soon as he came up, he heard that he was going to have lunch with Feng Qinqin.

Hehe, you are also amazing.

Seeing him coming, Feng Qinqin's heart skipped a beat, and then she raised her small face and gave him a flattering smile.

"Why did you come up?"

It's over, this man must be jealous, and he will definitely not have any good fruit for her in a while.

Instead of holding her hand, Bo Zhongye embraced her waist, and pinched the soft flesh of her waist gently.

Feng Qinqin straightened up instantly.

Just knew he would.

Liu Yanmo looked at the man who suddenly appeared, it turned out to be Feng Qinqin's boyfriend, but isn't this man Bo Zhongye?

How could Qinqin be with him, or a boyfriend and girlfriend?

Bo Zhongye actually hugged her waist, Feng Qinqin not only did not resist, but also smiled at him.

He obviously smiled so beautifully, but he felt it was so dazzling.

Feng Qinqin didn't want to stay any longer, she was so hungry.

"Let's go, let's eat."

Bo Zhongye looked at the girl in his arms, hugged her and walked down, Niu Feng had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

Downstairs, Bo Zhongye handed the lunch box to Niu Feng, then pulled Feng Qinqin into the car, and the car drove away not long after.

Niu Feng was left alone in a mess in the wind.

Let him just say, the little lunatic should have reported it to Young Master Bo in advance, now he is jealous and can't stand it anymore.

Bo Zhongye drove the car to an empty place in front of the school, took off his seat belt, but did not get out of the car, but turned around and looked at her.

"What's going on? Who is he?"

He didn't know there was such a character.

(End of this chapter)

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