Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 126 Show affection!Show affection!

Chapter 126 Show affection!Show affection! (3 more)
Bo Zhongye let out a low laugh, controlled the back of her head with his big hand and pressed her small head against her chest. When he looked at Liu Yanmo again, the provocation in his eyes should not be too obvious.

He looked at Liu Yanmo's fists hanging on both sides of his body, the veins on the back of his hands were faintly visible.

What a young man, to be provoked so easily.

Bo Zhongye expressed a sense of accomplishment.

"Since she is Qinqin's friend, I need to say a few words. She has a boyfriend. I don't want her to get too close to other boys. The little girl listens to me, so she won't have sex with you." Don't mind my friend."

The meaning is obvious, if something comes at me, I just won't let you get close to her, what can you do!
Liu Yanmo wanted to vomit blood, and clenched his fists tightly, but he couldn't do anything. He watched Bo Zhongye walk away with Feng Qinqin in his arms, and Feng Qinqin was like a little girl, always nestled in Bo Zhongye's arms without looking up. .

And standing here, his heart seems to have been hollowed out more than half, and he can't find the direction of life...

Bo Zhongye walked to the school gate with Feng Qinqin in his arms, opened the car door and let her sit in before he got in the car.

After getting in the car, Bo Zhongye didn't rush to fasten his seat belt, but the girl in the passenger seat looked over.

"Why didn't you tell me when you were wronged?"

Lin Zhiyou and Liu Yanmo are really amazing, they let his woman bear such a big blame, Lin Zhiyou is a girl, he can ignore it as a man, but Liu Yanmo, he must give him a good look!

Not everyone can bully his Bo Zhongye's woman, even if it's been a long time!
Feng Qinqin bit her lips and looked at him. Although the man's tone was serious and angry, her heart was warmed when she heard his words.

When she was wronged back then, she was really angry and wanted to clarify, but no one believed her. At that time, it was a recognized fact that Lin Zhiyou was Liu Yanmo's girlfriend, and this identity alone was enough for everyone to believe Lin Zhiyou.

Of course, what she said was unbelievable.

It wasn't until Liu Yanmo left that the matter slowly subsided.

The mother and elder brother didn't know about this matter, she didn't tell them, the relationship between the Feng family and the Lin family was already tense, she didn't want to add more trouble, but if Liu Yanmo hadn't left, she might really not be able to stand the rumors from the outside world , let the big brother settle it.

Although it has been a long time since the incident, hearing his question, there seemed to be a sense of grievance in his chest again.

Women are like this, when no one loves them, they feel that they are invincible and can bear anything, but once someone loves them, that person is still the man they love, and they start to become hypocritical.

Seeing the girl's aggrieved face, Bo Zhongye suppressed his anger, stretched out his hand to pinch her little hand, and said.

"No one will bully you in the future."

They have to have the guts to bully them.

Feng Qinqin nodded wildly, threw himself into the man's arms, hugged his thin waist with both hands, his legs were still in the passenger seat, his posture was very awkward, but no one paid attention to it, Feng Qinqin hugged him tightly Holding him, the two separated for a long time.

Bo Zhongye took the girl out of his arms and asked.

"Are you hungry, shall we go eat?"

Feng Qinqin nodded.

Two days later, Bo Bingzhong and Zhang Xiulan came back from the temple and picked out a few good days. Bo Zhongye chose the closest one on his own initiative, thinking that Feng Qinqin would go to the garment factory to look at the clothes after a while, so he could just hang a thin The identity of the future mistress of the family.

The elders of the Bo family naturally had no objections, and hoped that things would get better and better.

After discussing, Bo Zhongye went to Yunhai Community.

I told Liu Ping about the date of engagement, and it was set on the sixteenth day of the second lunar month, that is, March 3th, which is half a month away.

Liu Ping had no objection, and there was no one in her natal family. The engagement meant that she would go with Feng Xiao and Qinqin's friends. Most of them were guests from the Bo family, so it was fine for them to decide.

On Friday, it was confirmed that there was no need to do experiments on Sunday. Feng Qinqin wanted to go to see the clothes with Niu Feng, but Bo Zhongye meant to go after getting engaged.

Hearing Bo Zhongye's thoughts, Feng Qinqin felt a little speechless.

"You can't help me all the time. At first, I wanted to go and have a look. If there is any difficulty, I will definitely tell you. When the time comes, won't you just call and solve it?"

Although she opened this store with the mentality of making small troubles, of course she hopes to achieve something. After all, there is still Niu Feng here. She can't cheat him, but she hopes that she can make it through her own efforts. Come, otherwise outsiders will say that she will only drag Bo Zhongye back.

She doesn't want to be a worthless rich wife.

Seeing her persistence, Bo Zhongye didn't force it.

"Okay, but we are about to get engaged. I have made an appointment with someone to come over tomorrow to measure your size and order clothes. Can you come back tomorrow afternoon?"

Feng Qinqin was taken aback, and ordered clothes.

Looks like a top designer?
"Okay, I'll definitely be back before four o'clock."

She will not miss such a good opportunity, maybe she can communicate with the designer, and design clothes with their clothing store in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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