Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 127 Much more handsome than when driving

Chapter 127 Much more handsome than when driving (4 more)
The next morning, Feng Qinqin and Niu Feng set off.

When I came to the best garment factory in Tongcheng, I first told the assistant of the factory manager the purpose of their visit. The assistant took them to see the clothes in the factory. The clothes produced here are all the latest styles and the quality is not bad.

The two of them watched until noon, and felt that the clothes in this store were not bad, and there were many high-quality imitations, which were suitable for college students to consume.

During the meal, Feng Qinqin asked Niu Feng what he meant.

"I think we can start with college students first, sell most of the high imitations first, and then slowly add brand-name clothes."

Niu Feng thinks it's okay, they are also college students, they can grasp the psychology of students who have no money but want to wear fashionable clothes, add new styles in time, and add some famous brands, which can be said to be very good.

Neither of them had any objections. After eating, they went to choose a few big bags of the most popular and new styles that were not popular at the moment, and left the address for the staff in the factory to send them there.

The factory manager came in the afternoon. Seeing the clothes Feng Qinqin had chosen, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and looked at Feng Qinqin with admiration.

"Are you going to take these away?"

Feng Qinqin nodded.

Director Wang is a lean man in his 50s, tall and energetic, and every look in his eyes shows the shrewdness of this man.

After seeing Feng Qinqin nodding, he nodded in approval.

This girl has a good eye. Later, the factory manager may be in a good mood, and told her some tips for selling clothes. The most important thing is to update the style of clothes in time. Many clothes may not be popular after a month, and there is Understand the current dynamics and know the preferences of consumers.

Feng Qinqin listened very carefully, Niu Feng almost got a notebook to write it down seeing her like that.

Feng Qinqin pinched, and set off back at three o'clock in the afternoon.

In the taxi, Niu Feng asked.

"Why are you in such a hurry to go back?"

He saw that she really wanted to continue chatting with others.

Feng Qinqin smoothed her hair and replied.

"He told me to go back and have my measurements made for the engagement day gown."

Feng Qinqin had already told Niu Feng that she was going to get engaged, and he would definitely go there that day. If Mingruo didn't come back, the three of them would become two. He had to go to support the scene.

"Looks like I'll have to buy a suit too."

You can't embarrass her!
Hearing this, Feng Qinqin patted him on the shoulder and said jokingly.

"Well, if you behave well, you might be spotted by some famous lady!"

Niu Feng was speechless.

The taxi stopped near the Bo family's compound. There were guard posts near the compound, and ordinary vehicles couldn't get in at all. Feng Qinqin had to get out of the car and walk in by himself.

Niu Feng in the car saw Bo Zhongye's villa through the glass, it was really big, it was almost half the size of the community, rich people are so capricious, they built such a good land into swimming pools and gardens.

I really didn't expect that one day he would be the friend of the wife of the richest man in Tongcheng. If it was said that few people would believe it, it would be considered luck.

After the taxi drove away, Feng Qinqin walked towards the compound.

What Niu Feng said was not wrong. With such a large area, it is definitely not all houses. Most of them are arranged exteriors, which are equivalent to a small garden.

Looking at the various types of flowers, plants and trees around, Feng Qinqin's walking was not so boring anymore.

When she turned her head to look at the scenery on the other side, Feng Qinqin suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Who's that cyclist in front of you?

What is he going to do again?
Yes, Bo Zhongye rode over on a racing car, his long straight legs were pedaling at this moment, his eyes were on Feng Qinqin's face, the rays of the sun that had not yet set down hit the man's back, Feng Qinqin I remembered a sentence.

My male god is a great hero, he will step on colorful clouds to pick me up.

The racing car stopped at Feng Qinqin's feet, and Bo Zhongye stepped on the ground with two long legs, staring at the girl's nympho face, he couldn't help laughing lowly.

The pure and sexy laughter blew to Feng Qinqin's ears with the spring breeze, bringing her back to her senses.

His face turned red all of a sudden.

He raised his hand and patted his cheek, well, it was hot again.

Feng Qinqin was very annoyed, when would she be able to be a little bit promising, she had been looking at his face for so long, and she was still not immune to him.

This man is simply a monster!
Seeing the girl's expression of embarrassment and hating himself for being worthless, Bo Zhongye couldn't help laughing anymore.

Hearing his hearty laughter, Feng Qinqin glared at him suddenly, receiving her coquettish look, Bo Zhongye not only did not restrain himself, but laughed even louder.

"Stop laughing!"

If you laugh again, she won't go, go home!

Bo Zhongye held back his grin, and the car took another step towards her. While touching the ground with his legs, he clasped Feng Qinqin's waist with one hand, picked her up, and placed her on the front bar of the car.

Feng Qinqin's feet flew into the air, and when she realized it, she was already sitting in the car surrounded by men behind her.

"Turn around and hug my waist, don't fall."

Bo Zhongye instructed.

The girl complied.

Bo Zhongye pedaled again and walked slowly. After a while, a girl's voice rang in his ears.

"It seems to be more handsome than when driving."

Hearing this, the corners of Bo Zhongye's mouth curled up again.

 On the second day of Tencent PK, Qianqian talked about adding more activities.

  1. For every 3000 recommendation tickets, one update will be added.

  2. For every 300 additional messages, one update will be added.

  3. For every 30 tippings, one update will be added.

  Now there are 1533 recommendation votes, 113 comments, and 5 rewards. The activity starts from now. Babes, recommendation tickets are free. If you can, please vote for Qianqian. Comments are just a little finger. Feel free to flirt with Qianqian, as long as any of the above conditions are met, one update will be added on the premise of 4 updates, and if all three are met, 3 updates will be added!
  Qianqian is not afraid of being tired, as long as you work hard, we will add more!Thank you, babes!

(End of this chapter)

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