Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 128 Behaviors a Gentleman Should Have

Chapter 128 Behaviors a Gentleman Should Have (1 more)
Bo's living room.

When Feng Qinqin and Bo Zhongye came back, almost everyone in the Bo family was there, and there was a white man sitting on the sofa chatting with Bo Qingqing.

Feng Qinqin thought it should be the fashion designer.

Seeing them coming back, Zuo Yao waved to Feng Qinqin to let her come over.

Feng Qinqin broke away from Bo Zhongye's big hand and walked towards Zuo Yao.


Feng Qinqin called people next to each other, and the elders in the family were more polite, but it took a long time to say hello.

Bo Zhongye sat beside Feng Qinqin, and introduced to her the designer Ai Rui, who was going to customize clothes for her today.

The people in Ai Rui are quite kind, and the most important thing is that they can speak Chinese. If he speaks English, she really can’t understand him. She hasn’t passed CET-[-] yet, so it’s embarrassing to say it.

After not talking too much with Feng Qinqin, Ai Rui turned around and chatted with Bo Qingqing again, her pair of water blue eyes never moved away from Bo Qingqing's face, the admiration in those eyes was simply irresistible. Obvious.

While Zuo Yao was going to the toilet, Feng Qinqin secretly pushed Bo Zhongye.

"Does this foreigner like lightly?"

Hearing this, Bo Zhongye was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this little girl's eyesight to be so obvious, but it's true, Ai Rui's performance was too obvious.

"Well, it's a little bit."

Grandparents and parents also know, but they are strongly opposed to marrying a foreigner lightly, and they can't pass the test in their hearts. Naturally, the three brothers don't want their only sister to marry abroad. They are beyond reach.

Feng Qinqin didn't think it was just a little bit, but didn't Qingqing like Yizuo, this foreigner was out of play.

"It's already 05:30, why didn't he talk about the clothes?"

How to give her the feeling that he is going to eat here.

Bo Zhongye said with a low smile.

"He said he didn't book a hotel, so he wanted to stay here for one night, and he might have dinner here."

Bo Zhongye felt it was funny when he said these words.

Will the most famous fashion designer in France not be able to book a hotel?

I really don't know whether to laugh at his stupidity or say that he is cute and stupid.

Such a clumsy and obvious way of chasing girls is also drunk.

Hearing Bo Zhongye's words, Feng Qinqin was also speechless. Could it be that he was really allowed to live here?
Bo Zhongye shook his head with a smile, and whispered in her ear.

"Ah Qing has already booked a hotel for him, and I'll take him there after dinner."

Feng Qinqin was stunned for a moment, then understood.

What should I do if I really want to laugh?
Zhang Xiulan saw that her eldest grandson and future grandson-in-law had such a good relationship, she smiled like a chrysanthemum, and said.

"Baby Qinqin, come to grandma."

As I get older, I always like to have my children by my side. Qinqin is good-looking and feels comfortable looking at her.

Hearing grandma calling her, Feng Qinqin immediately got up and walked towards her.

The dinner was eaten at Bo's house, and the foreigner actually ate here, Feng Qinqin wanted to laugh when he saw the slightly forbearing expression.

During the meal, Ai Rui kept picking food for Bo Qingqing, but because of the presence of so many people, Bo Qingqing couldn't do anything, so he forced a smile and said.

"Just eat it, I'll do it myself."

What she picked up wasn't her favorite dish, what was there randomly.

Eric shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, this is the behavior that a gentleman should have."

Thin lightly: "..."

"Cough...cough cough..."

As soon as Ai Rui finished speaking, Feng Qinqin couldn't help coughing violently anymore. She wanted to hold back her laughter, but in the end she couldn't help but choked herself.

Bo Zhongye quickly picked up the orange juice and fed it to her, Feng Qinqin coughed until his face flushed, and took a few gulps from the cup that Bo Zhongye handed over.

It's over, it's embarrassing, and now her favorability in the eyes of several old people must have decreased. It's all because of her low smile, and she stretched out her hand and pinched her thigh.

What's so funny about that!

Seeing her pinching his leg under the table, Bo Zhongye was very helpless, his big hand wrapped her little hand to prevent her from moving.

Feng Qinqin knew she was impolite, and stared at the table in front of her, not daring to raise her head.

But Feng Qinqin was wrong. The old people didn't mean to blame her, nor did they think she was being rude, they just thought her smile was a bit low, after all, she was still a child. I can't help but want to laugh.

As if he didn't know that Feng Qinqin was laughing at him, Ai Rui continued to talk to Bo Qingqing, his eyes were almost glued to her body.

Bo Zhongye took out his mobile phone, took a picture of this scene, opened WeChat and sent it to Yi Zuo.

It's time to let him know that the princess of their Bo family is also very sought-after, so that he will not be born in a blessing without knowing his blessing.

After dinner was finished soon, Ai Rui measured Feng Qinqin's size, asked her about the style she liked, and after making sure, Bo Zhongqing walked over to Ai Rui.

"Mr. Ai Rui, I have sent someone to book a hotel for you, do you think there is anything else you need?"

Bo Zhongqing hated this Ai Rui very much, he felt uncomfortable seeing the way he looked at his sister, and wanted to beat him up to relieve his anger!

It's really capable of a little boy who still wants to marry his sister.

Hearing that Bo Zhongye had prepared a hotel for him, Ai Rui's face froze and his eyes were dull for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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