Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 133 Things seem to be getting worse

Chapter 133 Things seem to be getting worse (2 more)
I don't know if it was because of being wronged just now, but the tone of Feng Qinqin's words was so sweet that Niu Feng, who was holding the mouse next to him, almost threw the mouse away without excitement.

Is this the carefree, crazy little lunatic he knew?
Bo Zhongye was also agitated by Feng Qinqin's voice. It seemed that he was really wronged and acted like a baby with him. Looking at the pile of unapproved documents in front of him, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and he immediately flew The idea of ​​hugging her and kissing her hard in the past.

"I'll go there now, you are waiting for me at the school gate."

When Feng Qinqin heard that he was coming, she hurriedly stopped him.

"No need, I'm in Niu Feng's dormitory right now, and I'll ask him to find out who the two sailors on today's forum are."

He must have a job, so we can't delay him.

In Niufeng's dormitory?

Bo Zhongye suddenly lost his composure.

"What are you doing in the boy's dormitory, go back quickly!" After shouting, he said loudly, "Don't go there again!"

What does it look like for a girl to go to the boys' dormitory!

Bo Zhongye's voice was so loud that Niu Feng beside him was startled.

This Bo Zhongye really couldn't hold back when he lost his temper.

Feng Qinqin was stunned by his yelling, then her grievances welled up in her heart, her voice hoarse and crying.

"You yell at me. I just came to the boys' dormitory. I didn't do anything. I used to come here often."

Feng Qinqin's words that she came here often made Bo Zhongye's lungs explode.

Still go often?

"Don't go in the future!"

Feng Qinqin stopped talking, holding the phone with a stubborn expression on her face, her eyes were instantly filled with crystal clear teardrops, but she still stubbornly refused to let them fall.

Seeing that there was no sound over there, Bo Zhongye knew that she was playing petty temper again, but he felt very uncomfortable when he thought of her standing with several boys.

"Qinqin, come out now, I'll go see you right away."

Bo Zhongye lowered his posture as much as possible, and wanted to talk to her, but his tone was not so good. Feng Qinqin thought he was really angry, and his voice was choked.

"If you despise me, you don't have to come to me!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap, opened the door of the dormitory and ran out while holding the phone.

Niu Feng: "..."

Things seem to be getting worse.

He never knew that the little lunatic had such a temper?

In fact, he agrees with Bo Zhongye's idea. Qinqin is really not suitable for coming to the boys' dormitory, but he doesn't think anything of it after too many times. After all, their relationship is very clean, they are close friends, but in Bo Zhongye's eyes, it's different .

No man can stand his woman staying in a space alone with other men.

At this time, he also found out those two people, it was impossible to see.

Hehehehe, it's Bo Qingqing, you're a stupid pig, it's Bo Zhongqing, it seems that Bo Zhongye arranged it.

Niu Feng turned off the computer and hurried downstairs to find Feng Qinqin.

At the same time, Bo Zhongye looked at the phone that was hung up, feeling agitated.

She cried and he heard it.

Why is the little girl so worried, but when he heard her choking voice, he felt very distressed.

He sighed and decided not to argue with her.

After all, the little girl is still young, so he should tolerate her. Besides, girls just need to be coaxed, but sometimes he seems to be not patient enough. How long have they been dating? How many times have they argued? .

The little girl didn't know where she was crying right now, thinking about how she was crying sadly, Bo Zhongye didn't have time to work, so he picked up the coat on the chair and walked out.

The two people who were still browsing the forum looked at the eldest brother who left after receiving a call, as if they heard something about not going to the boys' dormitory, could it be the sister-in-law?
"Second brother, shall we continue?"

Bo Zhongqing froze for a moment, then said.

"Continue, of course continue, my sister-in-law must save face."

When Bo Zhongye drove to Tongcheng University to find Feng Qinqin, the little girl was sitting next to Niu Feng, her thin shoulders shrugged, she could tell she was crying.

Bo Zhongye was also quite helpless, and walked over with strides.

Niu Feng saw Bo Zhongye approaching, got up and nodded towards him, and left without saying anything.

Let the two of them settle what's going on, since he is already a sensitive person.

After Niu Feng left, Bo Zhongye sat in his seat, stretched out his hand and hugged the girl in his arms, his movements were domineering.

Suddenly being hugged, Feng Qinqin was about to curse, when a familiar breath came from the tip of his nose, and he raised his head to meet Bo Zhongye's eyes.

Feng Qinqin's eyes were red, and her small face was full of grievances.

I was even more angry that I didn't push him away.

Looking at the girl's tear-stained face, Bo Zhongye's heart ached so badly that he took hold of her head with his big hands and pressed her head against his chest.

"Okay, don't cry, do you want to love me to death?"

It's not like I haven't seen other girls cry before, and my heart was not touched, but since I met this little girl, every time I saw her cry, my heart felt like a knife was twisted, and I wished that he would agree to whatever she said.

 The two quarreled again, my own mother was really worried about them

(End of this chapter)

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