Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 134 You Are Wrong, I Only Have You in My Heart

Chapter 134 You Are Wrong, I Only Have You in My Heart (3)

Feng Qinqin was nestled in his arms, the tip of her nose was full of mature male hormones, and two soft little hands hugged his waist unconsciously.

Feeling her little hand, Bo Zhongye finally relaxed.

Holding her small face, making her look at him with a helpless tone.

"I just said a few words to you and you are wronged like this?"

Moreover, he didn't think it was wrong for him to get angry, he was a man, how could he allow his woman to get along so well with another boy, he would also feel a sense of crisis.

He has tried his best to stabilize his emotions. If he used his usual tone of reprimanding his employees, then she would have to scare her away.

It was fine if he didn't say anything, but when he said it, Feng Qinqin's tear glands were opened, and he was sobbing that he couldn't speak.

"I, you, you fierce me, you, have never been so fierce to me."

Having been together for such a long time, I am used to his connivance, occasionally getting angry with her and not getting angry like today, which reminded her that when he forced her that night, it was really scary.

The girl became more and more wronged, Bo Zhongye raised his hand and gently wiped away the tears on her face, his voice was as peaceful as possible.

"Then why do you say I yell at you? If you don't go to the boys' dormitory, can I yell at you?"

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin's crying became softer, and she looked at him innocently with teardrops in her moist eyes, her small mouth was pursed, but she just didn't speak.

Looking at her like this, how could Bo Zhongye have the heart to complain about her, he coaxed and hugged her in his arms.

"Okay, I won't yell at you anymore."

Bo Zhongye hugged her for a long time before letting go. In order to make her more comfortable, he directly hugged her on his lap and sat down, stroking the girl's pink cheeks with his slightly rough hands.

"Don't cry anymore, your eyes don't look good anymore."

As soon as the words were finished, Feng Qinqin couldn't help but hiccupped, and her face, which was already flushed from crying, became even redder now.

Bo Zhongye sighed, and patted her on the back with his big hands, giving her comfort, no matter how you looked at it, there was an illusion of coaxing her daughter.

After patting for a while, Feng Qinqin looked up at him with a soft voice.

"I promise you, I won't go to the boys' dormitory in the future, and I won't go there again."

She was wrong about this matter, he was a man, it was normal for him not to accept it, now thinking about it, if he went to the girls' dormitory to be alone with a girl, she would also be angry and go crazy.

Before she didn't have him, she felt that it was okay to go to his dormitory if she had a good relationship with Niu Feng. Now that she had him, she should avoid suspicion.

After finishing speaking, Feng Qinqin hugged his waist and said in a muffled voice.

"In the future, if you have something to do, you have to talk to me well, and you are not allowed to speak loudly. If you scare me away, no one will love you like me."

The girl's voice was soft and waxy, and Bo Zhongye was very helpful, especially when he heard the last sentence, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

This is the girl he loves, she is sensible, she is sensible, she can act like a baby, and she will confess her love from time to time.

"it is good."

He felt that he wanted to talk about Niu Feng's matter today, so that he couldn't quarrel over it in the future.

He held her face in his hands, his tone serious.

"Qinqin, I know that you and Niu Feng have a good relationship, and I also know that there is nothing between you. The reason why I choose not to see the usual intimate actions between you and him is because I think of you."

"On the surface, I didn't show anything, but it doesn't mean I don't mind. You are my woman. Of course, I hope that you only have me as a man in your heart, instead of pretending to be someone else."

Niu Feng blocked the acid for her, and now there are scars on her face. This is not only the guilt of her life, but also his. With this scar, Feng Qinqin will owe Niu Feng a lifetime of favor.

Hearing his words, Feng Qinqin also realized that she was used to hooking up with Niu Feng, which was a little bad.

"Okay, I'll pay attention to it in the future, but you can't force me not to play with him. Let me make one more point clear." The girl opened her eyes wide and looked very serious. Only a man like you, Niu Feng doesn't count, he's just my close buddy, I don't have a place for him in my heart."

Niu Feng was her friend for many years. She didn't handle some details well and got too close to him, but she had nothing else.

Bo Zhongye's heart that had been hanging all this time finally relaxed after she said these words.

"Well, I was wrong. I didn't say that you should not be friends with him. I just pay attention to it in normal times."

Even if he asked, she couldn't do it.

Only then did Feng Qinqin bend the corners of her lips.

Seeing her smile, Bo Zhongye raised his hand and tapped her nose, pretending to be disgusted.

"What a crybaby."

Isn't she just a crybaby, a little girl who hasn't grown up yet and needs to be coaxed all the time.

Being disgusted by him, Feng Qinqin was not angry. Thinking of those two people on the forum today, Feng Qinqin asked.

"Did you arrange that "hehehehe" and "You are a stupid pig"?"

If it wasn't for them, everyone would probably still be discussing the matter of her being an illegitimate daughter. Of course, they haven't really stopped it. Many people are still paying attention, but they are all pushed down by them.

(End of this chapter)

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