Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 138 Inviting Lin Xiu to the Engagement Banquet

Chapter 138 Inviting Lin Xiu to the Engagement Banquet (3 more)
"Youyou, let's stop here, don't make unnecessary struggles, Qinqin is Bo Zhongye's girlfriend, don't you think you don't know how to die one day?"

Leaving aside the previous ones, Bo Zhongye would not let her off even this time when she revealed Feng Qinqin's life experience to outsiders.

For the sake of their being together before, he came to remind her, if not, he really was too lazy to talk.

"It doesn't matter how I died. If you have nothing else to do but talk about it, I'll go first."

What's the use of her loving him, if she still can't walk into his heart, if she blindly pleases him, it will make him disgusted, so it's better to have some dignity, so that he will look at himself more.

After speaking, seeing that Liu Yanmo didn't respond, she turned around and walked away.

After walking a few steps, Lin Zhiyou stopped, staring ahead with empty eyes, her voice was very soft, but it fell clearly into Liu Yanmo's ears.

"Yan Mo, I love you, I really love you, you can feel that I approach you deliberately, I don't care, anyway, you won't believe anything I say, but I still want to say it."

Lin Zhiyou paused, and let out a deep breath.

"I am leaving."

Lin Zhiyou left, Liu Yanmo looked at her lonely back, feeling sorry in his heart.

He didn't disbelieve the fact that Lin Zhiyou loved him, but her kind of love was not what he wanted.

Meeting the wrong person at the wrong time, it's just the two of them.

If Lin Zhiyou wanted to hate him, then so be it.

On Thursday morning, the coffee shop downstairs of the Lin Group.

Bo Zhongye and Lin Xiu sat by the window.

Looking at the ice-like man opposite, Lin Xiu narrowed his eyes.

Will such a cold and temperatureless man really treat Qinqin well? Thinking of how he saw Bo Zhongye's tenderness towards Qinqin before, Lin Xiu is not too worried. Maybe Qinqin is his tenderness.

"Is Mr. Bo looking for me for something?"

After receiving Bo Zhongye's call, Lin Xiu was subconsciously worried, thinking that Huang Qing had done something bad again, and after hanging up the phone, he called the bodyguard, who said that Huang Qing stayed at home during this time and did not go out.

Since Huang Qing didn't do anything, why did Bo Zhongye come to him?
Except for Qinqin, Lin Xiu didn't think it was related to other work.

Hearing Lin Xiu's question, Bo Zhongye played with the coffee cup in his hand, turning it round and round, and after a long time, he spoke slowly.

"Is Lin Zhiyou your daughter?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiu looked at Bo Zhongye again, and at this moment, Bo Zhongye also looked at him, Lin Xiu couldn't help sighing with his insightful eyes.

This man is not ordinary, no wonder he can sit on the position of the richest man in Tongcheng.

Since he asked that, he must know something, right?

"Yes or no, she has already given the Lin family name."

Facing Shang Linxiu's serious eyes, Bo Zhongye smiled meaningfully.

"People in Tongcheng say that Lin Xiu is the kindest businessman, and there is nothing wrong."

His wife gave him a cuckold, and he was willing to raise evil seeds for others, which is hard for a man to do.

Bo Zhongye's tone was very flat, but Lin Xiu still heard other meanings.

"Youyou is a child after all, no matter what Huang Qing does, it should not be attributed to the child."

Bo Zhongye would not believe such a high-sounding statement if it were someone else, but from Lin Xiu's mouth, he knew it was true.

It was almost time, so Bo Zhongye glanced somewhere outside, then drank his coffee as if nothing had happened.

After taking a sip of his coffee, Bo Zhongye took out an invitation card, put it on the table, and pushed his index and middle fingers towards the opposite side.

"I'm going to get engaged on the 18th of this month. I hope you can come."

Hearing that Bo Zhongye was going to get engaged, Lin Xiu's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he hurriedly punched in the invitation card, and he didn't feel relieved until he saw Feng Qinqin's name on it.

While relaxing, he couldn't help feeling grateful. Qinqin had suffered too much. When he knew that she was dating Bo Zhongye, he was worried that Bo Zhongye would dump Qinqin halfway. Now he was really relieved.

"Can I bring more people?"

Qinqin is engaged, and he hopes that Shishuo will also go, so it can be regarded as a reunion. Yes, Pingping will come over that day. Thinking of this, Lin Xiu is a little excited.

It's been a long time since I peeked at her in the hospital last time.


Just when Lin Xiu was imagining what to say after meeting Liu Ping, he suddenly felt a pain in his head, and turned around subconsciously. A cute and soft boy was standing behind him, looking at him with a smile on his face. he.

"Hello, handsome grandpa."

Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Where are your parents, little guy?"

What if it gets lost.

The little boy showed his cute little white teeth and said.

"Handsome grandpa, I want to eat cake, can you give me 100 yuan?"


Without even thinking about it, Lin Xiu took out his wallet and took out five hundred-yuan bills. The little boy caught it, pulled out the other four, and said.

"Handsome grandpa, I just need one."

After speaking, he ran away on short legs.

(End of this chapter)

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