Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 139 I Listen to You

Chapter 139 I Listen to You (4 More)
After the little boy left, looking at the 400 yuan in his hand, Lin Xiu couldn't laugh or cry.

Originally, I wanted to teach the children not to ask others for money like this. It is not good to develop such a habit, but the little boy gave him such a surprise.

Quite contented.

Seeing that Lin Xiu didn't notice the little boy's movements, Bo Zhongye blinked his eyebrows.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry to interrupt you today, please remember the time of the next engagement."

During the speech, Bo Zhongye had already stood up.

Lin Xiu also got up.

"Don't worry, I will definitely go."

Bo Zhongye thought about what he said just now that he wanted to take someone there, and thought about it for a while.

"It's no problem to bring someone."

After finishing speaking, Bo Zhongye walked away.

It was only then that Lin Xiu remembered that he was interrupted by the little boy just now.

Today is the 10th, that is, there are still eight days left, very close, it seems that he needs to prepare.

Bo Zhongye drove to a small park nearby and got off the car.

Seeing him coming, Le Yuan walked up to him with a child. This child was the little boy who had just asked Lin Xiu for money in the coffee shop.

Le Yuan handed Bo Zhongye a plastic bag and said.

"President, this is what you want."

Bo Zhongye took it, and there were two short hairs inside. He nodded, reached out to touch the little boy, and said to Leyuan.

"The little guy is doing well, he is a smart ghost."

Hearing the president's praise, Le Yuan felt a little uncomfortable.

"The president has praised me, my little nephew is also a naughty ghost."

Bo Zhongye nodded, the little guy was naughty for sure.

"Okay, take him back. You should also find a girlfriend earlier and have a baby."

After speaking, he smiled at Le Yuan.

Upon receiving the president's smile, Le Yuan was petrified.

Did his president laugh just now?

And tell him to get married and have children?
Could it be that the president wanted a child himself?

Le Yuan was right. Seeing such a cute little boy, Bo Zhongye wanted to have a child.

He is already 30 years old, and it is time to have a child, but it will take a year or two to see it now.

"Okay, President, I will take care of the rest, don't worry."


There are still five days before the engagement date, Bo Zhongye brought Feng Qinqin to the Bo's compound, Ai Rui has already designed three dresses and came over, Feng Qinqin took a look at it and fell in love with it immediately.

I really didn't see it, the clothes designed by that brainless foreigner are really good-looking.

Feng Qinqin couldn't help touching the fabric, it felt very good.

"What kind of fabric is this?"

Bo Zhongye smiled and said.

"Handmade, sewed by Eric himself."

Ai Rui has a special status, and many people ask him to make clothes, but he doesn't agree.

If it wasn't for Bo Qingqing's face, no matter how powerful Bo Zhongye is, he could ignore it.

"It seems that I have been lightly exposed."

From this point of view, the foreigner is serious about Qingqing, but she still doesn't like him.

"I invited Lin Xiu to our engagement ceremony."

Bo Zhongye suddenly changed the topic, which caught Feng Qinqin by surprise.

"Please Lin Xiu what to do, my mother is going that day."

She still doesn't know if her mother would like to see Lin Xiu, how embarrassing it is to meet Lin Xiu unexpectedly.

Bo Zhongye knew that she would react like this, so he stepped forward and put his arms around her and said.

"Silly girl, don't you think Auntie is too lonely by herself? After we get married, don't you want her to live in Yunhai Community by herself?"

Not to mention that Feng Qinqin was worried, even he was also worried.

Lin Xiu had a relationship with Huang Qing, but it was over. Now the four of them are divorced. He can tell that Lin Xiu still has feelings for Liu Ping, and it is still very deep. So, once they get back together Yes, Lin Xiuhui Liu Ping is very good.

Feng Qinqin frowned: "Are you trying to match my mother and Lin Xiu?"

Bo Zhongye nodded calmly.

Feng Qinqin was so angry that her eyebrows were erected, and she choked out a word for a long time.

"I disagree!"

She didn't agree with Lin Xiu and his mother getting back together. Why didn't she know how to make up for what she did wrong back then? Now it's useless.

Looking at Feng Qinqin's angry little expression, Bo Zhongye was also helpless, and spoke in a good voice.

"Then let Auntie be alone?"

"Mom can live with us."

"Okay, auntie lives with us, it won't be long, isn't auntie lonely when we're not at home?"

Feng Qinqin fell silent.

What Bo Zhongye said was right, it would be good for her mother to have a companion when she gets old, but that person was Lin Xiu, so she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Do you have to do this?"

From her tone, Bo Zhongye knew that she had been shaken.

"If you really don't want him to come, then I'll send Le Yuan to get the invitation back tomorrow, and I won't let him come."

As soon as Bo Zhongye finished speaking, Feng Qinqin turned back.

"You have already given the invitation to others, and it would be ugly to come back!"

Just come, it's not certain that mom will ignore him.

The little girl's arrogant appearance was so cute, she lowered her head and pecked her lips with a smile on her lips.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

(End of this chapter)

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