Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 140 You Are All Mine

Chapter 140 You Are All Mine (1 More)
"I'll listen to you."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

Listen to her?How come there is a sense of déjà vu as a wife and slave.

Obviously he asked for it first, okay?
"Forget it, you can figure it out yourself, anyway, you can't let my mother be wronged."

If my mother sees that Lin Xiu is in a bad mood, then this matter will be over in the future, and there will be no more talk about the two of them.

"Okay," Bo Zhongye promised, "If our mother sees Lin Xiu feeling a little bit unhappy, I'll ask the security guards to throw him out on the spot."

Boom out?
Feng Qinqin glanced at him with raised eyebrows, and made a muffled sound.

"It's not necessary to drag it out, but you should stop thinking about it in the future."

As Feng Qinqin spoke, she didn't notice the change of Bo Zhongye's address at all. Bo Zhongye put his arms around her shoulders and kissed her small mouth.

"I knew my wife wouldn't be so cruel."

Feng Qinqin gave him a very arrogant look, and then realized something was wrong.

"Who is your wife, don't bark!"

Not married yet, and just now...

"That's my mother, not your mother."

She changed her words quite quickly, but she still hasn't agreed.

Someone hugged her waist very shamelessly, and exerted force with both hands, bringing their bodies closer together, said in a gentle voice.

"You are all mine, so does your mother belong to me too? Also, we have done it twice, what are you not my wife?"

I only felt a bang in my head, and all the blood in my body rushed to my face, and I suddenly became a crayfish.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Feng Qinqin raised his hand and beat him on the shoulder, but Bo Zhongye didn't stop him, and let her beat him, he lowered his head and breathed into her ear with an ambiguous voice.

"I'm serious and honest."

After finishing speaking, he bit the girl's pink and lovely earballs.

cough cough...

Suddenly there was a violent cough from behind, and Feng Qinqin's body froze.

Bo Zhongye left from her neck, looked up and saw Grandpa and the others, and looked at them both with ambiguous eyes.

Especially grandma's expression is simply bright.

Bo Zhongye didn't feel embarrassed either, he hugged the girl in his arms and said.

"What are you doing out here? We haven't taken care of the clothes yet."

Looking at a certain calm face, the others laughed. They are too thick-skinned. Didn't they see the girl in his arms? Are they ashamed?
"Don't keep looking at us, it's scaring my wife."

other people:"……"

Scaring your daughter-in-law seems to be yourself, but you have the nerve to talk about them.

Feng Qinqin couldn't lift her red face at all, and pinched him hard with the hand placed behind his back. Feeling that it was not enough to vent her anger, she pinched him several times in a row. move.

A minute later, when everyone was sitting in the living room, Bo Bingzhong and Feng Qinqin talked about the engagement, and asked her if she had any other requests.

Feng Qinqin's face was still flushed, and she shook her head.

"Grandpa, my mother didn't ask for it, you can just make up your mind."

Bo Bingzhong nodded, and talked about the things they had discussed before.

"Qinqin, you see that your mother is quite lonely living in Yunhai Community by herself. I wonder if I can let her come and live here. Our compound has been built for many years and has 26 rooms. Your mother It's no problem coming here."

Bo Bingzhong also had selfish intentions in saying these words. He and Xiulan were getting older, so of course they hoped that Xiao Ye would live here after they got married. However, newlyweds always like to be alone, but if Liu Ping lives here, That Qinqin will definitely live here too.

Feng Qinqin listened to him patiently and answered softly.

"Thank you grandpa, but my mother may not be willing, and now I live at home and don't live in school, so I will go back to accompany her every night."

She appreciates grandpa's kindness, but her mother is not suitable to live here, and she will not let her live here. Everyone knows the feeling of being dependent on others is uncomfortable.

Even if the elders of the Bo family are very nice, but when there is no conflict, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Bo Bingzhong didn't expect Feng Qinqin to reject him straight away, and felt a little disappointed.

The matter was put aside.

In the afternoon, Bo Zhongye took Feng Qinqin home. In the car, he told the real purpose of his grandfather wanting Liu Ping to live in the compound.

"Grandpa is also getting old, so he also wants to live with us, just for fun."

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin frowned and said.

"I can understand grandpa's feelings. I never thought about living alone after I got married. When we get married after I graduate, we will live in the compound and buy a house for my mother nearby. .”

It's not that she doesn't know the responsibilities of being a wife, and she can understand the feelings of the elders, but her mother can't live in the compound, there are too many inconveniences.

"it is good."

Bo Zhongye was thinking of living alone after marriage. It would be difficult for the family to be intimate, but the age of grandparents does not allow it. Besides, the future of Lin Xiu and Liu Ping is still uncertain. If it really happens, Qin Qin didn't have to worry so much anymore.

 Update a chapter first, the family is too busy, Qianqian only eats from morning to now, I really didn't expect my family to be so busy when they get married.

  It is agreed that there will be a fifth update. If it comes at five o'clock, two chapters will be updated, and the rest of Qianqian will find time to write.

  Babies, have you voted for all your recommended votes? If not, please vote for Qianqian, thank you, mua!


(End of this chapter)

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