Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 142 My Lady Queen, Please Eat

Chapter 142 My Lady Queen, Please Eat (3 More)
"Next time, it won't be as simple as pinching you if you think about it wildly!"

"Shameless, a beast in clothes..."

Feng Qinqin muttered in a low voice, and she could only mutter in a low voice.

With such a close distance, how could Bo Zhongye not hear him, he pursed his lips and spoke frivolously.

"If I wasn't a beast in clothes, you would have to worry about it."

Feng Qinqin pouted her small mouth so pouted that she could put an oil pot on it, but Bo Zhongye just smiled and kept rubbing her belly with his hands.

The two of them stopped talking and enjoyed the quiet atmosphere. After a while, Bo Zhongye wanted to talk to the little girl, so he lowered his head to look at her.

But she fell asleep!
The girl's heavy and powerful breathing hit his chest one after another. Her long eyelashes were like a fan, curved and thick, and her milky white skin was full of blush. She was really a natural beauty.

After a while, Bo Zhongye also fell asleep with her in his arms.

Liu Ping gently opened the door around five o'clock, and saw two people hugging each other. Fortunately, her daughter's clothes were still on, but Bo Zhongye couldn't do whatever she wanted to do right now.

She backed away gently again and closed the door.

It was almost six o'clock, and Feng Qinqin woke up.

Opening her eyes and raising her hand to rub her blurry eyes, feeling the heat coming from her body, Feng Qinqin remembered that Bo Zhongye was still on her bed!

How did she fall asleep? She was hugged by the man all over her body, and when she looked up, she found that he was also asleep.

Feng Qinqin collapsed instantly.

How long have they been sleeping? Has mother ever come in among them?

A series of questions made Feng Qinqin a little overwhelmed.

Mom must be here!
Looking at the alarm clock, Feng Qinqin felt like dying.

She quickly sat up, poked Bo Zhongye's face with her fingers, and called him in a low voice.

"Get up, get up!"

Bo Zhongye was very upset when he was woken up, he was about to lose his temper when he opened his eyes, but when he saw that it was Feng Qinqin, he swallowed the curse again.

The two of them didn't dare to delay any longer and got up quickly. Bo Zhongye put on clothes for her, but he didn't let her get up, so he went out to have a look first.

Feng Qinqin pursed her mouth aggrievedly and complained.

"I want to change my aunt's towel."

The girl bit her lip and looked at him with big eyes, as if saying, change my aunt's towel quickly, change my aunt's towel quickly.

Without saying a word, Bo Zhongye picked her up and walked towards the bathroom. Feng Qinqin yelled to him where the aunt's towel was, and Bo Zhongye hugged her and went back to get it.

This time Feng Qinqin wasn't being hypocritical, and let him put her on, and then he carried her back and put her on the big bed.

"Sit here and play for a while, I'll see if Auntie is ready to cook."

Feng Qinqin nodded obediently.

Bo Zhongye lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips, covered her with the quilt and walked out of the bedroom.

As soon as he entered the living room, he could smell the aroma of rice. Bo Zhongye walked towards the kitchen and found that Liu Ping had already prepared the rice.


Hearing Bo Zhongye calling him, Liu Ping turned around and said.

"Well, the meal is ready, if you are not busy, you can stay here to eat."

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Bo Zhongye answered quickly.

Liu Ping smiled and said nothing more, Bo Zhongye went up to serve the meal and said softly.

"Auntie, Qinqin is a little tired. If I want to, let her eat on the bed. I'll send it to her."

Seeing that he was kind to his daughter, Liu Ping naturally had no objection.

"Okay, you can send it to her."

Bo Zhongye pushed open the bedroom door with the meal in his hand. Liu Ping, who was behind him, looked at his 24-year-old boyfriend's attitude and shook her head and laughed.

She also didn't know how many lifetimes her daughter had been blessed with, that a big man like Bo Zhongye could serve her tea and meals.

Walking into the bedroom, Bo Zhongye moved a stool and put the food on it, filled her with a bowl of porridge, and handed it to her.

Feng Qinqin shook her head, puffed her cheeks, and acted like a baby.

"My hands are weak."

Bo Zhongye was holding the porridge: "..."

So you want him to feed it?

"You feed me."

Feng Qinqin said what was on her mind.

Bo Zhongye was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, and tapped the tip of her nose with his other hand, which seemed to be punishing but was actually very gentle.

"Learn to toss people, huh?"

Feng Qinqin turned her head arrogantly, as if she wouldn't eat if he didn't feed her.

Bo Zhongye was amused by her little expression, picked up the bowl and sat beside her, picked up a spoon to scoop up a spoonful, and handed it to her mouth.

"My Lady Queen, please eat."

Hearing him calling her Your Lady Queen, Feng Qinqin burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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