Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 143 Do You Remember What You Said

Chapter 143 Do You Remember What You Said (4 More)
After eating with Feng Qinqin, Bo Zhongye and Liu Ping talked for a while, but the main point was about living together in the future.

Liu Ping was quite surprised when she heard this. She always knew that the Bo family was easy to get along with, but she never thought that the grandfather of the Bo family would invite her to live again and again.

I said it before, maybe it was polite, but now I say it from the bottom of my heart.

It just doesn't quite fit.

"Xiao Ye, I'm used to being alone. You know a little bit about our family, so in the past 20 years, it's like living in a big villa by myself, and I don't feel lonely."

These years, Feng Wenjun naturally seldom went back, and the two of them didn't talk when they went back, that is, after school and get off work, Qin Qin and A Xiao came back to accompany her. After a long time, she was used to being alone, and felt quieter instead. .

"Qinqin is right. If one day you really get married, she will naturally live in your home. This is inevitable. I have no objections. Of course, you don't have to worry about me."

Qinqin still thinks that she is too fragile, but in fact there is nothing wrong with it, she has also thought about it, and she will go outside in the future, get along with people her age, and find a job if she can.

Thinking of her daughter going to open a shop, Liu Ping has the time to start her old business.

Hearing what Liu Ping said, Bo Zhongye no longer forced himself, and finally touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Well, Auntie, don't tell Qinqin about my persuasion, or she will have a fight with me."

He also wanted to fight for it, and let Qinqin know if he couldn't win it. Disputes were inevitable.

Seeing Bo Zhongye's expression of being afraid that her daughter would know, Liu Ping felt it was funny, and at the same time felt relieved, and explained to Bo Zhongye for the first time.

"Xiao Ye, you were the ones who met, and now Auntie doesn't care about it anymore. The fact that you have made it this far shows that you are destined. It's just that Qinqin is young, and it's normal for a little girl to be coquettish and noisy. I hope you will take more care of her in the future. .”

She has never had a happy marriage in her life, and she hopes that her daughter can live happily with the person in front of her.

During this period of time, she has seen and remembered everything that Bo Zhongye has done for Qinqin. He will be a good man.

"Okay, I know, Auntie, Qinqin is very good, even if she is not good, I will tolerate her."

Although the little girl loses her temper from time to time, she knows how to give him face and make concessions. This is enough. She is young, so he should let her go.

Liu Ping smiled and said.

"Qinqin is getting engaged. As a mother, I can't help being nagging. It's getting late, and you should go back."

It's time for Bo Zhongye to go. He left a lot of things behind when he came in the afternoon, so he should go back and see how things are going.

He got up, looked at Feng Qinqin's bedroom, turned his head and said to Liu Ping.

"Auntie, then I'll go first, I won't go to see Qinqin, let her sleep for a while."

"it is good."

When Bo Zhongye returned home, the four parents asked him if something happened to Qinqin when he hurriedly left in the afternoon, and Bo Zhongye gave a rough idea.

Everyone knows something about Feng Qinqin. After hearing this, Bo Songyuan looked down on Feng Wenjun very much. Even if she wasn't her own daughter, there is no need to do this. She is really a person.

Bo Bingzhong, on the other hand, was so angry that he picked up the leading crutch and beat the carpet hard, making a thumping sound.

"Simply a jerk!"

On the other hand, Zuo Yao was really worried, so she asked after much deliberation.

"Xiao Ye, can Qinqin get pregnant and have a baby?"

When Zuo Yao asked, everyone in the living room was silenced.

Yes, if the uterus is injured, will it be impossible to have children?
The other people's faces were also a little dignified. They liked Feng Qinqin, but if they couldn't have children, they had to think about it.

Looking at his family, Bo Zhongye was speechless.

"Mom, Qinqin is just my aunt who is not normal. I have already found someone to treat her. It is the old Chinese doctor you often contact. I have already asked you what you are worried about. If you don't believe me, you can do it in front of me now." Call her face to face."

He did ask before, thinking that if he really couldn't have a child, he would be prepared to hide it from his family, otherwise, his grandparents and parents would not agree to the marriage.

Fortunately, the old Chinese doctor told him that there was no problem at all, so he was relieved.

It's not that he doesn't want to have a child, but if Qinqin can't have a baby, he can't abandon her because of it. The Bo family not only has his son, but also Ah Qing and Ah Wen, so he can still see it.

Zuo Yao still understood her son, she knew it was true when she saw his speechless expression.

Knowing that Qinqin was able to have children, they were relieved.

My aunt came here for four consecutive days, probably because the traditional Chinese medicine worked. This time, she didn't bleed like before, and she didn't suffer from the engagement ceremony.

For this reason, Feng Qinqin even had a good time with Bo Zhongye on the night of the 17th, saying that it was rare for her aunt to be obedient, and she was very happy.

Bo Zhongye was different from what she thought, a hoarse voice sounded over there.

"Qinqin, do you still remember what you said?"

(End of this chapter)

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