Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 144 The Engagement Gift from Lin Xiu

Chapter 144 The Engagement Gift from Lin Xiu (5 more)
Hearing this, Feng Qinqin frowned and asked.

"What did I say?"

Bo Zhongye sighed, she still forgot, she was really confused.

"The last time we watched a movie together, do you think about what you said?"

Feng Qinqin's brain was spinning rapidly, recalling when was the last time she watched a movie and what happened?

Finally, she remembered it, and her face flushed completely red.

"You, can you think of something else!"

When did this happen? She had forgotten it. He couldn't be thinking about the day when her aunt would end every day, right?
Hearing Feng Qinqin's words, Bo Zhongye said disapprovingly.

"Baby, am I not restrained enough? I'm going to suffocate to death."

If it wasn't for her body, how could he be a monk for two months.

It was fine if there were no women before, but now I have a woman and starve my brother, I am so sorry for myself.

Feng Qinqin pursed her mouth and did not speak.

The two were silent for a while, and then Bo Zhongye spoke.

"Honey, we're going to Taoyuan Garden tomorrow, which happens to be the day of our engagement. How wonderful is that, isn't it?"

Feng Qinqin was unable to refute, and finally had no choice but to say yes.

After hanging up the phone, Feng Qinqin regretted telling him about her aunt leaving.

At the same time, the Lin family villa.

Lin Xiu called Lin Shishuo to walk into the study together. Lin Zhiyou really wanted to know what her father and elder brother were talking about, but her father didn't intend to let her in, and she didn't dare.


Lin Xiu first told his son about Qinqin's engagement, and then said.

"Xiao Shuo, Dad hopes you can go with me tomorrow."

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, Lin Shishuo didn't speak. It's not that he didn't want to go, but his status was too embarrassing.

"Xiao Shuo, you also know that Qinqin is also your younger sister, just like Youyou. Feng Wenjun has always treated her badly. I don't know what will happen on such an occasion tomorrow. Dad wants to go and see. , As for you, Dad is thinking about your sister's engagement ceremony, you should go there."

Lin Shishuo felt that his father was right, and he should go.

He also always wanted to have a chance to get along with Qinqin, this is a good opportunity.

"Okay, I'll go."

Seeing that his son agreed, Lin Xiu finally settled his mind.

There is another thing, and this is not so easy for the son to accept.

"Xiao Shuo, and I want to take [-]% of Lin's shares as Qinqin's engagement gift." Lin Xiu continued, "Of course, I'm discussing this matter with you. If you agree, I will Give it to her, if you don’t think it’s okay, forget it.”

Xiao Shuo is his own son, and everything will be given to him in the future, but he wants to make up for Qinqin as much as possible.

Lin Shishuo didn't know how to answer his father's words.

He has no objection that his father wants to give Qinqin the shares. Ten percent of the shares is a lot, but if these shares can make Qinqin get closer to them, then why not do it.

Of course, the premise is that the father can send it out.

"Dad, I have no objection, you can take it to her tomorrow."

Without this [-]% stake, he could still gain a foothold in Lin's.

With his son's consent, Lin Xiu nodded.

Anyway, the entire Lin family will be handed over to him in the future, which is nothing.

In the afternoon of the second day, the hotel was ready for everything, and Bo Zhongye took Feng Qinqin and Liu Ping to the most famous salon in Tongcheng at three o'clock for styling.

As soon as he saw Bo Zhongye coming in, the general manager of the store quickly came out to greet him.

"Young Master Bo, you are here, Anna is already waiting, should we start now?"

A few days ago, I received an appointment from Young Master Bo, saying that today I will bring two ladies over for styling, and I will call on Anna, who is the best craftsman, to do it.

Even if he doesn't say it, the general manager won't let others serve him.

The general manager glanced at the girl next to Bo Zhongye. The girl had white and delicate skin, curved eyebrows and eyes, a small and tall nose, and hair scattered on the back like a waterfall, which perfectly combined classical and modern beauty.

The person with such a sign seems to be the woman next to Young Master Bo.

Recently, there have been rumors that Young Master Bo is going to get engaged, and the date is today. It seems that this is true.

It's just that she doesn't know this girl, so she probably didn't come from a wealthy family. After all, is there any celebrity who hasn't had their hair done here?
There was a middle-aged lady standing behind Bo Zhongye, and she didn't know who it was, but she didn't look like an ordinary person.

Feng Qinqin took Bo Zhongye's arm, and calmly let the woman in front of her look at her. She could just look at it if she wanted to. Anyway, there will be many such situations in the future. As long as Bo Zhongye is around, she won't be as unknown as she was before.

Bo Zhongye nodded lightly.

"Do it for Auntie first, and then for her."

"No, let's do it for Qinqin first, let's save time, and find someone else to make a simple one for me."

Qinqin is the protagonist today, she is just a simple old woman.

"It's okay, auntie, soon, we can do it together."

General manager:"……"

Silently mourning for Anna, Anna has never been so tired, serving two people at once, one can imagine how Anna will complain afterwards.

 Looking at the comments in the past few days, some darlings from QQ Bookstore asked if the engagement would go well?

  Well, Qianqian's answer is: very smooth!

  Alright, today's update is over, do you guys have any recommended votes to vote for? Put them into Qianqian's bowl.


(End of this chapter)

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