Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 146 My Pride

Chapter 146 My Pride (2 more)
On the other side, the staff in the store took out the clothes Liu Ping had prepared and waited for her to put them on.

The red dress fit Liu Ping's body properly, showing off her fine figure, and the staff members were stunned.

Before, he was still complaining in his heart that this lady didn't know how to flatter her, and she didn't like their clothes, but now, looking at Liu Ping, she couldn't say a word.

Anna, who took good care of Feng Qinqin, also came over at this moment, and when she opened the door, she saw Liu Ping's clothes.

At that moment, Anna even felt that something was wrong with her eyes.

Anna closed her eyes and opened them again, but her heart was full of waves.

This, isn't this the work of the famous lucky fashion designer Sheng Yi back then?
She still remembered that the costume was called "Butterfly Dance".

But how did it fall into Liu Ping's hands?

Is it a high imitation?
Anna walked over and touched Liu Ping's clothes uncontrollably.

Liu Ping turned her head to look at her with puzzlement in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Liu Ping asked her aloud.

Anna didn't speak, her eyes fixed on the dress.

From her professional point of view, this is not a high imitation, definitely not a high imitation.

You know, Sheng Yi is the designer she admires the most, but since lucky disappeared from the clothing industry, lucky designers have also disappeared one by one.

She only found out about Sheng Yi later when she was studying clothes, and thus fell in love with her.

Liu Ping watched Anna staring at the clothes on her body without blinking, and somewhat guessed what she was wearing.

"Sister Anna, the guest is calling you."

Only then did Anna come to her senses, realized her gaffe, and quickly apologized to Liu Ping.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, seeing your clothes reminds me of a senior I've never seen before, I'm sorry."

Liu Ping smiled and said nothing.

She didn't speak, and Anna was still a little unwilling to give up, and couldn't help her inner desire at all.

"Do you know the designer of Shengyi?"

Hearing this name, Liu Ping couldn't help trembling.

The familiar title was mentioned again, but she felt so far away...

After a long time, just when Anna thought she would not get an answer, Liu Ping spoke slowly.

"I haven't heard of it."

Hearing this, Anna let out a sigh of disappointment, and didn't continue to ask. After a while, Liu Ping heard Anna muttering in a low voice.

"It really looks like Sheng Yi's work."

Liu Ping didn't answer, opened the door and walked out.

Feng Qinqin also came over, and Bo Zhongye looked over there when he heard the sound of the door opening.

Although he knew that his girl was beautiful, he was still amazed at this moment.

The white dress was like a wedding dress. Standing not far from him at this moment, he seemed to see an angel.

His girls always give him different surprises, needless to say, just the sexy collarbone, every time I see her, I want to go up and kiss Fangze, and now the desire is even deeper.

Seeing Bo Zhongye's blatant eyes, Feng Qinqin's face blushed unbelievably, walked to his side in small steps, and stopped.

"Does it look good?"

The girl blinked her eyes, and Bo Zhongye couldn't help swallowing.


The voice has become hoarse beyond words.

Hearing his hoarse voice, Feng Qinqin's face turned even redder, but her little hand held his arm very unreservedly, and looked up at him with her little face.

"It's good not to embarrass you."

Today is a very important day for them, and they are all his friends. She can't be ashamed.

Bo Zhongye shook his head and laughed, stroking her hair with his big hands.

"My girls look good in anything and will always be my pride."

(End of this chapter)

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