Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 147 Engagement 1

Chapter 147 Engagement 1 (3 more)
Feng Qinqin knew it was time for this guy to talk sweet words again.

I don't know how he can speak casually, and every sentence can speak to her heart.

"Then let's go, it seems that the time is almost up."

Bo Zhongye left with the two of them.

The party scene.

"Ah Qing, Ah Qing, go and see if everyone is here."

"Ah Qing, a flower has fallen in the hall, hurry up and put it back!"

Before Bo Zhongye could reach the flowers, his grandfather's voice sounded again.

"Ah Qing, hurry up and entertain the guests!"

Bo Zhongqing who was about to bend down to pick up flowers: "..."

Does he have a clone?
Go to the other side and look at the third brother and younger sister who are enjoying the red wine slowly.

Immediately, my heart became even more unbalanced.

"Awen, come and accompany the guests!"

Bo Zhongwen, who was chatting with his younger sister, heard his second brother's voice, walked up to him and said.

"Second brother, you can just go, don't you know that I don't care?"

He never wanted others to know his identity, because he was the third young master of the Bo family, and this identity had scared away the most important person in his life.

Therefore, he is already trying to minimize his presence.

Bo Zhongqing was speechless to refute.

Thinking of what happened to his third brother in the past few years, he no longer forced himself.

"Okay, go and accompany my little sister, I will greet myself."

Hey, who made him his second brother!

The party officially started at [-] o'clock, and everyone was in place. Bo Bingzhong went to speak on stage first. While speaking, Bo Zhongye brought Feng Qinqin and Liu Ping to the scene.

"Thank you for coming. Today is the day when Zhuoyuan International and Yixiang Group started the Rose Hill project. On behalf of the Bo family and the Yi family, I would like to thank the government for its support to our businessmen..."

Bo Bingzhong talked for a while, and then talked about another important matter.

"Of course, there is another very important thing, that is, my grandson Bo Zhongye got engaged today!"

As soon as the voice fell, the people in the audience began to applaud.

There was thunderous applause.

Afterwards, Bo Bingzhong raised his hand and made a stop gesture, his dissatisfied face was full of smiles.

"Next, please invite our little Ye and my future granddaughter-in-law Feng Qinqin!"

After finishing speaking, Bo Bingzhong stretched out his hand in the direction of Bo Zhongye, signaling them to come up, and Bo Zhongye took Feng Qinqin's hand and walked up.

Every time she took a step, Feng Qinqin's heartbeat became a little messy, until she stepped onto the stage, facing the dense crowd below, Feng Qinqin felt her head buzzing.

I really didn't expect that the Bo family had such a wide network of contacts, so many people came here.

Bo Zhongye held her hand all the time, standing on the stage calmly and looking at the people below.

"Thank you for coming. Today is a good day for Qinqin and I to get engaged. The person next to me is my fiancée, Feng Qinqin."

Bo Zhongye took Feng Qinqin's hand and raised it into the air, declaring his sovereignty, and then a loud voice sounded.

"From today onwards, Feng Qinqin will be a member of my Bo family, the future mistress. I hope everyone will take care of her in the future."

Every word Bo Zhongye said represented Feng Qinqin's position in his heart. Later, he said that he hoped that his elder brother would take care of Feng Qinqin, but that unquestionable tone was simply an orderly tone.

At this time, Feng Qinqin didn't hide behind him anymore, and stood beside him openly, accepting everyone's attention.

The people standing below were the most excited when they saw this scene were Liu Ping, Lin Xiu and the elders of the Bo family.

Lin Xiu was also standing below at the moment. Seeing his daughter being valued by others, he was happier than anyone else. When he turned to look at Liu Ping who was also excited, his heart couldn't help being confused again.

(End of this chapter)

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