Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 153 Feng Qinqin: Can Time Turn Back

Chapter 153 Feng Qinqin: Can Time Turn Back (2 more)
Hearing that Bo Zhongye said that she could send it there without her and her mother showing up, Feng Qinqin felt much better.

"it is good."

"However," Bo Zhongye said again, "Qinqin, have you ever thought that these should belong to you in the first place, and if you don't want them, they will belong to Lin Zhiyou in the future, but Lin Zhiyou is not Lin Xiu's daughter at all. Did what belonged to you end up in Lin Zhiyou's hands?"

Bo Zhongye's words made Feng Qinqin fall into deep thought.

If she doesn't want it, of course it will be Lin Zhiyou's in the future. Although she doesn't like Lin Xiu, she doesn't want Lin Zhiyou to live a comfortable life with the wealth that originally belonged to her.


"Even if I ask for it, Lin Xiu will give Lin Zhiyou other shares."

Bo Zhongye shook his head.

"You don't know, now Lin, Lin Shishuo owns 50.00% of the shares, and Lin Xiu has 20.00% of the shares. Now he takes out 20.00% and there are [-]% left. The reason why he didn't give you [-]% is Because he wants to leave [-]% to Lin Shishuo to ensure Lin Shishuo's absolute position in the Lin family in the future."

Feng Qinqin looked at the man in front of him suspiciously and asked.

"How do you know? Do you even know how much property the Lin family has?"

If this is the case, then this man is terrible.

"Well, almost."

Not to mention the Lin family, except for the Yi family, which he didn't check, he knew all the top ten companies in Tongcheng.

Feng Qinqin: "..."

Well, she has nothing to say.

"So, you should understand what I mean. If you don't want the ten percent of the shares, then Lin Xiu will give it to Lin Zhiyou. Are you willing to give your things to Lin Zhiyou?"

Bo Zhongye said this so that she could accept this gift. Of course, if she really didn't want it, Lin Xiu would give it all to Lin Shishuo in the future.

Feng Qinqin understood, of course she didn't want her things to be given to Lin Zhiyou, if that was the case, she would feel even worse.

In fact, think about it, Lin Xiu may really see her as a daughter, at least, Feng Wenjun has never talked about shares, even her elder brother Feng Xiao has very few, which shows that Feng Wenjun's How big is the ambition.

"Okay, then leave it with me for the time being, so don't take advantage of Lin Zhiyou."

Seeing Qinqin moved, Bo Zhongye hugged her waist with a smile, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and asked.

"Remember what I said yesterday?"

As he said that, the extremely vicious man hugged the girl's body tightly to hint at her.

Being hit hard by this man, Feng Qinqin's face turned red.

this person...

"There are still many people."

Bo Zhongye smiled lowly, buried his face in the crook of her neck, held the girl's earballs in his mouth, and whispered softly, he knew that this was the little girl's sensitive spot, as if the little girl's body had softened now.

"Let's go talk to Auntie now." Bo Zhongye was afraid that she would refuse, so he said hastily, "Qinqin, you promised me this before, or you brought it up on your own initiative. You can't take your word for it."

As he spoke, he bit the girl's earball hard.

Feng Qinqin's body trembled again, and he supported his shoulders weakly with both hands so that his weak body would not slide down.

But, can time be turned back?
If she could, she would take back that sentence. She was completely obsessed with saying that at the time, and felt sorry for him. It's been two months since I left, but now that I think about it, didn't I hold back for more than ten years?
Is it too late to say sorry now?

The man's fiery eyes told her that it was too late.

A little later, Bo Zhongye walked to Liu Ping with his arms around Feng Qinqin, who was sloppy on his feet.

"Auntie, can Qinqin go back with me today?"

The four elders of the Bo family were also here when they spoke, and their eyes lit up when they heard this.

Is this something to take home overnight?
Even Bo Songyuan, who has never been very excited, is now feeling turbulent in his heart. This is related to when he will have a grandson to hug!

Compared to the excitement and joy of Bo's parents, Liu Ping was not so at ease.

The meaning of what Bo Zhongye said couldn't be more obvious. She could stop it before, but now that they are both engaged, it makes no sense for her to stop her.

"Okay, you go, but you have to take good care of her."

The last sentence was undoubtedly a warning, she remembered how Bo Zhongye hurt her daughter before.

Bo Zhongye was a little embarrassed by Liu Ping's words, so he kept nodding.

"Auntie, I will."

The four elders of the Bo family were very dissatisfied with his address, Zuo Yao couldn't help but said.

"Xiao Ye, we're both engaged, and we can't call you Auntie from now on."

After being told by his mother, Bo Zhongye called Liu Ping "Mom" without even thinking about it.

"Mom, I will take good care of Qinqin."

They said that they would not hit smiling faces, and they would call her mom, so she couldn't say anything, so Feng Xiao took her away.

After Liu Ping left, Zhang Xiulan asked immediately.

"Xiaoye, Qinqin, how about staying in the compound today, grandma has already prepared rooms for you."

Seeing grandma's anxious appearance, Bo Zhongye couldn't help helping his forehead
"Grandma, we are going to Taoyuan Garden to live in a world of two."

 There is another update at ten o'clock in the evening
(End of this chapter)

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