Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 154 Drive Slower

Chapter 154 Drive Slower (3 more)
The four elders of the Bo family were also here when they spoke, and their eyes lit up when they heard this.

Is this something to take home overnight?
Even Bo Songyuan, who has never been very excited, is now feeling turbulent in his heart. This is related to when he will have a grandson to hug!

Compared to the excitement and joy of Bo's parents, Liu Ping was not so at ease.

The meaning of what Bo Zhongye said couldn't be more obvious. She could stop it before, but now that they are both engaged, it makes no sense for her to stop her.

"Okay, you go, but you have to take good care of her."

The last sentence was undoubtedly a warning, she remembered how Bo Zhongye hurt her daughter before.

Bo Zhongye was a little embarrassed by Liu Ping's words, so he kept nodding.

"Auntie, I will."

The four elders of the Bo family were very dissatisfied with his address, Zuo Yao couldn't help but said.

"Xiao Ye, we're both engaged, and we can't call you Auntie from now on."

After being told by his mother, Bo Zhongye called Liu Ping "Mom" without even thinking about it.

"Mom, I will take good care of Qinqin."

They said that they would not hit smiling faces, and they would call her mom, so she couldn't say anything, so Feng Xiao took her away.

After Liu Ping left, Zhang Xiulan asked immediately.

"Xiaoye, Qinqin, how about staying in the compound today, grandma has already prepared rooms for you."

Seeing grandma's anxious appearance, Bo Zhongye couldn't help helping his forehead
"Grandma, we are going to Taoyuan Garden to live in a world of two."

As soon as Bo Zhongye said this, the four elders of the Bo family were all happy from ear to ear.

Okay, okay, a two-person world is good, only a two-person world can have a three-person world.

Looking at the people in the Bo family with expressions that we all know, hurry up and go, Feng Qinqin was speechless.

After Bo Zhongye left with Feng Qinqin, Zuo Yao thought of a very important thing.

"Husband, Qinqin hasn't called my mother yet."

Just now I was only thinking about being happy, but in the end I forgot such an important thing.

Bo Songyuan: "I didn't call me dad either."

It's kind of disappointing to say the least.

Seeing his parents' expressions of regret instantly, Bo gently stepped forward and took his mother's arm and said.

"Mom and Dad, didn't everyone forget that? Don't you worry about not having a chance in the future?"

"That's right, you're right."

Zhang Xiulan, who has been called grandma countless times, agrees with her granddaughter's idea, thinking that I have already become grandma anyway.

Zuo Yao and Bo Songyuan felt better after hearing what their daughter said.

On the other side, Bo Zhongye left with Feng Qinqin, and Bentley was driving fast on the road.

Feng Qinqin couldn't help but speak after seeing the 150 yards per hour display.

"Slow down, I'm afraid."

She drove like flying, constantly overtaking one car after another, and she felt sick to her stomach.

"Honey, I can't wait, why don't we get out of the car and go to the hotel?"

Thinking about what will happen in a while, Bo Zhongye's blood is boiling.

Feng Qinqin: "..."

As for being so impatient?

Why didn't she look forward to it at all!

The car flew all the way to Peach Garden. Bo Zhongye unbuckled his seat belt and opened the car door. Feng Qinqin had just unbuckled his seat belt when the door was opened, and then a pair of strong hands carried her out of the car.

After holding the girl in his arms, the man kicked the door behind him, and walked towards the yard with her in his arms.

"I can go by myself."

It was very awkward to be hugged by him like a child.

"My legs are longer."

The man's leisurely voice reached her ears along with the spring night wind.

It wasn't until Feng Qinqin, who was carried into the living room by him, realized that he meant that he disliked her and walked slowly.

As soon as he entered the living room, Bo Zhongye raised his foot and kicked the door shut.

(End of this chapter)

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