Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 160 Powerless Zhangtian

Chapter 160 Powerless (4 more)
Lin Shishuo was also very helpless, wasn't he fine before, and there was nothing unusual when he got engaged to Qinqin yesterday, why did something like this happen today.

Hearing this, Lin Xiu's first feeling was whether Huang Qing and Lin Zhiyou had done something again.

"What has your mother been doing lately?"

Lin Shishuo shook his head.

"Dad, it's not because of my mother. During this time, she rarely went out. The person we sent to supervise her said she didn't do anything."

Lin Xiu frowned, thinking about what happened recently, a picture suddenly flashed in his mind.

Eleven days ago, Bo Zhongye suddenly asked him out, and then asked him.

"Lin Zhiyou is not your daughter, is she?"

Yes, that's the sentence, and then another child ran behind him, and the boy must have pulled out one of his hairs, so it hurt.

It's just that he was interrupted at the time, so he didn't care.

So, was Bo Zhongye already planning at that time?

"Have you found out why?"

Lin Shishuo shook his head.

"The person who went to the school to investigate has not responded yet, but it should be soon."

At first Lin Shishuo thought it was his mother who provoked Bo Zhongye, but he didn't think about his sister. Now it seems that he suspected the wrong person from the beginning.

Now the two of them can't do anything but sit and wait.

Sitting on the sofa, Lin Shishuo fell into deep thought.

It is impossible for Bo Zhongye to withdraw the news, since he has made such a statement, he must carry it out.

What he has to do now is to find out the reason and reduce the company's losses as much as possible.

"How much lower the stake is now."

Lin Xiu asked.

Lin Shishuo: "It seems to have stabilized."

Lin Xiu raised his head and looked at his son with doubts in his eyes.

"Stable, no longer lower?"

Lin Shishuo nodded, at least there was not much fluctuation in the past half an hour.

"Dad, don't worry about the company's situation. The two who intend to terminate the contract with us are the two at the beginning. Now the other partners have not moved."

Lin Xiu just relaxed a little.

If the Lin family was destroyed in his hands, it would be a crime.

The father and son sat together without speaking, quietly waiting for the news.

About 10 minutes later, Lin Shishuo's cell phone rang.

The people over there didn't know what they said, Lin Shishuo's face became more and more ugly, and finally he just said "I see" and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Shishuo had the urge to drop the phone.

After a while, Lin Shishuo told the story of Lin Zhiyou and Feng Qinqin in the past few days.

I really didn't expect so many things to happen some time ago!

Lin Xiu could even imagine the embarrassment of Qinqin being misunderstood as an illegitimate daughter.

Lin Zhiyou, he has raised her for so many years, he really raised a white-eyed wolf!

Seeing that his father was so angry that the veins on the back of his hands were exposed, Lin Shishuo closed his eyes.

My sister really went too far this time.

No one could help her this time, not to mention that her father wouldn't help her this time, even if they wanted to, they didn't have the ability.

Sure enough, the father's gloomy and forbearing voice sounded.

"Don't worry about this matter, just like this, Bo Zhongye can't do anything too much, she deserves what she deserves!"

After finishing speaking, he stood up with a swipe and rushed out the door.

Lin Shishuo sat in the living room, feeling helpless but helpless.

Youyou, do you only care about yourself?
Don't you think about other people's feelings?
Now she also knows that she is not her father's child, maybe from now on, she will never have any relationship with the Lin family.

He couldn't help this time either.

I just wanted to ease the relationship with Feng Qinqin, but now it seems that it is really too difficult.

Lin Shishuo, who was in a tangle, suddenly heard the ringtone of the mobile phone.

He took out his mobile phone, and after seeing who was calling, Lin Shishuo didn't want to answer it.

What's the use of picking it up now?
But finally picked up.


As soon as Lin Shishuo spoke, there was a noisy voice over there.

It seemed that there were many people, and then I heard my sister's anxious voice.

"Brother, please send someone over to pick me up, I was blocked by reporters, ah!"

Then, the shout that pierced the sky was transmitted from the mobile phone to Lin Shishuo's ears.

Before he could say anything, Lin Zhiyou screamed.

"You guys pushed me, get out, I'm the daughter of the Lin family, and it's all fake online!"

"Brother, come here quickly!"

Lin Shishuo no longer hesitated, hung up the phone to call the people at the school, and told them to go over and rescue Lin Zhiyou.

The people over there seemed helpless.

They were inside now, of course they knew that the young lady was blocked by reporters, but when they were about to approach, several well-trained masters came and dragged them to the street, blocking their way in a daze.

"President, we want to go but we can't. I think you'd better talk to Miss Feng, otherwise it's useless for you to come!"

Lin Shishuo took his mobile phone and car keys, and ran out with long legs.

On the way, Lin Shishuo called Bo Zhongye while driving.

As a result, it shut down.

Lin Shishuo slapped the steering wheel violently, the anger in his chest had nowhere to vent, so he had to continue driving towards Tongcheng University.

 Another [-] words have been updated today, which is great!
  If you are not busy for a while, there may be an update tomorrow morning. If you are busy, it will be in the afternoon. After all, my brother will get married the day after tomorrow, and the babies know it, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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