Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 161 Aggressive Questioning

Chapter 161 Aggressive Questioning (1 more)
The phone was hung up, and Lin Zhiyou was blocked by a bunch of reporters.

"Excuse me, Miss Lin, do you know that you are an illegitimate daughter?"

"May I ask, Miss Lin, how do you understand the term illegitimate daughter?"

"Excuse me, Miss Lin, what do you think of your mother's behavior?"

"Excuse me, Ms. Lin, there is a saying that like a mother, like a daughter, do you agree with this saying?"

Questions came one after another, and Lin Zhiyou frowned tightly. If she wasn't worried that her image would be greatly compromised, she would have raised her hand and slapped them.

"I said, I'm the daughter of the Lin family, so I must be, otherwise my father wouldn't treat me so well!"

Lin Zhiyou wasn't too stupid, her words made many reporters shut up.

Some of the reporters here came to find the subject matter, but most of them were reporters under the Bo family Zhuoyuan International Group, so when the other reporters were speechless, a reporter said.

"Miss Lin, who doesn't know that Lin Xiu is known as a good old man, and it is not impossible for him to raise a daughter for someone else."

"That's right, isn't the fact obvious? Lin Xiu and your mother's divorce was not announced more than 20 years ago. Isn't it because your mother cheated and then wanted to take care of you?"

"Also, the paternity test is not fake, or you said that your mother and many people's sex is fake."

Lin Zhiyou glanced at the reporter who asked the question.

"Can you prove it's true!"

The reporter answered calmly.

"Of course, we have verified the authenticity of the picture before we come, otherwise we will come to block you?"

Because of this reporter's words, Lin Zhiyou trembled with anger.

Another round of questioning came to her, the road ahead was blocked, and it was impossible for her to escape.

For some reason, suddenly a group of girls rushed over, many of them had things in their hands.

"Shameless bitch, grab my boyfriend and hit her!"

Some reporters let those girls over as if they knew something.

For a moment, all the girls who came over started throwing rotten eggs and tomatoes at Lin Zhiyou's face with an attitude of revenge and revenge.


Shouts like killing pigs rang out on the campus. Many students passed by, but no one came to help her.

But it's good enough to step on a few feet.

Usually they are used to being domineering in school, and this time they were very happy to see Lin Zhiyou in such a mess.

In a short time, the expensive clothes on Lin Zhiyou's body had been made into tomato and egg soup.

The tomatoes were okay, but the smelly eggs made her vomit.


Lin Zhiyou clutched her chest, the discomfort coming from there was so strong that she couldn't help it.

Lin Zhiyou felt terrible in her stomach, and she didn't know if it was because of the strange smell on her body that made her vomit. One reporter didn't check, and he vomited all over her body.

"Hey, pay attention!"

After the reporter yelled, he hurriedly cleaned up his clothes.

When Lin Zhiyou vomited, the girls who were throwing tomatoes and eggs at her stopped. An experienced reporter quickly captured important information and passed a message to everyone.

"Miss Lin, are you vomiting more than just being pregnant?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then they believed them [-]%.

Especially those reporters, no matter whether he is true or not, it is the last word to get gossip to make money.

"Miss Lin, whose child is in your womb?"

"Miss Lin, we haven't received any news of your engagement. May I ask if she is as evil as you?"

"Miss Lin, who is the father of the child?"

He hasn't realized what happened just now, but just because she vomited, how could it be that she already has a child?
Lin Zhiyou was so angry that she wanted to curse, but in fact she really did.

"Fuck you, I just vomited. Try to see if you will vomit when those eggs hit you. Do you reporters have any humanity?"

Lin Zhiyou uttered angrily, her fiery eyes were full of anger.

The reporter who was the first to say that she was pregnant just now was not afraid at all. Every word he said was sharp and he always found the key point.

"Miss Lin, as the adopted daughter of the Lin family, do you deserve Mr. Lin Xiu's kindness in nurturing you by swearing like this?"

Hearing this, Lin Zhiyou wished she could tear the man speaking in front of her to pieces.

Now, no matter how stupid she is, she still knows that there are a few reporters here who were arranged to come in to make trouble for her.

Lin Zhiyou, who had been surrounded for almost 10 minutes, finally waited for the rescuer, Lin Shishuo.

Lin Shishuo broke through the crowd and protected Lin Zhiyou behind him, looked at the reporters around, and said.

"Please make room for me, let my sister go out first, I will definitely explain this matter to everyone."

The reporters arranged by Bo Zhongye saw that Lin Shishuo was here, and according to Young Master Bo's order, they can make trouble until now, and they can go back and release the news.

Seeing that they still had no intention of leaving, Lin Shishuo spoke again.

"Please give me some face for Lin, I understand your profession, but please also understand my feelings as a brother and let my sister go."

(End of this chapter)

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