Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 182 Is This Drilling Addiction?

Chapter 182 Is This Drilling Addiction?
"Brother, medication is not the root, you have to learn some skills! Otherwise, it will be very painful to be your woman."

Hearing this, the corners of Bo Zhongye's mouth twitched.

He obviously has skills, okay?
"I don't need a cowherd to tell me yet!"

Bo Zhongqing: "..."

Do you want to be so vicious?
He is his own brother!
"Brother really, if you really don't know how to do it, I'll send you a few videos, keep them and teach them."

Bo Zhongqing still persisted in persuading him.

This is his own brother, he has to think about him.

Bo Zhongye passed his gaze over and spoke coldly.

"If you don't say any more medicine, believe it or not, I will kick you onto your bed!"

Why so much nonsense!
Bo Zhongqing: "..."

He looked at the distance between his current position and the big bed, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

The eldest brother is so strong, no wonder the little sister-in-law is in such pain.

Bo Zhongqing said the name of a medicine, and Bo Zhongye was speechless to the point of death, wouldn't it be better to say it earlier?

I really thought that he was a living Bodhisattva of ordinary sentient beings, and it was enough to teach him skills.

After getting the name of the medicine, Bo Zhongye didn't stay for a moment, and immediately got up and went downstairs to buy the medicine.

Feng Qinqin, who was still waiting for him on the bed, waited for his mother's call.

Seeing the caller ID on the phone, Feng Qinqin dared not answer it at all.

In her current situation, she definitely couldn't go back, and she still had to answer the phone after much deliberation.


Feng Qinqin let out a guilty cry.

As soon as the words fell, Liu Ping asked from there.

"Qinqin, it's already ten o'clock, when are you coming back?"

Really, it's just an engagement, you can't live with Bo Zhongye all the time, if that's the case, what kind of engagement and marriage are there?

Feng Qinqin lowered her head and buried her head in the pillow, not knowing how to explain it.

Mother definitely disagrees with her living here, but Bo Zhongye hasn't come back yet.

After thinking about it, she should go back.

"Mom, he took me to a party today, and it's not over yet. Will I disturb my rest when I go back later?"

In the end, Feng Qinqin lied, if her mother still wanted her to go back, she would send her away after Bo Zhongye came back.

When Liu Ping heard that she was going to a party, she frowned.

Forget it, the young couple will stay for another night.

Bo Zhongye sent Qinqin back and forth, but she was not at ease.

"Forget it, go back with Xiao Ye today, Mom won't keep the door open for you, remember to come back early tomorrow."

I'm not home all day.

"Okay, Mom, I'll go to the store tomorrow afternoon, and we'll go home together in the evening."

Liu Ping said hello, then arranged a few words and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Feng Qinqin breathed a sigh of relief, just at this time Bo Zhongye came back with a bag of medicine in his hand.

Seeing the girl holding a mobile phone in her hand, she looked like she had just answered the phone.

Bo Zhongye walked over with the medicine in his hand, sat beside the girl, and asked.

"Who's calling?"

Feng Qinqin put the phone away and said.

"My mother, let me go back. I told her that you took me to the party. She saw that it was late, so she said she wouldn't let me go back."

After Feng Qinqin finished speaking, he could clearly see the obvious smile on the man's face.

Feng Qinqin now wondered if this man did it on purpose.

Walking to the girl's side with big strides, Bo Zhongye took care of her to lie down, leaned over and asked.

"How is it, does it still hurt?"

Feng Qinqin shook her head.

It doesn't hurt anymore, it's quite comfortable.

Thinking that this should be a special medicine for this convenience.

"How did you know about this medicine?"

"I asked my second brother, he knows everything about this."

I hang around the flowers all day, I know for sure.

He also taught him skills, so he didn't want to learn skills from a cowherd.

Feng Qinqin was speechless, she really didn't understand why the Bo family had a freak like Bo Zhongqing.

The men in the Bo family are all infatuated, and he is the only one.

Bo Zhongye took off his clothes, hugged the girl and rolled into the bed, restraining her with his arms like an iron wall, and said softly.

"Go to sleep, you have to go to school tomorrow."

Feng Qinqin hummed, buried her head in his chest, and whispered.

"You can't do this again tomorrow, my mother will be angry."

On the phone just now, she could already hear that her mother's tone was not very good, and she would definitely be angry if she didn't go back tomorrow.

"Okay, I'll take you back tomorrow."

Early the next morning.

Feng Qinqin woke up very early, but when she got up, there was no one around her, so Bo Zhongye must have gone for a run.

Feng Qinqin didn't care about him, she slept very well yesterday, so she woke up in the morning looking good, thinking that she hadn't cooked for the elders of the Bo family, so she went to the kitchen to have a look.

When I arrived at the kitchen, I happened to see Wang Ma who was busy.

 La la la, I did a handicraft today, and within half an hour, Qianqian gave up.

  I suddenly remembered that in the second year of high school, the girl sitting next to Qianqian wanted to stack the stars, but she said she couldn’t stack them, and then Qianqian thought I would help you stack them, and then I was with my deskmate, who was a boy , the three of us stacked together.

  The final result was that Qianqian folded one class, and there were less than five formed. The tablemate grabbed a handful of his stacks, all plump and stylish, held them in the palm of his hand, looked at Qianqian very speechlessly, and asked.

  "Are you a girl?"

  Qianqian: "..."

  Well, I was discovered by my tablemate, and Qianqian is actually a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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