Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 183 Young Master Bo: My Wife is Awesome!

Chapter 183 Young Master Bo: My Wife is Awesome!
She and Wang Ma still had friendship. After all, Wang Ma was taking care of her when she was in Taoyuan Garden. Feng Qinqin walked over and called Wang Ma.

Upon hearing the voice, Wang Ma turned around and saw Feng Qinqin standing at the door, she immediately beamed with joy.

"Eldest young mistress, why did you get up?"

She liked Feng Qinqin when she was in Taoyuan Garden before, and now she is engaged to Bo Zhongye, calling her the eldest young mistress is a matter of course and something she is very happy about.

On the contrary, Feng Qinqin felt a little embarrassed when she called her a young mistress. She stroked her hair on her chest, saw the vegetables on the desk, and said.

"Wang Ma, is there any fish in the refrigerator?"

She is best at making fish soup. Although the others are good, she still hopes to give everyone the best for the first time.

As soon as Wang Ma heard her words, she knew that she was going to cook.

"Eldest young mistress, go and rest, I can do it myself."

Today is Feng Qinqin's first morning at Bo's house. If she cooks under her nose, the old man and the others will be angry.

Feng Qinqin smiled.

"Wang Ma, you can just call me Qinqin as before. He and I are not married yet."

Wang Ma smiled, but did not agree.

Feng Qinqin didn't force it, and then said.

"Mother Wang, I want to make fish soup for my grandparents and parents. This is what I'm best at. Mama Wang can't stop me."

Feng Qinqin's words were sincere, and it was hard for Wang Ma to refuse.

Thinking that even the young master liked to drink the fish soup she made before, it was delicious.

"Okay, then young mistress, you can just make the fish soup, and I'll do the rest."

Feng Qinqin readily agreed.

Zhang Xiulan woke up at seven o'clock. She was getting older and had less sleep. They lived on the first floor. When she opened the door, a smell of food penetrated her nose and mouth.

Zhang Xiulan wondered what delicious food Wang Ma cooked today.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked into the kitchen, she saw Feng Qinqin busy inside.

Zhang Xiulan was afraid that she was wrong, so she walked over with old steps. Feng Qinqin just turned around to get the onion petals, and saw grandma standing behind her.

"Grandma, why did you get up so early?"

Zhang Xiulan was taken aback, she looked down at the green onion petals Feng Qinqin had already cut, and then smiled like a flower.

"Qinqin, why are you cooking, come out quickly, you smell of oily smoke all over your body."

Her daughter-in-law Zuo Yao didn't cook often when she came here, that is, she cooked one or two meals when the servants were on vacation. The granddaughter-in-law was much more diligent than the daughter-in-law.

However, this is Qinqin's first time living in Bo's house, so she can't be tired.

Feng Qinqin smiled, turned around and put the onion petals in, and then covered the pot.

"Grandma, it's okay, Mama Wang will help me, I just make some fish soup, I'm not tired at all."

Only then did Zhang Xiulan look at Wang Ma, she was happy because of her daughter-in-law's diligence, but also worried that Qinqin would be tired.

"Wang Ma, we can't let Qinqin cook in the future."

Yesterday, Xiao Ye didn't know how long she was tossing and tossing, and she got up so early this morning, how could she not be tired.

Wang Ma quickly responded.

Before everyone got up, Feng Qinqin cooked the fish soup, just to avoid everyone's onlookers.

After cooking the soup, Feng Qinqin sat in the living room and chatted with Zhang Xiulan.

Looking at her capable and patient granddaughter-in-law, Zhang Xiulan became more and more satisfied the more she looked at her.

Hey, who would have thought that the daughter of the Feng family could cook?
Zhang Xiulan thought that this girl must have suffered a lot.

Feng Qinqin, who was chatting with her, didn't know that Zhang Xiulan had such a high opinion of her. If she knew, she would definitely say something. She just likes to cook, and she is good at this fish soup. I didn't expect that the old lady would be so high evaluation of.

After a while, all the men of the Bo family came back from outside, and the family sat down to eat.

Wang Ma and Zhang Ma brought the rice to the dining table, Zhang Xiulan pointed to the pot of fish soup on the table, her mouth was grinning behind her ears with a smile on her face.

"Try the fish soup made by our family, Qinqin. I could smell the aroma when I woke up just now. It must be delicious!"

As soon as Zhang Xiulan said this, everyone at the dinner table couldn't believe it except Bo Zhongye.

Zuo Yao also remembered that her sons said that Qinqin could cook, but she didn't expect to be able to cook on the first day of living in Bo's house.

"Did Qinqin really do it?"

Bo Bingzhong and the others were also very relieved, but Bo Zhongqing and Bo Zhongwen's faces were not very good, but they still remembered the "beets" they ate that night.

They are a bit afraid to eat it. If they sleep in sweet fish soup, it will be... unimaginable!
Bo Zhongye hugged the girl beside him in comfort, and regardless of everyone's presence, he lowered his head and pecked the girl's lips, and said softly.

"My wife is great!"

The praised Feng Qinqin: "..."

Can you restrain yourself?

So many people!
Seeing this, the four parents of the Bo family were very happy, and Bo Bingzhong even laughed and praised.

"Our family's Qinqin is great," he said, and he couldn't wait any longer. "Mother Wang, quickly serve me a bowl."

Wang Ma picked up a spoon and filled a bowl for everyone. Feng Qinqin watched them all start to drink.

Then I watched their reactions very nervously, there should be no problem.

Bo Bingzhong let out a sigh when he was too nervous.

"Qinqin, what kind of fish soup is this, why is it so delicious?"

Afterwards, other people also praised again and again, Bo Zhongwen and Bo Zhongqing also looked in disbelief, the little sister-in-law actually cooks such delicious food, it seems that the last time was because of nervousness.

Feng Qinqin saw that everyone was drinking very quickly, without stopping the spoon, so she put down her mind and started eating on her own.

Seeing the little girl's reassuring look, he couldn't help laughing, and gave her a bowl of porridge.

"Have some porridge in the morning."

Feng Qinqin smiled at him and nodded frantically.

All in all, I'm in a good mood today.

 Recommend my "husband" article, yes, my babes read it right, it is Qianqian's "husband"! (ps: friends)
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  She is a girl with the title of genius in the medical field, and also the youngest professor at the medical school of D University. She has bare hands and dares to snatch someone in the hands of the king of hell.

  He is the sole heir to the richest man in country A, noble and indifferent, with power as high as the sky; he has been in the army all year round, and is the captain of the most valiant special forces.

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(End of this chapter)

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