Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 191 Wake Up, Little Lazy Pig

Chapter 191 Wake Up, Little Lazy Pig (2 more)
Bo Zhongye smiled.

"The wedding hasn't been held yet, I will definitely invite you over when the banquet is held."

Standing aside and looking at the smug expression of his elder brother, he felt the urge to take a photo as a souvenir.

It seems that whenever something happens to the little sister-in-law, the eldest brother will have a smile on his face, as if it was set.

Smith also found that the girl that Bo Zhongye was talking about was in his heart, so naturally he couldn't let him go to that kind of entertainment place.

"Then I'll ask my subordinates to take you back."

It's the same when he takes Bo Zhongqing to go cool, he knows that Bo Zhongqing is fun.

The corner of Le Yuan's mouth twitched, and he stepped forward.

"President, I'll take you back, just as I need to rest too."

He didn't want to go to that kind of place with Er Shao.

Bo Zhongye didn't force himself, and went back with Le Yuan.

When Bo Zhongye returned to the hotel room, Feng Qinqin hadn't woken up yet, looking at the girl sleeping soundly in the middle of the big bed, Bo Zhongye couldn't help laughing.

Can the little girl sleep well?
Bo Zhongye went to take a shower, dried his hair before he lifted the quilt and lay down.

The girl was originally facing him, as soon as he came in, he hugged her in his arms, and fell asleep after a while.

In the middle of the night, Feng Qinqin woke up from starvation.

As soon as I woke up, my stomach growled.

Feng Qinqin raised her hand and rubbed her sleepy eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw the man who was holding her.

After seeing that it was Bo Zhongye, Feng Qinqin was relieved and looked up at the surrounding environment, which seemed to be the bedroom.

isn't it?
They've already disembarked.

Then how did she get down, no need to ask, Bo Zhongye must have carried her down.

She really slept like a dead man, fortunately he was there, otherwise she wouldn't even know she was taken away by someone.

Now the mobile phone is not with her, and she doesn't know what time it is. She is so hungry that she has to get up and get dressed to eat something.

After getting dressed, I tiptoed out of bed, went to the bed and found my mobile phone, opened it and saw a message.

Bo Zhongye sent it, she opened it to read, and after seeing the message, Feng Qinqin was dumbfounded.

How long has she been sleeping? He came back after talking about business.

Randomly scratching her own hair, Feng Qinqin walked out of the bedroom.

She was unfamiliar with everything here, and turned on the light after walking to the living room.

And when the living room was lit, she saw the refrigerator at a glance.

Walk over to open it, there is nothing but some meat, it is difficult to think about the next side.

Finally, she picked up a knife and cut a few pieces of beef. Just as she was about to stuff it into her mouth, footsteps came from behind her.

Feng Qinqin looked back subconsciously, and Bo Zhongye was walking towards her in pajamas.

Walking to her side, Bo Zhongye stopped and stared at the girl who bowed his head. The girl was still holding a few pieces of beef, and Bo Zhongye couldn't help frowning.


Come to think of it, the little girl hasn't eaten since she took the plane.

Feng Qinqin nodded with her mouth pursed, holding the beef in her hand, and asked.

"Are you hungry? Let me cut some pieces of beef. There are no noodles in the refrigerator."

The only thing that can be eaten is beef.

Bo Zhongye reached out to take the beef from her hand, Feng Qinqin thought he was going to eat it, but saw him put the beef on the desk, and asked while holding her hand.

"Are you still sleepy?"

Feng Qinqin shook her head, after sleeping for so long, she would be a pig if she was sleepy again.

"If you're not sleepy, let's go out to eat."

The nights in the United States are not very warm, and the beef taken out of the refrigerator is even colder. It's no wonder that you don't catch a cold after eating cold food in the middle of the night.

"Don't bother, I don't want to go out, I want to go to bed after eating a few yuan."

Calculating that he has only been lying down for two or three hours, it is really not suitable to go out to eat with her.

"Didn't you just say you're still sleepy?"

Why did you say you were going to rest again?

"But I'm tired. It's good to rest in bed. Besides, I don't know if I'm used to the food here. The beef is so delicious."

As he said that, Feng Qinqin took his hand and shook it, coquettishly.

Bo Zhongye really had nothing to do with her, so he took three pieces of beef and handed them to her.

"Fill your stomach first, and I'll take you to breakfast when it's dawn."

He didn't dare to let her eat more, he was still worried that she would get sick.


After picking up the beef for a while, he finished eating, and went back to the bedroom with his arms around Bo Zhongye.

Looking at the little girl who almost fell asleep in his arms, Bo Zhongye's heart softened.

Stretching out his hand to poke her cheek, a red mark in the shape of his fingertips appeared on the cheek the moment he moved away.

The skin of the 20-year-old girl is good, full of collagen, soft to the touch, not at all like the flesh on his face, which is hard.

The corner of Bo Zhongye's mouth twitched into a smile, and fell asleep again with the girl in his arms.

When Feng Qinqin woke up again, it was already seven o'clock in the morning in the United States.

When I opened my eyes, I found that there was no one on the other side of the bed.

She put on her shoes and got out of bed, went to the bathroom to wash up, took out the clothes Zuo Yao had prepared for her and put them on.

Stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself in the mirror.

I have to say that Zuo Yao has really good eyesight and knows what style of clothes suits her.

At the moment, a white sweater with a light blue strip collar is paired with limited-edition jeans, and a pair of white shoes are worn under his feet. His long hair is tied into a ponytail and thrown behind him.

Just as Feng Qinqin was about to turn around, he saw in the mirror that Bo Zhongye opened the bedroom door and came in from the outside.

She didn't turn around, she just looked at herself so carefully, well, she didn't believe that she couldn't attract him because she was so beautiful now.

Bo Zhongye walked over and put his arms around her waist from behind, resting his head on the little girl's shoulder.

Feng Qinqin was not tall enough, it only reached his chest, Bo Zhongye bent down and kissed her cheek.

"Get up, little lazy pig."

The man's hoarse voice and hot and humid breath sprinkled on her cheeks, Feng Qinqin blushed hopelessly.

"I am starving."

My stomach is protesting.

"Take you to breakfast."

After a delicious breakfast, Bo Zhongye took Feng Qinqin back to the hotel.

"Can you be here by yourself? Really don't want to go with me?"

I just told her to go to meet the client together, but the little girl didn't want to, and he was really worried about leaving her alone in the hotel.

It's her first time here again, and she doesn't understand anything.

Seeing the man's worried look, Feng Qinqin stepped forward, stood on tiptoe to straighten his tie, raised her head and kissed his chin, assuring him like a child.

"Don't worry, I'm fine on my own. You can just do your work. I'll bother you when I go. Come back to see me when you're done."

Originally, he came here for work, and she couldn't help him, at least she couldn't hinder him.

"Well, you just wait here for me, and I'll be back when I've settled things. You're not allowed to run around, you know?"

He really couldn't wait any longer, Smith had already arrived, and Le Yuan and Ah Qing were still talking to them, so he had to go.

Feng Qinqin nodded vigorously, expressing that she would be obedient and not go out.

With her assurance, Bo Zhongye left.

After Bo Zhongye left, Feng Qinqin smiled slyly, picked up his bag, opened the door and went out.

Arriving at the place agreed by Smith, Bo Zhongqing had almost finished talking with him. Bo Zhongye walked over, sat in an important position in the middle, and first raised a glass of wine in Smith's direction.

"Sorry, I'm late, don't mind."

Seeing that Bo Zhongye was fined with alcohol, of course Smith didn't mind, so he waved his hand quickly.

"It's okay, it's okay, the second young master and I talked very well."

Several people reached a consensus on the issues after cooperation, and it was already an hour after the discussion.

During the whole process, Bo Zhongye was not in good spirits. He always felt that Feng Qinqin's willingness to agree made him uneasy. The little girl must not sneak out to play when he is not around.

Seeing that he was out of state, Smith asked more questions.

"Is Mr. Bo in a hurry?"

Bo Zhongye pursed his lips.

"My wife is still in the hotel, and I'm a little worried. If it's okay, come here today."

He wants to go back and have a look.

Hearing Bo Zhongye's words, Smith began to be curious about the wife Bo Zhongye was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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