Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 192 The Crazy Young Master Bo

Chapter 192 The Crazy Young Master Bo (3 more)
This is the second time that Bo Zhongye talked about his wife. He was really curious about what kind of woman could capture the heart of Young Master Bo, and he cared about her all the time. with a happy smile.

Smith thought, she must be a great and attractive strong woman, otherwise she would not be worthy of such an excellent man.

Bo Zhongye said that, so he had no reason to keep him anymore, he got up and smiled.

"Mr. Bo is such a good husband. It must be very happy to be your wife. I am looking forward to your wife coming so that you can be less distracted."

The most important thing is that he wants to see Bo Zhongye's wife, this is a rare opportunity.

Bo Zhongye also got up and spoke lightly.

"Next time, let's go first."

Smith stepped out of the way and sent him away.

Bo Zhongye's premonition was right, the disobedient girl had already left within 5 minutes after he left.

At this time, Feng Qinqin was sitting near a garment factory in California. This garment factory is said to be very famous in California. She had already checked several companies when she was in China. This one is said to be the best, and it happened to be close to the hotel. .

She had already gone to the factory just now, saying that it was relatively busy, and outsiders could not be allowed in now, so she has not yet entered the factory to see their clothes.

She had already had two cups of coffee, and she hadn't thought of a way to get in,
The important thing is that the people in the factory simply ignored her, let alone let her in.

Biting the corner of her lips, she looked at the clothing factory not far away, gritted her teeth, she must go in today!

It was 5 minutes after she reappeared in the garment factory. Feng Qinqin found the manager just now and spoke in not-so-fluent English.

"Sir, I really want to come to you to look at clothes. My store sells very well there. Please believe me."

Feng Qinqin felt that after saying this sentence, she had exhausted all her English skills.

But the person in charge still didn't say a word, just pointing to the door outside, the meaning is obvious, let her go out.

Feng Qinqin exploded in anger.

Either he didn't understand or he didn't want to let her in.

She didn't give up, and pointed at her clothes with hands and feet, hoping that the other party could understand.

In the end, the other party still let her leave impatiently.

In the end, it might be because she was annoyed, she chattered a lot, but Feng Qinqin only understood a few words...

Coming out of the garment factory dejectedly, Feng Qinqin was very powerless, sitting on the bench and looking at the sky, and finally understood that knowledge can only be disliked when it is used. If her English is good, although today will not be so smooth, But it won't be like now that you can't even understand the other party's words.

It seems that today is destined to be fruitless.

Feng Qinqin pouted, and was about to get up to go back when the phone rang.

My heart screams badly!

Bo Zhongye won't just finish talking and go back now, right?

Quickly picked up the phone, it was really Bo Zhongye calling.

Feng Qinqin swallowed hard and picked up the phone.

"Feng Qinqin, did you take my words as wind? Where have you been!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Bo Zhongye's angry voice came over, so loud that she almost threw away the phone without being scared.

He didn't hear her, so Bo Zhongye yelled again anxiously.

"Speak! Where have you been!"

After shouting two sentences, Feng Qinqin stood there angrily and didn't speak.

Why are you yelling at her? Didn't she just go out?


At this moment, Bo Zhongye was standing at the entrance of the hotel, his face was full of anger, and Bo Zhongqing and Le Yuan beside him were calling to find someone.

Just now when they arrived at the hotel room, they received a call from their eldest brother, yelling anxiously as if something serious had happened, and later found out that the sister-in-law had disappeared.

This is really a big deal, and the two hurried out to ask about the situation.

The hotel staff found out that Feng Qinqin had gone out by herself.

Bo Zhongye immediately kicked the staff member, accused them of being irresponsible, and let them go away casually.

The staff felt very helpless when they were beaten. They did not have the right to restrict other people's freedom. Are they responsible for the travel of all the guests staying in the hotel?

Bo Zhongqing hurried over to appease him.

"Sorry, my sister-in-law ran away, my elder brother was in a hurry, please forgive me."

Big brother is also true, why is he so impatient.

The staff shook their heads, expressing their helplessness.

At this moment, the elder brother's call to the younger sister-in-law was connected, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Bo Zhongye stood there with a face full of anger, no one dared to speak up.

Before leaving, she said well, she stayed in the hotel and waited for him to come back, but it turned out that she was fine, as soon as he left, she went out on the back.

"Speak, where are you?!"

Know where she is and see if he doesn't go over and clean her up!

Hearing his roar, Feng Qinqin didn't dare to breathe out over there.

She knew that this was a big disaster, and when Bo Zhongye came over in a while, he might not be able to tell what to do with her.

She also didn't expect him to come back so soon, and she hesitated just not to tell him where he was.

Bo Zhongye was in a hurry, and worried that she would be wronged outside, so he had to soften his voice and talk to her, thinking to bring her back first.

"Hey, be obedient, tell me where you are, and I'll pick you up."

Feng Qinqin reported the name of a receiver, put down her phone and sat down on the bench, waiting for Bo Zhongye to pick her up.

When he comes, she must have no good fruit to eat!

You won't come to beat her, will you?

Here, after Bo Zhongye hung up the phone, he asked Le Yuan to drive him there, and Bo Zhongqing also got in.

"Drive faster."

Bo Zhongye ordered in a deep voice.

Le Yuan increased his speed again, Bo Zhongqing looked at his elder brother's livid face, and said.

"Brother, we all know where my sister-in-law is. Let's go and bring her back. Don't worry."

The eldest brother's complexion is really not normal.

Bo Zhongye didn't say a word, his deep eyes kept staring straight ahead.

Le Yuan could feel the high air pressure inside the car even without looking behind him, and stepped on the gas pedal even more deeply.

After arriving at the address mentioned by Feng Qinqin, Bo Zhongye immediately opened the door and got off.

When I opened the car door, I saw a girl sitting on a bench not far away. Bo Zhongqing and Le Yuan, who got off the car and planned to help Bo Zhongye find it together, got back into the car consciously after seeing Feng Qinqin.

Bo Zhongye stretched his long legs and walked straight towards the girl.

Feng Qinqin was waiting with her head down, holding her mobile phone, until a shadow fell in front of her. When she looked up, she saw Bo Zhongye standing in front of her, his face was so dark.

Feng Qinqin stood up suddenly, and stepped forward to hug his waist without hesitation.

"You are here, I miss you so much."

Feng Qinqin looked at the tall man in front of him with her clear eyes flatteringly, her voice was sweet and greasy.

Just now she had thought about it, as soon as he came, she would act like a baby, so that should be fine.

Bo Zhongqing stood there, letting the girl hold his waist, and the girl's flattering voice could be heard in his ears, but the soft and soft voice did not dampen the man's anger at all.

Feng Qinqin secretly raised her eyelids, but the man's complexion still did not ease.

Well, she admitted, this time she was willful.

She admits she was wrong.

"I was wrong, don't be angry, okay?"

As Feng Qinqin spoke, she shook his body and acted aggrieved again, biting her lip, took out her charming eyes, and blinked.

Bo Zhongye lost his temper when shaken by her, and the anger in his chest was also shaken a little, and finally he spoke.

"What did you say was wrong?"

The tone is not that good.

Feng Qinqin secretly sticks out her tongue, aren't these all girls' lines, are they all women say when a man confesses his mistake to a woman?

However, these are no longer important. The important thing is that she must quickly appease this man.

"I shouldn't have disobeyed your words. I was wrong. You are angry and I am afraid."

Well, if she acts like a spoiled child again, she won't believe it. If she fails once, she will act like a spoiled child twice!

Obviously, Bo Zhongye's complexion improved a lot, but it still stinks.

"If you know you are wrong, you will be punished!"

Saying that, Da Heng hugged the girl in his arms.

Feng Qinqin was so frightened that she quickly put her arms around the man's neck to prevent her waist from being broken.

Bo Zhongye, who was holding the girl in his arms, strode towards the car.

Le Yuan, who had been waiting in the car for a moment, saw the president coming, and hurriedly got out of the car and opened the back seat door.

Bo Zhongye carried Feng Qinqin in with a gloomy face, but his movements were very gentle, and then sat in himself.


As the car door was closed, Bo Zhongye ordered in a deep voice.

The whole car was afraid to speak, and Feng Qinqin was even more afraid to show his air. I don't know how he will punish her after going back?
It's scary to think about it.

 Well, my darling thinks how Young Master Bo will punish the little lunatic, hahahahaha.

  Happy New Year’s Day, my dears, Qianqian is here to ask for a monthly pass again. Today’s guaranteed monthly pass will arrive, and the monthly pass will be doubled. It will end on the fifth day. Do you want to put the monthly pass into Qianqian’s bowl? Look at Qianqian's eyes, blink, ummm.

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(End of this chapter)

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