Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 199 Why is Mr. Bo so arrogant

Chapter 199 Why is Mr. Bo so arrogant (1 more)
Feng Qinqin grabbed the clothes in Bo Zhongye's hand, and hurriedly put them on.

After getting dressed, Bo Zhongye took her out of the clubhouse, Le Yuan took them to dinner first, Feng Qinqin anxiously looked at the clothes and said.

"Why don't you skip breakfast? It's noon soon. It's the same when you come back from looking at the clothes."

It was almost ten o'clock, and Smith must be anxiously waiting.

"No, let's eat first. Leyuan has already greeted Smith, and we will go there at eleven o'clock."

Feng Qinqin glanced at him and shook her head.

Well, he is the biggest, and everyone should listen to him.

After dinner, Le Yuan drove to the garment factory where Feng Qinqin came yesterday. This time it went smoothly. Smith came to pick them up in person, and they went through the green passage.

The staff who met Feng Qinqin at the front desk yesterday had a completely different attitude towards her today. It seems that Smith has already ordered her.

Smith introduced Ed, the general manager of the clothing factory, to them. Feng Qinqin's English is so bad that she only greeted people with a smile throughout the process.

Maybe Ed already knew her identity and respected Feng Qinqin very much. After talking for a while, Feng Qinqin thought it would be better to stop talking nonsense and go directly to see the clothes.

++Bo Zhongye and Smith were drinking coffee downstairs, Feng Qinqin and Ed went up together, and Le Yuan, who was acting as an interpreter, could only follow.

After looking at the clothes for more than an hour, Feng Qinqin felt that their clothes were good, but many styles might not be popular in China.

The styles of each country are different, and their costumes are a bit strange to Feng Qinqin, but they are not without merit. After watching for more than an hour, Feng Qinqin also gained a lot. The favorite nodded towards Leyuan, and Leyuan wrote it down immediately, and after reading it, the things he remembered would be enough for two suitcases.

When they came back, Smith treated them to a big lunch, and after the meal, they talked about clothing.

Le Yuan handed the things he remembered to Smith, Smith glanced at it, and waved generously.

"I will give these clothes to you. It is our group's first start in Tongcheng. If Mrs. Bo is willing, we can also cooperate for a long time in the future. I can sell all the high-quality clothes of our group in your store." .”

This was what Smith thought about yesterday. Since Bo Zhongye cared so much about his wife, he should do what he likes. I believe that Bo Zhongye will not let him down. In a few years, their group will be able to open up the market in Tongcheng.

How could Bo Zhongye fail to see what Smith was thinking, but it still depends on his little girl's intentions.

Translated for Feng Qinqin what Smith said just now, and asked.

"what do you think?"

Feng Qinqin frowned.

She didn't expect to cooperate with such a big group. She hasn't even visited the famous clothing factory in Tongcheng, and the clothing store has just opened. Even if she wants to grow bigger, now is not the time. She won't do things that backfire. .

She really wants to open the clothing store better, but it will take a while to develop. She came here this time to try her luck, and her luck is so good with Bo Zhongye, and if she agrees, Smith will take the opportunity Even if it is unreasonable to ask Bo Zhongye, Bo Zhongye will agree for her sake.

"No, I don't have such an idea yet, let's talk about it later."

Now she is not in a hurry, she will talk about the store after she graduates.

Bo Zhongye looked at her, as if he wanted to find out if this sentence was true or not. You must know that this little girl is a money fanatic, and she is willing to give up such a good opportunity.

Uncomfortable being watched by him, Feng Qinqin pushed him and said in a low voice.

"Okay, let's talk to him."

Bo Zhongye smiled, and conveyed her thoughts to Smith.

Smith was not surprised by this result. It seems that clothing is not the only way to curry favor with Mrs. Bo.

There is no righteousness in business, and Smith didn't insist on it.

"Okay, things have been discussed in the past few days. I wonder if there are any tourist attractions that Mr. Bo and Mrs. Bo want to visit. If not, I can recommend a few places."

It will be a long time in the future, as long as Mrs. Bo still sells clothes, then he will have a chance.

Hearing this, Bo Zhongye laughed.

"No, I want to take her around, and I'll be back in a few days. Traveling is all about traveling, and the important thing is the mood."

Hearing what he said, Smith just laughed. I don't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that Bo Zhongye's words had the illusion of not letting him be a light bulb, and there was a sense that their lives did not need others to guide them.

Smith didn't say any more.

Before saying goodbye, Feng Qinqin still gave Smith the money for the clothes. It is only natural to give money from people, so that when he and Bo Zhongye work together in the future, Bo Zhongye will not have to accept this favor.

After talking about all the work, Bo Zhongqing and Le Yuan went back the next day. Before leaving, they took back the clothes Feng Qinqin had picked out. Her sexy lingerie was also stuffed in, anyway, before she went back, she would not let Bo Zhongye touch her again.

After Bo Zhongqing and Le Yuan left, Bo Zhongye and Feng Qinqin played happily here for a few days.

Finally, after spending five days in the United States, the two spent another afternoon buying souvenirs and building them back home the next day.

The next afternoon, when Bo Zhongye and Feng Qinqin returned to Tongcheng, Le Yuan came to pick them up. After returning, Bo Zhongye went directly to the company. He wanted Feng Qinqin to go with him, but Feng Qinqin was unwilling.

She hasn't seen her mother for two weeks, and she needs to hurry back.

It happened to be Friday when she came back, so Feng Qinqin went directly to the store.

Before she came back, she didn't tell her mother that she was coming back, so that she would not have to pick up the plane, so when she walked to the door of the store, Liu Ping, who was talking with a customer, saw her daughter inadvertently and didn't react.

Feng Qinqin's small face turned into a flower with a smile, and strode towards Liu Ping, without any customers present, directly hugged Liu Ping's waist, with a small head on Liu Ping's chest Rubbing and rubbing.

"Mom, I'm back! I miss you so much!"

Saying that, she raised her face and kissed Liu Ping's face.

Only now did Liu Ping realize that it was her daughter who had returned. After being shocked, Liu Ping wiped her face pretending to be disgusted, and said with a disgusted expression.

"The drool all over his face is so dirty!"

Although he said so in his mouth, the doting smile on his face couldn't be stopped.

Feng Qinqin acted as if she didn't hear, and kissed several times.

Liu Ping smiled, pulled her aside, and looked at the guests next to her.

"No one is right, go and rest for a while, there are still guests."

Feng Qinqin stuck out her tongue at her, and fluttered away to the side.

The guest watched the interaction between the two of them enviously, and said.

"Your daughter is so cute, and your relationship is so good."

Hearing what the guest said, the smile on Liu Ping's face became more obvious.

After the guests left, Liu Ping walked over, sat down beside Feng Qinqin, and carefully looked at her daughter's face.

"Are you playing crazy? Look, there is no flesh on your face. Have you recovered from your cold? Are you still taking medicine?"

After asking several questions in succession, Feng Qinqin put his arms around her shoulders, tilted his head and said.

"Mom, look at you, it must have been an illusion because you haven't seen me for a long time. I'm not thin at all, and ah, the cold has long been cured."

I didn't have a cold at first, so there is no good or bad.

Liu Ping shook her head, she still felt that her daughter had lost weight, but her complexion was much better than before.

"Mom, how are you doing recently, do you think it's okay to work?"

Just now, from the confidence of her mother in the process of communicating with people, she seems to have discovered another side of her mother, and for the first time feels that it is a very correct thing to let her mother come out to work.

At the very least, mother is no longer alone at home, and it is good for her mood to communicate with people now.

Liu Ping nodded, looked outside the door, and said softly.

"It's much better than being idle at home. Now that I think about it, I really don't know the meaning of being obsessed with being alone at home?"

She has been derailed from this society for more than 20 years. At that time, she was more disappointed with human nature, and she was escaping from everyone in the world.

After working here for almost a month, she suddenly realized that life seemed to have a lot of meaning, and she shouldn't stay at home and waste her years.

Looking at her mother's expression, Feng Qinqin knew that she was fine here.

After a while, after earning back the capital, she will hire another one to be with her mother.

The mother and daughter talked about the recent business. Feng Qinqin didn't expect it to be really good. It seems that this year she can do a good job in the clothing store. She also has a reason not to go to the internship during the internship. She just has time to develop in an all-round way.

Bo Zhongye came to pick up Feng Qinqin after get off work, and said he would take her to the compound to see her grandparents. They missed her very much. Since it was the old man's intention, Liu Ping naturally had no objection, just that.

"You must be back by ten o'clock."

When Liu Ping said this, her tone was obviously much tougher than before, and Bo Zhongye coughed lightly in embarrassment.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely send her back before ten o'clock."

Before Feng Qinqin left, he brought souvenirs for his mother, elder brother and Niu Feng from Bo Zhongye's car.

Feng Qinqin picked up the computer prepared for Niu Feng.

"Mom, when Niu Feng comes over, tell him that this is the most expensive computer in the United States, remember to give me back half of the money after you earn it!"

As Feng Qinqin spoke seriously, Liu Ping raised her hand and patted her on the shoulder.

"Okay, go ahead, talk nonsense all day long."

Give her back half of it. Only good friends won't mind such words. I really don't know how Niu Feng has become friends with his daughter for so many years.

Feng Qinqin stuck out her tongue at Liu Ping, and walked away holding Bo Zhongye's arm.

The two came to the Bo family compound, Bo Zhongye took her hand in one hand, and walked in with seven gift bags in the other.

When Mama Zhang came to open the door, she quickly took the things in Bo Zhongye's hand, walked to the center of the living room, and Bo Zhongye said hello to the four elders in the family.

"Grandpa, grandma, parents, we are back."

Then, let Zhang Ma put the gift bag on the table.

Seeing Feng Qinqin standing next to her grandson, Zhang Xiulan couldn't wait any longer, and kept waving at her.

Feng Qinqin shook off Bo Zhongye's hand, trotted to her side, and called grandma sweetly.

"Grandma, we brought you a present when we came back, and the big red one is for you."

Saying that, he leaned over to get it, took out a small box from his bag and handed it to her.

Zhang Xiulan's face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile on her face. When she opened the box, a delicate agate bracelet came into her eyes. The shape was still composed of eight cute little bears. When she saw the bear-like agate bracelet, Zhang Xiulan's eyes flashed a little, but It was quickly replaced by joy.

Her eldest grandson still remembers that she likes bears.

Feng Qinqin even purposely moved closer to her ear, and spoke at the volume of only two people.

"Grandma, Mr. Bo said you like bears the most, so he bought them for you. He also said he wanted to tell you that I chose them by accident. Why do you think he is so arrogant?"

Guessing in her heart is one thing, but hearing Qinqin say that is another, Zhang Xiulan couldn't help but sigh, she finally didn't love her grandson for nothing.

However, realizing Feng Qinqin's address to Xiao Ye made Zhang Xiulan dumbfounded.

Mr. Bo?
Is that what they both called in private?

In fact, Feng Qinqin seldom referred to Bo Zhongye. When referring to Bo Zhongye, she always used "he" instead, but it was not good to always call her that. On the contrary, Mr. Bo was quite a good name.

I will call him Mr. Bo from now on.

 PK tweet "Can't escape his arms: Rogue Boss is three points sweet" by Muxi lazy
  He was three years younger than her, and he thought that the relationship with her was hopeful, but as time passed, all the waiting turned into suffering, and all the hope turned into a joke;
  She was three years older than him, and she thought that there was a barrier between her relationship with him, and after the vicissitudes of life, all escapes became acquiescence, and all rejections became sharp knives;
  Two people who are evenly matched but cannot love and be loved equally, how can they redeem each other?
  He said, in the long future, I really can't keep my promise to you and keep it in my mouth.

  She replied, let go, I can't bear what you give, I can't give what you want, please... let me go.

(End of this chapter)

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