Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 200 Like talking in elevators?

Chapter 200 Like talking in elevators? (2 more)
Bo Bingzhong didn't see what the gift was for his wife, but seeing Feng Qinqin say something in his wife's ear, the relief on his wife's face was obvious.

Looking at the interaction between the two, Bo Zhongye guessed a lot, this girl really knows how to please the old man.

Zhang Xiulan looked at the bracelet in her hand, she became more and more satisfied the more she looked at it.

Bo Zhongye went forward and distributed all the gifts, everyone in the family had gifts, Bo Bingzhong couldn't help saying.

"It's different when you have a wife. You used to be away from home for a few days when you came back from a business trip, let alone bring us gifts."

Bo Zhongye was also very helpless when he heard what his grandfather said. Why did he think so much as a big man? This time, it was Feng Qinqin who brought gifts this time because he said it would be bad to go back empty-handed, so he spent an afternoon buying all the gifts.

With what Bo Zhongye said, the elders of the Bo family were even more satisfied with Feng Qinqin.

Dinner was eaten at Bo's house, and Feng Qinqin asked to go back not long after the meal this time.

I went to the United States for more than two weeks, and I haven't been with my mother for a long time. If Bo Zhongye stays here again today, my mother will definitely be very sad.

The elders of the Bo family could understand Feng Qinqin's mood, and Bo Bingzhong urged Bo Zhongye even more.

"Xiao Ye, send Qinqin back while it's still early, don't let your mother worry."

Bo Bingzhong's mother refers to Liu Ping.

Bo Zhongye saw that he couldn't keep her today, so he had to send her back.

On the way, Feng Qinqin turned his face to the side and looked at the man's uneasy expression, his whole face was full of desire and dissatisfaction.

Feng Qinqin was speechless, and didn't ask him. Once he asked, he would say that he didn't want her to go home. She must go back today.

The Bo Family Courtyard and Yunhai Community are very close, and the time will arrive in less than half an hour.

As soon as the car stopped, Feng Qinqin got out of the car immediately.

Looking at her flowing movements, Bo Zhongye's face turned dark all of a sudden.

The action of unbuttoning the seat belt was a little angry, and when he opened the door, he saw that the girl had already walked to the gate of the community, which made Bo Zhongye, who was already very angry, even more angry.

He took a few strides forward, grabbed her arm, and held her in his arms.

Feng Qinqin turned to look at him, puzzled.

See why this complexion is darker than before, how did she provoke him?

"Why are you so dark? My mother will worry about us when she sees it later."

Seeing his face, you can imagine that they were arguing.

Bo Zhongye's face became better now, and he walked into the elevator holding her hand, closed the elevator door, and did not press the floor.

"Press the number."

Bo Zhongye didn't move, just looking very upset, then turned around and faced Feng Qinqin face to face, a pair of deep eyes locked Feng Qinqin's cheeks, Feng Qinqin was speechless.

Doesn't this person have a habit of talking in elevators?

"I think we should discuss about future accommodation."

The man's unusually serious expression made Feng Qinqin not sure what he meant. Do we need to discuss the issue of accommodation?

There is nothing to discuss.

Bo Zhongye didn't think so, and his tone was strong.

"I think it's necessary for us to share, at least a few days in a week to live with me."

He shouldn't sleep alone all the time, and it's not like he doesn't have a girlfriend, so why should he be a monk!

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin finally understood what he meant.

Is this dissatisfaction?
"Then you used to be alone, didn't you come here, and now tell me that you can't stand it, I don't believe it."

This guy, he has endured it for the past 30 years, and now she still lives with him from time to time, but he doesn't do it anymore, he just doesn't know how to be satisfied.

"How can it be the same! Don't you know, it doesn't matter if a person has been a vegetarian for a long time and doesn't eat meat, but once you give him meat, and then let him be a vegetarian again, who can bear such a gap!"

Bo Zhongye spoke loudly, and Feng Qinqin, who spoke directly, couldn't refute.

"you you you."

You've been here for a long time and you haven't come up with a reason.

Seeing that she couldn't speak properly, Bo Zhongye felt that he was more reasonable.

"I didn't say that you must sleep with me every day. At least, there are three days a week for me at night."

What kind of tone is that already easy to speak?

Feng Qinqin raised her forehead, she really didn't know what to say about this man, he was so cold and outrageous in front of outsiders, giving people a feeling that strangers should not enter, but in front of her, he was childish like a child.

Sleeping with him three days a week, isn't this a child's behavior?

"We're not married yet, please don't do this, I'm also very embarrassed."

We are together so frequently before we are married, it is no wonder that my mother has to scold her to death. After the neighbors know about it, they will definitely say that the daughter taught by my mother is not well-educated and does not know how to behave. She also wants to have a reputation.

"Then we'll get married in a while, and I'll propose to you in a few days."

Someone chatted quickly.

Feng Qinqin, who was proposed, opened her eyes wide: "..."

She no longer knew how to talk to him.

"Shall we talk about this tomorrow?"

Fortunately, this time is not a time when there are many people, otherwise there must be a lot of people taking the elevator, and it is better for them to go up first.

Now if someone comes in and sees that they're not doing anything in there, they'll think they're fools.

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow, and we'll discuss this issue again."

Bo Zhongye reached out and pressed the number, and the elevator started, but Feng Qinqin had the urge to slap him to death.

When she got home, Liu Ping had already boiled the medicine for Feng Qinqin. She hadn't taken medicine for two weeks, and she had to take it when she came back.

Feng Qinqin brought it over and drank it all in one gulp. It was extremely bitter, and he drank another large glass of water to make his mouth less bitter.

Seeing her frowning because of suffering, Bo Zhongye felt very distressed. It seems that drinking Chinese medicine is also a painful thing for people who have no requirements for food.

"Is it very bitter?"

It seems that the little girl was not just acting like a baby when she said that the medicine was bitter and she didn't want to drink it.

Feng Qinqin winked and nodded at him.

I used to drink it before and didn't feel bitter, but I didn't drink it for two weeks, and I suddenly started to drink it again, which was a bit unacceptable.

"Fortunately, it's not very bitter."

There is nothing he can do about suffering, he can no longer worry about it.

Before she had time to procreate, Feng Qinqin let Bo Zhongye leave. When Bo Zhongye left, he was still very worried, but Feng Qinqin sent him away.

After Bo Zhongye left, Feng Qinqin asked Liu Ping where her two suitcases were.

Liu Ping was placed in her bedroom, and Feng Qinqin took her mother back to her bedroom.

Walking into the bedroom, Feng Qinqin opened the suitcase and showed her mother the clothes she had chosen.

"Mom, do you think my choice looks good?"

Feng Qinqin felt that her mother had been working in the store for the longest time, and she must know more about customers' requirements than her. Last time, her mother gave her very good advice.

So this time she wants to ask her mother's opinion.

Liu Ping picked up a few casually, looked at the style, and then pointed to one of the big red loose windbreakers and said.

"Well, that's right. A few girls described the clothes they wanted before. I left their WeChat accounts. I'll talk to them tomorrow and it should be fine."

Feng Qinqin opened her mouth in surprise when she heard her mother's words.

My mother even learned to keep people's WeChat!

"Mom, how many people's WeChat messages have you left?"

It's really interesting, and my mother is too cute. It's fun to think about the scene where she and the customer add WeChat to each other, isn't it?

Embarrassed by being teased by her daughter, Liu Ping picked up her phone and showed her.

"There are more than [-] people added. They are all young girls. They asked me to post some news in Moments and upload photos of clothes, so that if they see clothes they like, they will come directly."

As she spoke, Liu Ping opened WeChat Moments to show her daughter.

Seeing Feng Qinqin in her mother's circle of friends: "..."

So what happened when she went abroad, her mother actually started a wechat business, and she did it impressively!

I have to say, it's really great!

"Mom, you are really great, I will hire you to be the general manager of our store in the future!"

Liu Ping laughed.

She doesn't care about other things, she just feels that her current life is quite fulfilling.

"Okay, let's go to sleep, don't we still have to do experiments tomorrow?"

It might not be possible to reverse the jet lag when I just came back.

"Well, Mom, I'm going back to sleep, I'll leave these clothes with you, I'm leaving, good night."

Because of the time difference, Feng Qinqin got up late the next day gorgeously, and felt that the laboratory was still 10 minutes late.

The whole morning was spent staring at each other. Niu Feng was always doing it by himself, staring at Feng Qinqin who dozed off from time to time. Niu Feng didn't know the significance of her coming, so he might as well go home and sleep. Last week She didn't come and he made the medicine very well by himself.

After finishing the experiment, Feng Qinqin went back to sleep. Before Monday, she only ate and slept.

On Monday, Huayu College, which is also Bo Qingqing's school.

Huayu College is a well-known aristocratic university in Tongcheng. To be precise, it is a university built by some rich people, so that their children who have not been admitted to the university can study.

Back then, because of his poor grades, Bo Qingwei only got into the average first-class university. He was a few points short of the score line of Tongcheng University, and finally missed Tongcheng University.

After discussion by Bo's parents, she really didn't want her to go to university in other places, so she came here to study fashion design.

Bo Qingwei doesn't have outstanding talent, and her grades are only in the upper middle class among the crowd, and the Bo family doesn't expect her to be very capable, as long as she can experience the feeling of going to college.

Therefore, it was very easy for Bo Qingqing to spend two years in college.

The only regret is that she didn't find a friend to get along well with here. Everyone knows that she is the daughter of the Bo family, and there is a sense of respect in her words.

Of course, many boys wanted to chase her, but she refused, whether it was because she had Yizuo in her heart or because she knew that their thoughts were not pure, so she kept refusing. The eyes have become defiant.

However, after all, it was other people's opinions, and she didn't care much.

Walking into the classroom, Bo Weiwei found a seat with few people and sat down, waiting for the teacher to come to give a lecture. I heard that a very famous French designer came today, and he will continue to stay in Huayu College in the future.

Bo Qingwei sat alone in the corner, waiting for the arrival of the legendary designer.

Before the class bell rang, she saw a figure walking towards their classroom. Bo Weiwei felt that this figure looked familiar. Before she could think about who she looked like, Ai Rui's face appeared on the scene like this. In everyone's eyes.

Ai Rui was wearing a white suit and black leather shoes. The combination of black and white made him look aristocratic. Standing on the podium, he looked like a Confucian.

Just, what is he doing here?
No, a famous French designer came to teach them?
This person can't be Ari, can he?

Bo Qingwei refuses in her heart.

However, what Ai Rui said next told her that her thoughts were true.

"Hi students, my name is Ai Rui, I am from France, and I will teach you courses from today on."

Ai Rui's broken Chinese sounded in the classroom, and Bo Weiwei only felt that a nightmare had begun.

Damn, he didn't chase her to school, did he?

Does he even have to go back home? !
As a student of the School of Fashion Design, if you don’t know about Airy in France, it’s really a waste of studying these two years.

For a while, there was a lot of noise in the classroom.

It is a very strange thing that Eric is a working person, how could he teach them for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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