Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 202 Brother Zuo came to find her!

Chapter 202 Brother Zuo came to find her! (1 more)
After Yi Zuo left, Bo Zhongye immediately called his second brother and told him not to help her if he called Qingqing for help.

Bo Zhongqing was puzzled and asked.

"Brother, if we don't help Qingqing, who else will help her? Do we just look at that man, Ai Rui, and trouble Qingqing?"

What the big brother did was really not like a big brother.

No, he can't listen to his elder brother. Since his elder brother is unwilling to help, he can go by himself.

"Don't worry, Ai Rui will leave Huayu College in the afternoon, remember, don't get involved, you know?"

He wanted to see what Yi Zuo would do. If Yi Zuo stepped forward to settle Ai Rui this time, then he could be sure of Yi Zuo's mind. If he didn't make any moves, he would give Hua Yu the answer before five o'clock in the afternoon. Sensible called and fired Airi, but, to some extent, Yi Zuo was also excluded from his sister-in-law list.

Bo Zhongqing felt relieved when he heard the elder brother say that, yes, he was too anxious just now, the elder brother loves his sister as much as he does, there must be a reason for him to do this, since he will get Ai Rui out in the afternoon, then he will listen to the elder brother Opinion.

Bo returned to the dormitory gently and sat in his seat, because Huayu College was very close to the Bo family compound, and the elders of the Bo family were worried that she would live in the school, and they would not be able to take care of her if she had a fever, so It's just that the dormitory here has reserved a place for her, so that she can come back to rest at noon, and go home to sleep at night.

Because there was still class in the next session, she was the only one in the dormitory. She picked up her mobile phone and called her second brother. She hadn't found his mobile phone number yet, so she called.

The ringtone of the phone startled her, and Bo patted her chest lightly, but was taken aback when she saw the caller ID on it.

Why did Brother Zuo call her?

"Hello, brother Zuo."

When it was connected, Bo called softly.

The soft voice reached Yi Zuo's ears, which inexplicably made the anger in his chest subside a lot.

Right now Yi Zuo is sitting in the car outside Huayu College.

Damn Bo Zhongye, if you don't help Qingqing, can I help her? Isn't it just a matter of a phone call? Could it be possible to flash his tongue with a word, and tell him some great truths? Great truth, go to the fucking heart!
Also he thinks that Airi is such a sister-in-law, there will always be times when he regrets it.

"Gently, I'm outside your school, where are you now?"

After speaking, there was a pause.

Bo gently took the phone away and looked at the caller ID again.

That's right, brother Zuo came to see her.

And Brother Zuo is right outside the door.

What's going on today?
Brother Zuo even took the initiative to call her and even came to see her!

For a while, Bo Qingqing didn't recover from her thoughts, if Yi Zuo hadn't called her over there, she would still be fantasizing now.

"Brother Zuo, I'm in the dormitory. I'll go down to find you now. Where are you at the school gate?"

After talking a lot in a row, Bo Weiwei worried that brother Zuo would leave because he thought it was troublesome, so he hurriedly spoke first.

"Brother Zuo, you don't need to tell me, I'm going down now, I can find you!"

After speaking, she was afraid that the other party would reject her, so Bo Qingwei immediately hung up the phone.

The hand holding the phone trembled a little.

How long has she been looking forward to this day? She has always hoped that brother Zuo could come to school and walk around the campus with her, even as a brother and sister.

However, she said it several times but was rejected by Yi Zuo.

This time, Brother Zuo actually came on his own initiative.

How great.

Putting the phone in his pocket, Bo gently ran to the vanity mirror, looked at the front, and then at the right, well, it’s still okay to wear, I just changed into new clothes today, but I was in a hurry when I escaped from the classroom, His head was sweating, and his bangs were messed up, which affected his appearance a bit.

Well, do you want to wash your hair?

Well, go wash it up, otherwise brother Zuo will think that he doesn't like to be clean.

Turning around, she went to get the shampoo. Before she could reach the cabinet, Bo stopped her steps again.

No, it takes more than ten minutes to wash the hair, and it takes half an hour to dry it. Brother Zuo is so busy. What if she gets down late and Brother Zuo gets angry and leaves.

Thinking of this, Bo gently picked up his phone and bag, quickly locked the door and ran downstairs.

When the phone was hung up, Yi Zuo felt a little baffled, how could he have the illusion of not believing that he came.

In the past, this little girl asked him to come and see her school several times. In fact, how could he not know her little thought? She just wanted to make people think that he was her boyfriend, but he couldn't do it. arrived.

If it wasn't because of Ai Rui, maybe he wouldn't have come. After all, Qingqing is also his sister, right? You can't watch her being bullied by that Ai Rui.

It's just that the speed of the little girl's speech and the speed of hanging up the phone just now made him dumbfounded. Since he came, he definitely won't leave.

About ten minutes later, Bo Qingwen ran out of the school gate out of breath and looked around. She remembered Yi Zuo's car, but the school gate was so big that many cars were parked here. It took a long time to see his car.

Seeing Yizuo's car seemed to be like seeing Yizuo, Bo Weiwei's heart was pounding with excitement, he stood on the spot and looked him up and down, then smoothed the hair on his forehead and the sweater on his body, and walked in small steps. Walked towards the car.

Little did he know that his actions were all watched by Yi Zuo in the car.

The weather is getting warmer and warmer. Today, Bo Qingwei only wears a dark green sweater on top, simple jeans on the bottom, and small white shoes on his feet. He looks as energetic as spring flowers.

Before I came here, I adjusted my clothes, and I didn't meet other people. Does this brother need to be so particular about him?

Bo gently walked in front of the car, Yi Zuo opened the door and walked out of the car gracefully.

Seeing Yi Zuo coming out of the car, Bo Weiwei froze in place, but brother Zuo came out by himself, so did he see her in the car?

Hey, I'm so happy.

Yi Zuo walked up to her and looked at the girl who was only as tall as his shoulders. Bo Qingwei looked a little nervous, but those beautiful eyes were looking at him unblinkingly, with an expression of obsession.

Yi Zuo was burned by her eyes, and turned his head awkwardly to hide his emotions.

This girl must like herself very much, but it seems that he can't give her anything, so let's treat her as her brother's help and help her solve her troubles.

"Gently, I heard from your elder brother that Ai Rui has come to your school as a teacher?"

Turning his head to look at the girl again, Yi Zuo spoke softly.

Hearing this, Bo Qingyuan came back to his senses in an instant, and his eyes gradually became less hot, but he still kept staring at Yi Zuo's face.

No matter how you look at it, it is very eye-catching.

"Well, big brother, she helped me, you know, I hate that Ai Rui very much, do you think my big brother's head was caught by the door?"

During the conversation, Bo Qingwei returned to her usual lively and cuteness, as if the incident in the hospital some time ago no longer existed.

Hearing that she said that Bo Zhongye's head was caught by the door, Yi Zuo immediately laughed.

His smile was like a spring breeze, directly hitting the softest part of Bo Qingqing's heart, and he was instantly fascinated by it.

Brother Zuo really looks good when he smiles. It would be great if he could keep smiling like this all the time, but the only one who can make him smile sincerely is Miss Wen Jing. Thinking of this, Bo Qingqing's good mood disappeared instantly. no trace.

Yi Zuo didn't notice the girl's emotion, but said.

"Gently, go, take me to the principal's office of your school, I'll go directly to him, and Ai Rui won't bother you again in the afternoon."

Although he also has shares in Huayu College, but very few, because no one in his family comes to study here, and his children will definitely study abroad in the future, so he feels that there is no need to invest, if Bo Zhongyefei hadn't dragged him to invest at the beginning He also has nothing to do with this academy.

Although he has shares, this is his first time here, so he doesn't know where the principal's office is, so he had to be gently taken there.

Hearing his words, Bo Weiwei was stunned, so brother Zuo came today to make decisions for her?

"Brother Zuo, I'll take you there!"

Yi Zuo's prestige in Tongcheng is not much lower than that of his elder brother, so his words must be useful.

Seeing the little girl so happy that she was about to jump up, Yi Zuo shook his head and laughed, opened the car door for her to sit in, and then the car drove into the campus.

Following Bo Qingqing's instructions, the two came to the principal's office.

Yi Zuo didn't let Bo Qingqing go in, but told her to stay outside first, and took her back when he was done.

That Bo Qingwei must have listened to him very much, and why would she go back, she still wants to take this opportunity to invite brother Zuo to dinner.

Watching Yi Zuo walk into the principal's office, the smile on Bo Qingqing's face was a bit prettier than Hua's.

Yi Zuo opened the door of the principal's office, walked in without knocking.

Li Yunhui, the principal of Huayu College, noticed that someone was coming, and his brows were cold for a moment, and he came in without knocking on the door. Is this challenging his authority!

Li Yunhui was just about to call someone over to drive him away, when he looked up and saw Yi Zuozheng walking towards him step by step.

The moment he saw Yi Zuo, Li Yunhui was stunned, but he quickly reacted and got up to greet him with a smile.

"Mr. Yi, why are you here?"

Yi Zuo gave him a half-smile, glanced at him, and sat down on the swivel chair next to the desk. Then, a cold voice rang out in the office.

"Of course I come for a reason. Why, do I need to make an appointment with you before I come?"

Yi Zuo's sharp words made Li Yunhui a little confused
Of course he doesn't need an appointment.

Everyone in Tongcheng knows that Bo Zhongye is the richest man in Tongcheng and has a perverse personality, but those who know the inside know that Yi Zuo is actually the most difficult to deal with. After all, the Yi family only has such a son, so it is inevitable that he will be a little spoiled. There is no one in sight.

Li Yunhui didn't understand his reason for coming, so he could only apologize with a smile.

"Boss Yi was joking, if I knew you were coming, I would definitely prepare tea for you in advance."

Yi Zuo didn't speak, but tapped on the desk with his slender fingers, not knowing whether he was hitting the table or Li Yunhui.

Not long after, Yi Zuo spoke lightly.

"I heard that the School of Fashion Design has hired a new teacher named Ai Rui?"

Hearing this, Li Yunhui rolled his eyes, so, is this Yi Zuo's purpose?

"Yes Mr. Yi, Mr. Ai Rui came to our school some time ago and said that he is willing to come here to teach for a year. I think such a talent is really rare, and it is also good for students. You can..."

"Resign him."

Yi Zuo pinched the center of his eyebrows, and interrupted Li Yunhui's words mercilessly.

Gossiping, wasting time.

Li Yunhui: "..."

He hasn't finished his sentence yet, why is he resigning from Ai Rui?

It is a great honor for Ai Rui to be able to teach here. It is difficult for many universities to invite him to give a lecture.

"Boss Yi, Ai Rui..."

Before he finished speaking, Yi Zuo raised his hand to stop him from speaking.

"I don't want to hear a word of what you want to say. Since I have spoken, you don't have to explain the pros and cons to me. The only thing you do is to fire him. I don't want Ai Rui to be here this afternoon. Show up at this school as a teacher."

After speaking, he stood up abruptly, the wheels of the swivel chair slid and hit the desk with a bang, Yi Zuo walked away as if he didn't see it.

Li Yunhui: "..."

How did this provoke this great god?
It's a great thing that Ai Rui can come to their school, now he can't be dismissed just because of Yi Zuo's words, but Yi Zuo is something he can't offend.

(End of this chapter)

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