Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 203 Don't You Just Rely on Loving You Gently

Chapter 203 Don't You Just Rely on Loving You Gently (2 More)
After thinking about it, Li Yunhui called Bo Zhongye. In Tongcheng, he knew that Bo Zhongye could suppress Yi Zuo, a freak. Anyway, he would try his best to keep Ai Rui.

It was expected by Bo Zhongye that he received the call from Li Yunhui. He knew that Li Yunhui would not be willing to let Ai Rui leave, but he didn't dare to confront Yi Zuo openly, so once Yi Zuo went to him, it was inevitable that he would ask for help.

It seems that Yi Zuo did not disappoint him, after all, he went to find Qing Qing.

"Principal Li, it was agreed between the two of us that my brother went to your place. You can just do what he said. In order to compensate for the loss of your school, I will arrange for you a teacher at the same level as Ai Rui as soon as possible. past."

Saying that, regardless of the other side's thoughts, Bo Zhongye hung up the phone.

When Bo Zhongqing, who had been waiting for the news, heard what his elder brother said, it seemed that the matter had come to an end.

"Brother, what you do will only make Qingqing even more reluctant to let go of Yizuo. That boy Yizuo has no affection for Qingqing. Isn't it our sister who suffers from you doing this?"

Bo Zhongye didn't take it seriously, and tapped the table with his long fingers, showing the confidence on his face.

"Don't worry, since Yi Zuo has done this, he definitely won't say that he has no feelings for Wei Qing."

Everything else was fine, as far as the matter of Ai Rui was concerned, Yi Zuo acted very abnormally both times, if he just wanted to show his brother's affection, then the affection was a bit too deep.

It's just that in Yi Zuo's consciousness, he probably still feels that he loves Wen Jing in his heart, but he just feels that the past is the past, and the most unlikely thing in this world is his ex-girlfriend, even if Wen Jing comes back one day Now, the relationship between the two will no longer be as close as before.

So to a certain extent, Bo Zhongye thinks that there is still a high possibility of Wei Qing and Yi Zuo.

Bo Zhongqing is still very upset, although Yi Zuo is a very good man, and indeed the only man who is worthy of his sister, but he feels that his sister and Yi Zuo are too tired to use together, one can't even take care of himself. How can someone take care of his sister.

If it wasn't because the eldest brother had always had a good relationship with Yi Zuo, and because Yi Zuo had ignored Qing Qing's relationship for so many years, Bo Zhongqing would have fought him hundreds of times.

"If it wasn't for the sake of you and Qingqing, I would really have a hard time with him!"

Bo Zhongqing said bitterly.

Bo Zhongye didn't say anything, he hoped that through these things, Yi Zuo and Qingqing could get along well, and his sister would no longer have unrequited love.

Yi Zuo came out of the principal's office, and Bo Qingwei hurriedly walked over with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Brother Zuo, is it done? Ai Rui won't be teaching here anymore, right?"

Looking at the squinting girl in front of him, Yi Zuo reached out and tapped her nose with a very arrogant tone.

"Is there anything else your brother Zuo can't do?"

If that Li Yunhui doesn't act according to his wishes, he will send a principal who will act according to his wishes in the afternoon to replace him.

Bo gently smiled, and she knew that brother Zuo could definitely do it for her.

"Brother Zuo, you have done me such a great favor, shall I treat you to dinner?"

Saying that, Bo Qingqing shouted silently in her heart.

Yes, yes, yes, yes!
However, Yi Zuo spoke.

"no need."

As soon as his words fell, Bo Qingwei's expectant little face instantly collapsed.

Well, it was rejected anyway.

Seeing the girl's rapidly changing face, Yi Zuo couldn't bear it, he came to help her, why would he need to invite a meal to help his sister, if it's just a meal, it's nothing, he just worried about her There will be other thoughts.

Of course Bo Qingwei has other ideas, doesn't she just want to be his girlfriend, why is it so difficult?
Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't agree, you've already been rejected countless times anyway.

"Oh, well, then..."

"You don't need to treat me, it's better to treat your sister to dinner as a brother."

Just when Bo Qingwei said that she was going to send him away, Yi Zuo suddenly interrupted her.

Bo Qingwei raised her head instantly, her beautiful eyes sparkled, as if she didn't believe what Yi Zuo just said.

Yizuo regretted it almost as soon as he finished speaking, but he couldn't bear it when he saw the slightly hurt eyes just now.

I have said everything, and I can't take it back, so let's go out for a meal.

Bo Weiwei was overjoyed, took his arm excitedly, rubbed his head on it boldly, the girl's fragrance slowly penetrated into the tip of Yizuo's nose, and his body stiffened instantly.

Bo Qingwei didn't know anything, and kept rubbing and rubbing, and then let go of his arm, with a smile on his face like a rose.

"Brother Zuo, take me to eat crabs, I want to eat crabs!"

After Bo gently threw away Yizuo's arm, the man seemed to have the illusion of losing something, and that feeling was fleeting, as if it had never happened, and Bo was so happy that he didn't notice Yizuo's face slightly. fleeting loss.

At Bo's request, the two actually ate crabs.

Yi Zuo took her to the best seafood shop in Tongcheng, but because of Qing Qing's weak body and crabs are cold food, Yi Zuo didn't let her eat too much.

After watching Bo gently eat the fifth crab, Yi Zuo became anxious.

"Gently, after eating this, you are not allowed to eat any more. What if you get a fever when you go back?"

The system of being thin and easy to get a fever is very worrying. It can rise to one degree in 10 minutes. I remember that I had a fever once when I was a child. It was only 37 degrees before eating, and it was already 39 degrees after eating.

Therefore, for others, it may be just a small cold, while Boqing may last for several days, or half a month.

He couldn't just take her back to eat a meal and then get a fever, not to mention the elders of the Bo family, even the three younger sisters of the Bo family couldn't stand him.

"Yeah, brother Zuo, I won't eat after I finish this."

Bo lightly grabbed a crab leg, as if he couldn't eat it in a second, and quickly stuffed it into his mouth, the fragrance spread between his lips and teeth, and his face was filled with a happy smile.

Looking at the girl who was so easily satisfied, Yi Zuo didn't even realize that his mood seemed to improve a lot.

After eating five crabs, Bo Qingwei really didn't eat any more. She also knew her own body, she couldn't get sick just because she had a meal with Brother Zuo, and Brother Zuo would definitely not take her to eat again.

After eating some other food, Yi Zuo drove her back to school after a little more than one meal.

It was the second class in the afternoon, so Yi Zuo sent her back to the dormitory. However, before the car reached the door of the dormitory, the two of them saw Ai Rui standing downstairs in Bo Qingqing's dormitory.

Bo Qingwei thought she had read it wrong, so she wiped her eyes and looked again, it was really Ai Rui!

Turning his head to look at the man driving, he obviously saw Ai Rui.

Yi Zuo's complexion turned sour, if he guessed correctly, this guy came to Xingshi to question him.

The car stopped at the door of the dormitory, right in front of Ai Rui.

Bo Qingwei really didn't want to get out of the car, she felt a headache when she saw Ai Rui, and Yi Zuo's gentle voice came from her ear.

"Go, go down first, I will solve it for you."

Bo gently drooped his head when he heard this sentence, he immediately regained his energy, well, with Brother Zuo, that Ai Rui must not dare to be too arrogant.

But it turned out that Bo Qingwei's thinking was too simple.

Yizuo opened the door and got off the car, and Bo Qingyuan came out afterward. Airi, who was looking around, turned his eyes and saw Bo Qingyuan coming out of the car.

Immediately walked over excitedly, stepped forward to hold Bo Qingqing's arm, Bo Weiwei was so frightened that he quickly took two steps back, and smiled embarrassingly.

"Mr. Airy, why are you here?"

Bo Qingwei asked the question knowingly.

Ai Rui was wronged, he was told that the school had fired him not long after he finished class, and he only came to class for a day, no, it was half a day class, and he hadn't gotten along well with Goddess Qingqing yet.

"Gently, why did you leave halfway through my class? Also, did you see that I greeted you during the break?"

Bo Qingqing couldn't bear to hurt him with that innocent face on Ai Rui's face, so he had to say.

"Ah, you greeted me, I like to catch up on sleep between classes, maybe I didn't notice."

Hearing what she said, Ai Rui believed it immediately, and forgot that he had noticed that Bo Weiwei had noticed him.

"Are you in a hurry? I think you left before finishing class, but don't worry, I didn't mark you off."

Thin lightly: "..."

If you didn't remember it, you didn't remember it. Why do you still raise your hand and swear?

Complaining inwardly, Bo Weiwei forcefully squeezed out a smile, and said without smiling.

"Thank you then."

Bo Weiwei felt that if she continued to smirk like this, her face would be wrinkled and her cheeks would hurt.

Yi Zuo was speechless watching the interaction between the two, he had never seen such a stupid man.

Anyone can see that Wei Wei doesn't like him, but he pretends he doesn't see it.

I don't know if it's real or fake.

"No thanks, no thanks, Gentle, do you know that the principal of your school is too much, I just want to get along with you and let you see my goodness so that you can marry me in the future, so I resigned from the country. I came to teach at your place, they were very happy when I came, and said it was an honor, but I only took one class, and the principal told me that I was fired, you said, isn’t it too much! "

The more Ai Rui talked, the more excited he became, he was wronged like a little daughter-in-law, isn't it just wronged?
Bo gently lowered his head and suppressed a smile, probably this guy still doesn't know how he was fired.

"Gently, isn't your elder brother very good here? Can you ask him to tell the principal that I want to continue teaching here, and I want to spend more time with you."

Thin lightly: "..."

I finally kicked you out, can I agree to your request?
Yi Zuo on the side couldn't stand it anymore, he had never seen such a stupid person, and his cold voice sounded.

"Mr. Airy, I think it is very difficult for us to fulfill your request. After all, it is my intention that you were fired. Since I have opened my mouth, my elder brother will not refute my face. I think you should go back to your France. Bar."

Wanting to keep coming back is really a big joke, let alone Huayu College, as long as he asks, Ai Rui will not be able to find a job in Tongcheng.

As soon as these words came out, Ai Rui froze in place, and then he looked at this man carefully, why should this man dismiss him, who is he!

After watching for a while, Airi finally remembered that this person was the rude man who sprayed all over Bo Zhongye on the day of his engagement!
It's fine to spray him all over, but now he is fired from here, which really angers him.

This man, Ai Rui knows a little bit about him, and Wei Qing has liked him for many years, but he has never accepted Qing Qing's love, and now he is here to stop him from chasing Qing Qing, it's really bad.

"Is it Yizuo? Why did you fire me? Did you organize this school?"

Ai Rui raised his chin, and that childish look made Bo Weiwei dumbfounded.

If he hadn't been so naive, maybe he could still be friends with him, but getting along for a long time would really lower his IQ.

Yi Zuo didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, the purpose of driving him away had already been achieved, he still wanted to rush back to discuss with Bo Zhongye about the Rose Hill project, nothing was negotiated this morning.

"Gently, you go up, I'm going back."

Hearing this, Bo nodded slightly, and just about to say goodbye to him, Ai Rui stepped forward to stand in between the two of them, it really feels bad to be ignored!

"Yi Zuo, don't you just rely on Wei Wei to like you, you treat me like this, but look at yourself, do you respond to Qing Wei's feelings?!"

(End of this chapter)

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