Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 307 Moved to Bo Family Compound

Chapter 307 Moved to Bo Family Compound
Feng Qinqin stopped what she was doing, walked to him and sat down next to him, puffed her cheeks, and said.

"My mother wants to drive me away, and then, she and Lin Xiu can stay and fly together."

While speaking, Feng Qinqin glanced at her mouth.

Bo Zhongye understood now, it must be Lin Xiu's co-authorship.

Well, yes, Lin Xiu did a good deed this time.

"Okay, mom will have a companion in the future, isn't that a good thing? Besides, grandpa and grandma have been looking forward to your return. Also, don't you just have the heart to let me sleep in the same room all the time?"

Thinking of being able to live with the little girl in the future, Bo Zhongye felt that the air was full of colors.

"Okay, I'm almost done packing. You can help me take the things down first. Get some today. Anyway, this house belongs to us. I'll come over when you bully me."

Bo Zhongye: "..."

Then he laughed.

"Then I know where you are hiding when you get angry in the future, and I will come to you, um, very good."

Why did Feng Qinqin have the illusion that she sold herself.

"Hmph, then I'll change to a place where you can't find it."

As he spoke, he raised his chin arrogantly.

Bo Zhongye shook his head, he couldn't make her angry, otherwise, if she really ran away from home, he would die in a hurry, and the elders in the family would not let him go.

"You are here to see if there is anything else you want to take away, I will send these down first."

Feng Qinqin nodded.

After Bo Zhongye went upstairs again, he asked her what happened yesterday.

"How come Qingqing wants to come and live with you?"

When Qingqing told them yesterday that they would come to live here, they didn't think too much about it, maybe they wanted to have fun, but didn't they attend the party with Yi Zuo yesterday?
Could this girl have lied to them and stayed with Qinqin, but actually spent the night with Yizuo?

Thinking of this possibility, Bo Zhongye felt that he had to ask more.

Hearing Bo Zhongye's question, Feng Qinqin paused for a moment, thinking of his previous scruples, Feng Qinqin decided not to tell him about this matter.

"Qingly said that Yizuo and I didn't want to go home after we came back, but wanted to come and stay with me, so we stayed here for one night and left in the morning."

Thinking of Yi Zuo's feat of confessing upstairs yesterday, Feng Qinqin felt that her decision was right, and let them solve everything by themselves.

Feng Qinqin's hesitation fell into Bo Zhongye's eyes. Do you need to think about talking to him?
If it wasn't for something in it, according to her personality, she wouldn't think about it later.

"Well, she starts school today, and it's time to go to class now."

Feng Qinqin hummed lightly, unaware that her actions had betrayed herself.

After packing up, the two walked to the living room.

Seeing that they had packed up, Liu Ping began to feel a little uncomfortable.

In the future, her daughter will be from another family. Fortunately, the people in the Bo family are not bad, otherwise she wouldn't know how much to worry about.

"Xiao Ye, Qinqin will be handed over to you in the future. She is a bit paranoid and sometimes makes trouble for no reason. If you can take care of her, take care of her more. Don't conflict with her, you know?"

When she wanted to drive her daughter away just now, she was still thinking of some great reason. She couldn't bear to let her daughter go.

For fear of being wronged.

Bo Zhongye and Feng Qinqin put down the things in their hands and walked in front of her.

Feng Qinqin sighed, took her mother's hand, and pulled her to sit on the sofa.

"Mom, look at you, just now you told me to let me live in Bo's house, but now I'm starting to feel reluctant."

When Feng Qinqin said this, Liu Ping started to cry.

Seeing the tears streaming down from her mother's eyes, Feng Qinqin also began to feel uncomfortable.

"Mom, look at you, why are you still crying?"

When my mother cried, her nose began to become acidic.

Seeing this posture, Lin Xiu and Bo Zhongye hurried over and sat on one side, and Bo Zhongye spoke first.

"Mom, don't worry, I will treat Qinqin very well, and you also know that my family likes Qinqin very much, and she will not be wronged."

Liu Ping can't listen to anything now. After all these years, the most important thing in her life is her daughter. Now that her daughter is leaving, she is still so unexpected, as if her heart has been ripped out.

The whole person is missing.

No matter how much Bo Zhongye assured her, she would not be able to see how her daughter was living in the Bo family.

"That's right, Pingping, Qinqin will marry sooner or later, don't be sad."

What Bo Zhongye said was okay, when Liu Ping heard Lin Xiu's words, she immediately became furious and yelled at him.

"What you said is easy. Qinqin is so big, what have you done for her? You have never done anything, and now you want to send her to the Bo family for your own selfish desires. You don't even live with your daughter However, of course you have no feelings for your daughter, what reason are you telling me now, are you worthy of you?!"

Liu Ping's words stunned everyone present.

Not to mention that Bo Zhongye and Lin Shishuo always thought that Liu Ping was a very gentle woman, but Qinqin and Lin Xiu, who spent the longest time with her, never knew that she had such a big temper.

Feng Qinqin burst into tears immediately, not because her mother said that Lin Xiu had no feelings for her and hadn't done anything for her, but because her mother lost her temper because of her today.

She knew that her mother valued her most.

Lin Xiu's face turned pale when Liu Ping said it, and he felt so guilty that he couldn't say a word.

He was sorry for Qinqin, for not fulfilling the responsibility that a father should fulfill.

Everything is his fault.

"Pingping, I will definitely try my best to make up for Qinqin in the future, okay?"

He wanted to do something before, but he couldn't do anything. Now he wanted to do something for her, but his daughter no longer needed it.

"Now you know that you have made up for it. What did you do earlier? Do you know how much she has been wronged? Now she doesn't need you to do anything. You start to want to do something for her. It's too late!"

Liu Ping yelled at Lin Xiu while wiping her tears.

Lin Xiu couldn't say a word she said, Liu Ping was right, everything was his fault, now Qinqin really doesn't need his compensation.

"Pingping, I know, it's useless for me to say anything now, but in the future I will try my best to be a good father, and I will do my best to make up for Qinqin."

Lin Xiu said these few words. He really didn't know how to guarantee it. What happened before was his fault. He shouldn't ignore Qinqin these years, and he shouldn't let Youyou and Qinqin get along. Qin had been fighting for so many years, since he knew that Pingping was pregnant with his child, he should have told everyone that he had divorced Huang Qing, and he should have snatched Pingping from Feng Wenjun's hands. No, it shouldn't have raised Youyou for so many years.

Everyone said that Lin Xiu was the kindest businessman, but he was worthy of many people, but only his wife and daughter.

Now that I am older, I suddenly wake up.

Why should he consider other people's feelings, others are nothing to him, the most important thing is his wife and daughter.

Although his daughter is married to Bo Zhongye, he may not need him to do anything for her in the future, but he will try his best to treat her well.

Bo Zhongye reached out for a tissue to wipe the tears from her cheeks, and said to Liu Ping.

"Mom, don't be sad. I will treat Qinqin well in the future, so don't worry."

He also understands the matter of the Lin family and the Feng family, and Lin Xiu is indeed wrong. Fortunately, everything is fine now, and I believe that Lin Xiu will not do anything harmful to Qinqin in the future.

Liu Ping raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and instead of looking at Lin Xiu, she looked at Bo Zhongye with her clear and water-stained eyes.

"Xiaoye, mom believes in you. You are a good man and will treat Qinqin well. However, if you do something to offend Qinqin in the future, I will definitely fight you hard."

She doesn't care how powerful the Bo family is or how powerful their background is, she is not afraid, anyway, she is just such a daughter, she doesn't care about anything.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely treat her well. If I treat Qinqin badly, I think the four old people in my family will not forgive me."

Bo Zhongye could imagine that if he bullied the little girl, his grandparents and parents would be able to peel him off.

Liu Ping stopped crying, held her daughter's hand, and said.

"Qinqin, I will visit me at least twice a week in the future, and I will ask Xiaoshuo to tell you the address of the villa later, do you know if you write it down?"

Feng Qinqin nodded, and Lin Shishuo came over and wrote her the address.

"Qinqin, we will wait for you to come back every day. I specially prepared a room for you at home. You can come back anytime."

He took this into consideration when he bought the house, so he specially prepared a room for her. When decorating, he prepared it as a princess room. That's all he can do as a big brother.

Feng Qinqin took the address in her hand and put it in her bag.

She will definitely go back to see her mother in the future, and she also needs to see if her mother is doing well.

As for whether to live there, that is a matter for the future.

"By the way, I'll come over in the afternoon. Before you come, you have to invite the nanny and servants. Otherwise, I won't let my mother go with you."

Feng Qinqin knows best what kind of mother's temperament is. Once she enters the Lin's house, she will definitely have to work hard again.

"Let me tell you, after my mother goes to your house, you can't let her work. At most, she can cook. My mother can't do anything else. My mother married to enjoy the blessings. If she was to suffer, Then I don't think it's necessary, I can take good care of my mother myself."

What Feng Qinqin said was from the heart, if it wasn't for the fact that her mother had no one to accompany her, she wouldn't let Lin Xiu take advantage of this loophole.

"Qinqin, don't worry, I just called my assistant, and he's gone to look for it. You'll be able to see it when you come over this afternoon."

Not to mention housework, he won't let Aunt Liu Ping do the sweeping work in the future.

Not to mention that the family couldn't hire a nanny at all, even if it was, he and his father wouldn't let her do anything.

However, Aunt Liu Ping likes to cook, so she can do it once or twice.

Hearing what Lin Shishuo said, Feng Qinqin was relieved.

"Okay, Qinqin, you can go, don't keep the Bo family waiting."

In the car, Feng Qinqin wiped away her tears, feeling very uncomfortable. She just got a certificate with Bo Zhongye and didn't move out from home, but if she really had to move out, she felt extremely reluctant.

Bo Zhongye didn't start the car immediately, but raised his hand to pinch her little face, with a gentle voice.

"Silly girl, it's not that I won't see my mother in the future, we can go to see her as long as you want, don't cry."

Feng Qinqin pursed her mouth and wanted to cry again.

Bo Zhongye was at his wit's end.

He leaned over and hugged her, let her back rest on the steering wheel, and gently comforted her with his big hands on her back.

"Silly girl, don't cry. If you are worried, I will ask Le Yuan to buy a house near the villa Lin Shishuo bought. When we have children, we can live there."

Anyway, he is not the only son in the Bo family, and they will move out of the Bo family compound to live alone in the future. Since they live everywhere, this can also make Qinqin feel at ease.

Hearing what he said, Feng Qinqin suddenly lit up, raised his hand to wipe away his tears, and asked with a choked voice.

"Really, is there a house nearby?"

If that's the case, that's great, since we have become neighbors with my mother, wouldn't it be possible to go wherever I want.

(End of this chapter)

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