Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 308 Have We Ever Had Status

Chapter 308 Have We Ever Had Status

"Of course there will be houses nearby, as long as I want to buy, there must be."

And what he wanted had to be the nearest one, he wouldn't even consider a distance beyond 10 minutes' walk, even if there wasn't one, he could find someone to rebuild a villa.

Feng Qinqin blinked, completely relieved now.

"Okay, then you can arrange it as soon as possible, how about we live together once a week?"

Bo Zhongye has no problem, as long as he lives with her, it's the same anywhere.

"Don't worry?"

"Well, don't worry."

Now I don't worry anymore, I struggled to get out of his arms, my back hurt from the steering wheel.

Bo Zhongye carried her back to the passenger seat, and the car drove out.

The Bo Family Courtyard.

Zhang Xiulan has been yelling in the living room for a long time, the whole family and servants are listening to her instructions on how to decorate Bo Zhongye's new house.

"Oh, did you buy Double Happiness? There are also lanterns and pictures of the baby. Hang them up soon."

Zhang Xiulan was in a hurry, she stood in the middle of the living room and watched them work slowly.

"Mom, don't worry, the housekeeper has already bought things to decorate the bedroom, and he will be back in a while."

When Qinqin called her son today, they were by her side. Hearing that she would live here in the future, the family couldn't be happier.

How long have they been looking forward to this? They will be able to live together as a family in the future, and they will not be afraid of lack of manpower to play mahjong.

No, as soon as the son left, the mother-in-law began to direct them to clean up the room and arrange the wedding room.

"Oh, did the butler go to embroider, or did he go abroad to buy it? Ah, how long has it been? I should be back even if I walk."

Zuo Yao: "..."

The butler had only been there for less than an hour, and besides, there were too many things to buy, it was impossible for him to go to only one store.

"Mom, let's wait a little longer, the housekeeper will be back soon."

Zhang Xiulan hummed twice, and did not continue the topic.

After saying this, seeing her second and third grandsons lying leisurely on the sofa, one reading a newspaper and the other reading a magazine, Zhang Xiulan spoke again.

"You two brats, come here and inflate the balloon for me, and then hang it in your brother's bedroom."

Bo Zhongqing: "..."

Bo Zhongwen: "..."

Isn't it enough that there are so many servants in this family, and you have to order them and brothers, grandma, are you a little too excited?

However, grandma is the boss of the family, no matter how unhappy they are, they can only get up and walk towards the pile of uninflated balloons resigned to their fate.

Seeing that the two brothers had blown up the balloon obediently, Zhang Xiulan went to direct the others with satisfaction.

Bo Zhongqing and Bo Zhongwen held a pink balloon in one hand and a pump in the other. Bo Zhongqing felt that he could crush the pump with two fingers.

Well, when he crushes the pump, grandma will crush him the next second.

"Awen, do you think our status will be lowered once my sister-in-law comes in?"

Bo Zhongwen didn't even look at him, he fiddled with the balloon in his hand, pondered for a long time but couldn't figure out how to cheer up, after hearing the second brother's question, Bo Zhongwen replied lightly.

"Do we usually have status?"

Bo Zhongqing: "...Can you not tell the truth?"

Originally, he was the one with the least status in the family. After grandma and dad warned him last time, he hadn't gone out to spend the night, let alone pick up girls.

Thinking about it makes me feel aggrieved.

Hey, if he doesn't have a girlfriend, he's not welcome at home. Now that his sister-in-law has moved in, he can't use his elder brother as a shield when his grandma wants to talk about it in the future.

After pondering for a long time, Bo Zhongwen found the place where the balloon should be inflated, picked up the pump and inserted it into the mouth of the balloon, and said while inflating.

"Isn't it true whether you want to tell the truth? If you don't have a girlfriend, you are not popular."

What's more, now the eldest brother doesn't just have a girlfriend, but a wife. In the future, his parents and grandparents will be more powerful if they want to train them.

Seeing that the third brother had found a way to inflate a balloon, Bo Zhongqing hurriedly followed suit and also inflated a full balloon.

"Don't hit it so full, don't explode in a while."

Bo Zhongqing paused for a moment with the hand holding the pump, turned his face to look at the third brother, and felt sorry for him.

In fact, he always thought that the third brother would be the first of the three of them to get married.

The result is now the worst person.

"Awen, didn't you think of going to find Qingqing? Are you planning to stay alone like this?"

It has been more than two years since Qingqing left, and Ah Wen really didn't think she was a fake at all.

Bo Zhongwen held the pump in his hand tightly.

Bo Zhongwen's eyes darkened, and then he continued to move his hands. When Bo Zhongqing thought that he would not answer as before, he opened his mouth.

"I'm waiting for her to come back, and she will definitely come back."

Although she hasn't come back for more than two years, her every move is in his sight, he knows she is safe, that's all.

As for their future, he is in no hurry.

He believed that when she had played outside enough and was tired, she would definitely come back.

Hearing his younger brother's explanation, Bo Zhongqing shook his head. If anyone in this family had the most personality like his grandfather, it would be his younger brother. He was an infatuated kind.

"Okay, as long as you feel good about it."

Even if he is his second brother, emotionally, he is just an outsider.

Zhang Ma, who passed behind the two young masters after cleaning up the room, just heard this sentence, and her body froze uncomfortably, but she left without saying anything.

The housekeeper quickly bought the double red happy characters and the garlands. The two brothers Bo Zhongqing saw that they were all unfinished garlands that had to be reworked, especially when they saw their mother, grandma and a bunch of servants. Studying how to synthesize it there, the two brothers looked at each other and decisively slowed down the speed of ballooning.

They have just learned how to make balloons, and they don't want to fix that jerk again.

Finally, before Bo Zhongye and Feng Qinqin came back, everyone worked hard to decorate the bedroom.

The whole family stood in front of Bo Zhongye's bedroom door, looking at his masterpiece inside, um, it seemed a little short, Zhang Xiulan let out a cry.

Bo Bingzhong and the others were startled by her voice, Zuo Yao asked quickly.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, don't scare us."

Is there any dissatisfaction here?

Zhang Xiulan pointed to the big bed leaning against the wall, and said: "The big bed is not festive at all, and it is not red at all. Hurry up and spread red sheets for me, and prepare red quilts!"

other people:"……"

Zuo Yao exhaled, turned around and said to Wang Ma.

"Bring the red sheet and red quilt over here." Zuo Yao thought of something, and added, "And the red pillow, bring them here."

Fortunately, I have already bought them before. I think they will be useful when my son and Qinqin get married in the future, so I can use them now.

Wang Ma hurried to get it.

As soon as Wang Ma left, Zhang Xiulan howled again.

Zuo Yao and the others were taken aback again, Zuo Yao had a mournful face.

"Mom, what else are you not satisfied with?"

As a mother, she hasn't been so excited yet, but her mother is in a hurry and doesn't know what to do.

Zhang Xiulan: "Have a precious son early."

"Red dates, peanuts, longan, and lotus seeds are all ready. They should be laid in a heart shape."

Everyone: "..."

It's not over yet.

Bo Zhongqing couldn't bear it anymore. He thought that if he slowed down the speed of inflating the balloon, he wouldn't need to fix the flower, but in the end, he was forced by his mother and grandma to do it. Isn't it because his sister-in-law came, and it wasn't marriage, really.

"Grandma, it's almost over. My sister-in-law won't care about these things. You'd better stop torturing us."

No matter how much you toss, it will fall apart!

Zhang Xiulan glanced at her grandson with old eyes and asked.

"Why did I toss you, ah, do you have an opinion? If you have an opinion, you can also bring me a granddaughter-in-law. Today, I won't toss anyone, so I will toss you. Tell me within 10 minutes. Buy four of them, or you won't go home!"

Bo Zhongqing: "..."

Grandma, it's wrong for you to rely on the old to sell the old.

Looking at the expressions of my parents and third brother, they all act as if the trouble you caused has nothing to do with us.

They will not sympathize with him, and if someone just bought it, they will not go out.

Bo Zhongqing let out a sharp breath, and went shopping as if resigned to his fate.

When Bo Zhongye and Feng Qinqin came back, what they saw was a family standing at the gate of the compound. The housekeeper, servant and nanny stood in front of them in a row.

"Welcome home, Young Mistress!"

Feng Qinqin: "..."

What, what is this for?

Bo Zhongye was also frightened by such a battle.

No need to ask, this must be grandma's masterpiece.

Feng Qinqin gave everyone a dry laugh twice, and bent over to this group of people.

"Thank you all, thank you all."

This battle is too big.

As a result, she married the boss of a gangster, and when she entered the village, everyone called her the eldest young mistress. That feeling was really the same.

Bo Zhongye smiled, then stepped forward and grabbed her waist and walked towards the living room.

"I said Mr. Bo, shouldn't we give them red envelopes with such a posture?"

Feng Qinqin asked in a low voice.

This is her first day officially settled in Bo's house, shouldn't she make a point?

"No, Mom and Dad must be ready."

When the two walked to the door, Bo Zhongye pushed the door open, but as soon as he pushed the door open, all kinds of colorful things flew towards them.

Feng Qinqin said again: "..."

Bo Zhongye also had nothing to say at this moment.

The family stood on both sides, the four parents stood on one side, and the two brothers stood on the other side. One of them held a tube of flowers in his hand and sprayed them straight at them.

Feng Qinqin laughed dryly again, she just came back to live, isn't this battle a little too big.

"Grandpa, grandma, parents, thank you."

Feng Qinqin was really touched by how well prepared she was in just a short while, which meant that the family valued her, didn't it?

"Silly boy, what are you thanking, come here quickly."

Zuo Yao went over and pulled her from Bo Zhongye's hand to hold her hand, then glanced at her son and said.

"Go, go and put Qinqin's luggage first."

With that said, she pulled Qinqin and walked towards her son's bedroom.

Feng Qinqin followed her and Bo Zhongwen pushed open the bedroom door with keen eyesight.

"Sister-in-law, welcome home."

Before Feng Qinqin could answer him, Feng Qinqin saw a blush, which almost blinded her eyes.

Bo Zhongye was no less shocked than her. How long did it take? It took so much effort for grandparents and parents to prepare so well.

"Grandpa, grandma, parents, thank you."

Feng Qinqin turned around and bent towards them.

They were so nice to her.

"Oh, look at this child, why keep saying thank you, we will be a family from now on, it's too late for us to be happy, hurry up, Wang Ma, pack Qinqin's luggage, and then start eating."

"Good lady."

The family sat at the dinner table, Zhang Xiulan's four parents didn't even close their mouths when they laughed.

Feng Qinqin felt it was a bit exaggerated.

It seems that the three sons of the Bo family are really worried about them.

At the dinner table, everyone kept adding vegetables to her bowl, and after a while, the bowl was piled up into a hill.

Looking at the chicken legs and other vegetables in the bowl, Feng Qinqin felt like crying.

"Parents, grandparents, food was put in her bowl, if she wants to eat, she will pick it herself."

 Aww, do you guys want to watch Bo Zhongwen and Yuqing first, or Feng Xiao and Niu Fang?

  Well, Qianqian already thought that you must want to read the story of the third young master, right?

(End of this chapter)

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