Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 313 Pregnant

Chapter 313 Pregnant (2 more)

Bo Zhongye also tilted his head to face her, held her face in both hands, and met her gaze.

Feng Qinqin ignored him.


Bo Zhongye called out again.

no response.


"Little daughter-in-law?"

After Bo Zhongye finished speaking, Feng Qinqin couldn't help but burst out laughing.

No, she can't hear this address, and she can't help laughing when she hears this address.

Seeing her smile, Bo Zhongye leaned over and kissed her pink and tender face, but he couldn't help but make a sound.

"Why is it so difficult to coax, obviously you are calling other men under me, but if I lose my temper, can't you coax me a little longer?"

Coax him a little longer?

Shouldn't this be what women and men say when they are acting like a baby?
"Then didn't I coax you?"

It's him who doesn't appreciate it.

"Then tell me, is your aunt gone?"

Feng Qinqin was speechless, she was still angry with her just now, now she started asking her aunt again.

"I'll get you the bath water."

After a long meal, she didn't go to bed until after ten o'clock. Before going to bed, Feng Qinqin felt a little pain in her stomach, and her lower abdomen was a little bit slumped, which seemed to be different from the pain she felt when she came to my aunt.

Feng Qinqin turned over and turned her back to Bo Zhongye. After a while, both of them fell asleep.

Early the next morning, when Feng Qinqin got up, Bo Zhongye had already left.

She rubbed her forehead, she fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at the time, it's okay, it's not yet 07:30, she got up quickly and went to the toilet with a aunt's towel, and then she felt that something was wrong.

When they got to the toilet, Feng Qinqin knew something was wrong.

She frowned delicately, why didn't she come?
Didn't my aunt come yesterday?

It was really strange, she touched her belly again, and it didn't seem to hurt anymore.

Thinking of this, Feng Qinqin shivered suddenly.

An idea came to her mind.

No, no way.

Probably not, the doctor said that it would take a year or so at the fastest, how long is that.

No, it may be caused by the instability of the aunt.

Counting the days, today is the 4th, and there are 21 days between her family's Mr. Bo's birthday, and the night of the 14th is her ovulation period.

Feng Qinqin hurriedly put on her clothes and was not in a hurry to go down. She picked up her mobile phone and searched how long a woman was pregnant to find out.

Seeing the above results, Feng Qinqin bit her lip, it can be measured in 10 to 14 days, and now it's 21 days, when her eyes inadvertently glanced at the lethargy above, Feng Qinqin was shocked again.

She slept like a pig yesterday.

Feng Qinqin sat down on the big bed, completely stunned.

The thought was so sudden that she hadn't reacted yet.

She, she really has a child?
Feng Qinqin's hand touched her belly unconsciously, as if there was a little life inside.

It would be great if there was one. This is the child of her and Mr. Bo. It must be very cute.

Just do you want to tell her Mr. Bo?
If he told her, he would definitely drag her to the hospital. If she went to the hospital and was not pregnant, wouldn't that make him very disappointed?
Forget it, it's better not to talk to him, buy an early pregnancy test after breakfast later, if so, she will go to the hospital to see.

After thinking about it, Feng Qinqin felt that maybe it wasn't, she didn't have morning sickness, she didn't even have this most obvious reaction, maybe it wasn't.

After breakfast, Bo Zhongye wanted to take her to the store, and then he went to school.

In the end, she was rejected by Feng Qinqin.

"You go first, I will go with Qingqing later."

"Okay, sister-in-law, I will go with you in a while."

Bo Zhongye left first, and then Bo Qingqing and Feng Qinqin also left.

In the car, Bo gently drove, Feng Qinqin sat in the passenger seat and stared blankly.


Bo slightly turned his face to look at her.

"Sister-in-law, shall we go?"

"Gently, I, I might be pregnant."


Bo slightly excitedly pressed the steering wheel for a long time, making a piercing sound.

Feng Qinqin covered her ears with both hands, but she still couldn't avoid the torment of the trumpet.

She just said one sentence, and she was so excited slightly, if she said this to her family, Mr. Bo, she would not jump up excitedly.

Bo Qingwei was more than excited, she was so happy, she grabbed her arm, and looked at her with beautiful eyes.

"Sister-in-law, is it true or not, are you really pregnant? I'm going to have a nephew?!"

Feng Qinqin's arm hurt from being held by her.

"Gently, let go of my hand first, it hurts!"

Bo let her go gently, not in a hurry.

"Sister-in-law, did I hurt you? Are you doing well? Will it hurt the baby?"

Feng Qinqin: "..."

How could this be more exciting than her?

"It's okay, I'm not sure if it is, so let you accompany me."

Bo let out a soft oh, it must have been reacted by the sister-in-law who said so.

"Sister-in-law, shall we go directly to the hospital?"

If you go to the hospital for an examination, you will know the result.

Thinking that he will be the first to know that his sister-in-law is pregnant, Bo Qingwei is very happy.

"No, let's go buy an early pregnancy test first, and then go to the hospital if it is."

Bo Weiwei thinks it's okay, it's safer.

The two went to buy three early pregnancy products, and then went to the toilet to try them all.

Feng Qinqin was a little afraid to see the result.

How much she hopes it is, whether it is her family Bo Zhongye or she, both want a child, what if the result is not?

Feng Qinqin took a deep breath, picked up Zaozaoyun and looked at it.

After seeing the result, Feng Qinqin felt that her heartbeat was about to stop.

Three early pregnancies, all three results showed that she was pregnant.

So, is she really pregnant?

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law?"

The thin girl outside can't wait any longer, it is very likely that she already has a little nephew.

Feng Qinqin opened the door of the toilet and came out, holding Zaozaoyun in his hand, Bo looked down slightly, and immediately yelled out.

"Sister-in-law, look, it's true. Let's inform elder brother and let him take you to the hospital for a checkup."

Feng Qinqin: "Let's go, this early pregnancy may not be accurate, if it is not right in the hospital, your elder brother must be very disappointed."

Bo said softly, but the three early pregnancies all showed that the sister-in-law was pregnant, so it must be.

"Okay, let's go to the hospital first."

"it is good."

The two quickly arrived at the Municipal People's Hospital. After the examination, they quietly waited for the results.

Bo Weiwei hesitated whether to send a message to her eldest brother, and the doctor called them over.

The gynecologist is a female doctor in her 50s with a very kind face. She looks like the kind of doctor who is suitable for welcoming a new life.

Dr. Xu looked at the results of the examination, then glanced at Feng Qinqin with a smile on his face.

"Miss Feng, you are pregnant."

Feng Qinqin and Bo Qingqing were stunned immediately, but fortunately Bo Qingqing still had a trace of reason, sneaked out of the outpatient room, called his eldest brother, and sent a message to worry that his eldest brother would not see him.

In the outpatient room, Feng Qinqin hadn't reacted to what the doctor said.

Doctor Xu looked at her, his smile froze on his face.

"Miss Feng, do you not want this child?"

She has seen many such things. The young lady in front of her is quite young, so she is not pregnant before marriage, so she can't have a child, right?
Feng Qinqin came to his senses all of a sudden, and then quickly shook his head.

"Yes, I want this child!"

Of course she wants this child, how could she not want it, this is her lifeblood.

"I thought you didn't want it?"

Doctor Xu smiled and said
Feng Qinqin scratched her head, thinking about her own reaction just now, and finally understood what the doctor meant.

"Well, I was too excited just now."

 Young Master Bo: I heard that I'm going to be a father.

  Qianqian: Well, yes, so would Mr. Bo want to reward me with something?
  Young Master Bo: If you want to reward, you are also rewarding my little daughter-in-law. Does it have anything to do with you?
(End of this chapter)

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